Lost connection to host
(10 posts, started )
Lost connection to host
I get disconnected from the server when I'm racing online. There is no lag when I get kicked out, I just suddenly disconnect from the server. The more people at the server, the sooner I get thrown out. I have done all the research needed to exclude my computer and my home network. I have ~40 ms ping and 2 Mb/s download speed and that is more than enough. My ISP says there is no problem with my connection from their side. I've done all the fault-detecting so that's not what I want help with.

My question is: when does the netcode/server decide that I have to be kicked out from the server? After a certain amount of time with no packets from my computer or is it something else? Or can it maybe be in my LFS that this decision is taken? I have no idea but I would like to know to help to figure out what the problem might be.

I know there are others that have this problem and the only solution seems to be to change ISP. My ISP says that they are not blocking any ports or doing any port cycling.
#2 - drgig
i could use the help too.

the busier the server the worse the problem.

it always seem to happen when someone else is trying to connect (i get booted and tha last message on the screen is "person has just connected"). half the time there isn't an error message, but i've been watching close and sometimes i get a "unable to remove - unknown!" and the other is "out of stash space".

the only thing consistent is the fact that someone else is connecting.

anyhelp greatly appreaciated.
I guess no one, except Scawen, knows this, so an answer from him would be nice.
Same here, get disconnected in 1-5 minutes, sometimes can't join a server either. Only had this today, not a single DC until today. I got a 10mbit connection that is stable in other online games, restarted system, flushed dns and released ip, turned of norton and firewall. Changed graphics, quality etc etc.. no change.

Any ideas? Or does everyone get this once in a while?

I've been having the same problem.
same problem here, i get the "mp replay - out of stash space" when i get booted.
I upgraded from an old Windows 2000 installation to a fresh XP installation and that cured the problem. nrgetik also reinstalled his OS and said that this fixed the problem.

It's very strange that a new OS can fix what seams to be a network problem.
i wouldnt call it that strange, windows 2000 was never a very good OS
Lotsi, im very glad that you were able to solve your connection issues. I bet it was a Microsoft scheme to get everyone to upgrade their OS, in two years windows XP will automatically fail, forcing everyone to upgrade to Vista

OMG I have just shouted a bunch of bad words after another sudden disconnection. It was 50m before finish line

I can't finish any longer race. Every lap is a lottery, so I can get 'Lost connection to host' on first, 2nd or 10th lap. There is no rule.

However, in DEMO times (cuople months ago) I can't tell you about ANY sudden disconnection like this.

I did a few races on demo servers (BLrev and SkidPad only - drifters and crashers...) and everything was ok. Then I joined to S2 server with 2 people in - Lost connection to host after some minutes. After that, I joined to S2 server, but with BL track tbo cars - disconection at 2nd lap.

I will race more at demo serves (if I find any non dorifto server...) to find out if I still don't get any disconnection.

No lag, no fps loss, no complete internet connectio loss, any other internet sofware works well. Just bah and I'm out of race

In my case it was avast antivirus, that batreyed me and caused 'Lost connection to host'. I've disabled him and done a few cool races without any problems
Maybe windows wouldn't automaticly download newest troyans and worms... gulp

Lost connection to host
(10 posts, started )