The online racing simulator
Post your wheel!
(158 posts, started )
Quote from Hurts2bStock :homade shifter, and driving force ps2 can laugh too

can I see your background for LFS garage... looks interesting
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Quote from imthebestracerthereis :can I see your background for LFS garage... looks interesting

Its my second garage, but still working on it.....I'll release it soon
#29 - Pig
Quote from Hurts2bStock :Its my second garage, but still working on it.....I'll release it soon

Before New Year's Eve maybe?
Quote from Pig :Before New Year's Eve maybe?

Sure, I'm pretty sure I can do that
#32 - Pig
Heres's mine.
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my setup.jpg
Nice setups here.

Jason, nice screen. Surely LFS is awesome on that.
This works fine with me:
My lovely wheel, no G25 for me till this breaks!!!

Racin Jason's setup looks real nice and danowat your wheel is as good as it gets, very jealous

Sometime I like to drag the wheel in front of this ... /hurts2bstock/HTLarge.jpg but until I get some sorta folding cockpit, its not as good as my desk, and 17" screen.

PS. the garage 2 is done and ready
Quote from Hurts2bStock :LOL...
1 part cat toy + 1 part dinner knife + 1 part old mouse = one very happy shifter...

:ices_rofl thats cool

Heres my own humble rig.
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Heres my antique MSFF-USB.... It's nearly as old as me...
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My Wheel.JPG
all u guys have only 1 pc
ill post mine when pimp my ride is over
here is my room

just wanna be a pimp :
current rig:
80gig maxtor hdd
256mb ram(mobo is a bit broke)
msi nx7600gs 512mb agp
amd sempron 2400 @ 1600
abit va20

for maybe june 2007:
am2 amd 64 dual core 5000mhz
msi.... i need 4 spaces for ram
and same vid card and hdd
and ofcourse 2 gig ram
#43 - wien
Plain vanilla DFP. I have to get rid of that Gran Turismo logo somehow. Just feels wrong looking at it.
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Quote from wien :Plain vanilla DFP. I have to get rid of that Gran Turismo logo somehow. Just feels wrong looking at it.

Nice clean setup and vanilla's a good flavor
#45 - Pig
Quote from Hurts2bStock :

PS. the garage 2 is done and ready

First thing i did when i logged in was to search for the Garage

After downloading it, i found my way around the rest of the forum.
[ot] It's GREAT! Thaaaaaaaaaaaaanks [/ot]
#46 - DeKo
Quote from JTbo :I have same chair and wheel

Except my chair did broke twice when racing so I made custom leg part for it as it always did broke it's leg

The big metal plate on 1 side of mine is where it broke, completely snapped in 2 when i leaned back on it one day. Not the sturdiest chairs in the world
Quote from Spangler_CZE :WOW fantastic..I love it Its DFP with momo wheel ?

Yes, DFP + Frex Adaptor + RL Momo wheel, expensive, but well worth it
I usually play with this one (left), sometimes one of those (right)
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oh that GT force wheel i wish i got that, i got the crappier version with no FFB and black grips... I'll post a pic later.

EDIT: cant find direct pictures of it, but essentially it is a similar design to the Formula Force EX but with different grip design and button designs/colors.. its a good wheel but wish it had proper FFB

EDIT2: just had a scroll down the page and saw "kiss me's" wheel, and that would be mine also although i dont have a good setup/layout like that

Post your wheel!
(158 posts, started )