The online racing simulator
Do your bit in the war against speed camera's
(32 posts, started )
Then there's always the option of encountering this duck on your way to work...
And try to explain that to the police:

Quote from Fordman :Well there is a few things you can do hear, not tried and tested mind you, but have heard from a Traffic copper who is a friend.

1. Slow down
2. Do the correct speed limit
3. Flash your lights, ( as when the camara flashes, all if gets is a flash back ) 4. Have reflective plates ( already mentioned )
5. Have no plates on the front ( front facing camara's cannot record rear moving vehicule )

6. Have no plates, and give the camara the Bird ( seen this, laughed alot )
7. Drive somebody elses car
8. Insist your car was stolen
9. Insist your wife was in labour
10.Insist your not from around these parts
11. Learn where the camara's are
12. Learn by your mistakes
13. Don't do it again


Oh forgot the obvious one.....

At least we know exactly where we can speed, anywhere that has a signpost warning of speed cameras up ahead. They want to make money, if they warn you theres a speed camera then they won't
On the subject of cars and public transport, this happened just before christmas that made me chuckle.

One of my housemates is a Polish guy, he was attempting to get a bus from where we live, on the outskirts north of Norwich, to the bus station, in the centre of Norwich, about 10-15mins drive.

He waited at our local bustop for 1.5 hours and no bus turned up, luckily I was on hand to give him a lift to the station, whilst we were driving we get talking about our public transport system, which is a complete joke, to cut a long story short, he basically says that the public transport system in this country is so bad, because we are all so rich that we can afford to drive everywhere, I wish this were the case, as I am so poor I can't afford not to drive everywhere LOL.

Back on topic, speed camera's only do one thing, punish you for going over the speed limit, they DO NOT make the roads any safer, everyone who has one iota of driving knowledge knows that the speeds limits are not always safe, there are many, many places I can think of that are 60 limits that would be unsafe to be driven at 60, and likewise, 30 limits that are ludicriously slow and could quite safely be driven at double that.

But, speeding is EASY to enforce, its an EASY way to make revenue, luckily (fingers crossed), I have never in 14 years been caught for speeding, because I generally stick to the limits, but it won't be long before I have my first I reckon.
Do your part and wrap plastic film (the type you put over food and stuff) around the camera(s) in your area. Or smudge the lens with vaseline. The camera will still work and it'll still flash and all that, but the pictures will be useless. The best part is that it looks unharmed.
We have red light cameras here. But not at every traffic intersection with a light, just ones that the city has determined to be more likely to have red light runners at. It sorta works, except now the idiots that run red lights seem to think it's legal to do so if there ain't a camera at the intersection.

Oh well in another five years or so, y'all prolly have to contend with GPS monitoring or something as well. I heard about that "misquito" emitter thingee y'all got over there (does that thing really work???)
Yeah, it won't be long before we'll have to wear three 6s on our heads and eat soylent green..... And everyone thought Ruby Ridge was a fluke.

Also, with these cameras everyone seems to be into using, will the cost of enforcing all the tickets and citations these cameras are going result in being issued be more than the revenue generated?

Like here if you get a ticket and not pay it or take it to court, you get a bench warrant issued for your arrest and if they get you, you go to jail for failure to appear in court and given some sort of fine amount in addition to the amount of the ticket(s) you can either pay that or serve your time in jail.
You serve your time at so many dollars per day (each city is different amounts)

Well the time you are in there costs taxpayer $$$ a lot of $$$ (you being in jail just two hours will cost as much as the fine for the bench warrant alone)
And a lot of people do blow off paying tickets and eventually they go to jail for it. With these cameras and the increase in tickets they create there's also going to be that many more people that are going to have arrest warrants issued. And that's going to cost money not generate it.

LOL do y'all still send people to debtors prison, then ship em off to Australia? If so then those cameras might just bankrupt your country!

Speaking of jails and law enforcement, I hear Saddam Hussein Was released today after serving a short stretch. I heard he was all choked up inside about it. (LOL "Gallows" humor )
The best thing is that if you want to challenge the ticket you need to pay for your own lawyer. In this country rapists and murders get a free lawyer, but if you commit I minro traffic offence you have to pay for it.