shaGuar; now I really feel bad you being flanders now....I liked there being 2 benders, because my favorite episode has 2 benders in it. The Farnsworth Parabox....
Bender A: I've got my eye on you, boy!
Bender 1: Don't even think about it, lunch-pail! You'd be dead before you hit the ground.
Bender A: Good point. Whattya say we just hit a strip joint?
Bender 1: I was waitin' for one of us to say that! [They cheer.] Bender A, you're a prince among robots. Can you forgive me for distrusting you?
[They hug.]
Bender A: Aw! I can't stay mad at what is essentially me. I love me!
[They take each other's wallets and chuckle.]
Bender 1: I'm not sad because I finally found someone as great as me. It's like I always say, "Make new friends and keep the old. One is silver--" Bender A: "And the other's gold."