The online racing simulator
texture pack RED Projects (v0.95)
hi all

Destroem have made a beautifuul pack

go to this post and download this verry fabulous texture pack with track and many many thing

merry xmass and thanks again Destroem

go !!!!

http://lfsfrance.servergamers. ... showtopic=4120&st=420

link2 :
link3 :

Default Hires Skies by KiDCoDEa & Don Password "liveforspeedonly"
Evening sky for Blackwood by Electrik Kar
look here for the pic

Attached images
#3 - Jakg
like... what?

EDIT - Your post JUST appeared!

Not my thing, though...
go to keep !!!!!!!
Looks fantastic! Will d/l later after I've eaten another 14 selection boxes...:vomit::drink::drunk:
#6 - aoun
Downloading now man!! Top stuff..
#7 - Roby
hot job ! go go

is it just me, or does the 2nd picture (of westhill) seriously look like a picture taken from GPL?

i think the brick is to vibrant and colorful or just plain to bright or something, giving it a weird appearance
Cool pack
I like many of the textures, but I'm gonna keep the road textures that I have.
It's all very nice,i very very lkike it,but the mud in Blackwood Rallycross,is a ...its,not realistic....pls update them,but the mod verry good work!!!
looks cool, allthough i like default tarmac better... the packs tarmacs looks so rFactorish...
Nice work! It bring live for speed a new life!
But i don't like the backgrounds menu.

Very nice thanks for this one

And Happy New Year
Awesome! Great work!
<3 Woolfen =P
Yeah but blackwood rally i think is not so good. But the rest is perfect

werry nice work.

love this "addon"

makes the tracks have more personality.
There are some excellent textures in that pack, thankyou! :Eyecrazy:
I am sorry to be so blunt but........ the Blackwood texture of the rally track is absolutely horrible. It doesn't look realistic, tiling is too obvious and the tyre tracks in the mud look too BIG...

I do quite like the bricks idea but they do seem a little too bright and rich on colour, you should take a stroll outside and observe the colours you see around and take notes on colours! tarmac textures look interesting too, will give them a go later..

I'm only judging from the screenshots here, but I think the textures have too much saturation overall. It kinda makes me feel like it's 1999 all over. Can't say much about them without ingame testing, though.

Regarding the road textures, they are absolutely not my thing. The lines in them not only make polygon changes very apparent and downright ugly in some places, they also make it look very much like any of the ISI abortions which is quite a downer for me.

But don't give up, they have potential
I know that many things are not beautiful (I know,I know,I know..!)'s why.. I do not have post my work here..!
sorry for that !..but !... "woolfen" did not ask me the permission .. you do not have a completed work..!! ..(I would have to still close my mouth and wait to have finish ...I am too sympathetic!)..!
I work with very good textures for : grass,roads,bla bla bla.......!
The textures pack RED Projects ..will be updated in 15 days..!

wait a moment..please...and happy new year...!