The online racing simulator
Fuel Load Stored in Setup
(10 posts, started )
Fuel Load Stored in Setup
Could the Devs please change it to store the fuel load in the setup?

I like to have setups like bl5lap, bl10lap etc.

I went for a race today where i thought i had 27% set for my 10 lap (as i had the last time i used the car/setup), only to find after 3 that it was actually a fuel load i had set for my aston club race in the mini!
#2 - (SaM)
The amount of laps is different everytime. If you stored it with the setup, you'd need multiple setups for just one track. I mean, we've already got 1029 tracks dont we? Do we really want a list of 298t34 setups? (Yes including the letter.)
.. and if we had an info box on the setup.... then we know how much fuel it takes

..imo.. alot of the tracks use the same amount of laps.. like the oval, if you ever noticed, its almost alway 10 laps .. and most servers are like that
Quote :
The amount of laps is different everytime. If you stored it with the setup, you'd need multiple setups for just one track.

Yes, but you'd only need a couple... I have one for short races in which I use a small amount of fuel and the tires can heat up farther... One for medium length races where the tires are more consistent and the fuel load goes up to 50%... And one for long races where the fuel is at 100%...
At least that would give you a way to select a setup that lasts the race and always be competitive.
#5 - Gunn
Also there is a requirement for a qualifying set and a race set. Fuel storage included in the sets would be helpful.
I only really noticed when i went drag racing that the fuel load was not related to the setup , it would be nice to have it all incorporated.

an info box would be genius tho', for making little notes on what that particular set is like and stuff like that.
I like the setup notes thing But the fuel thing seems a bit useless to me. If you improve your BL setup, you have to make that changes in all of your 5, 10, 15 lap setups, and that doesn't seem very practical to me. I find easier to check fuel before I start a race and have only one setup to mantain.
An info box for various notes would be good indeed.

Instead of saving fuel load, LFS could save fuel consumption so you could have a laps slider in the garage menu and LFS would automatically set the fuel load required to do the number of laps you chose, but also keep the option to set it "manually" (like now).

A problem is some sets are good on several tracks so you'd have to save consumption data for each track you drove the set rather than just 1 value per set (and maybe LFS would always show/use the data for the curently selected track, if available).
IMO we need seperate "strategy setups", than we can choose when we want. This would include all the tyre replacement and fuel pit sliders.
I dont like the fact that if I made changes to my feul load in the live settings that it gets carried over to the next race . Lve should be for that specific race not for all races after that

Fuel Load Stored in Setup
(10 posts, started )