The online racing simulator
Post your wheel!
(158 posts, started )
Quote from wien :Plain vanilla DFP. I have to get rid of that Gran Turismo logo somehow. Just feels wrong looking at it.

Hehe, paint it with black permamarker and glue a :lfs: logo on it
#52 - wien
Quote from Funnycat :Hehe, paint it with black permamarker and glue a :lfs: logo on it

Oooh. Business idea! Online shop selling "DFP conversion kits", or "stickers" to you and me. That'd sell like... in the tens!
Quote from Jonas8431 :I usually play with this one (left), sometimes one of those (right)

damn! that right 1 is that for lan party's or such?
Quote from wien :Plain vanilla DFP. I have to get rid of that Gran Turismo logo somehow. Just feels wrong looking at it.

You live in Norway and you drink Newcastle Brown? I didn't know that got exported!
#55 - wien
Quote from moeFinley :[IMG]You live in Norway and you drink Newcastle Brown? I didn't know that got exported!

Oh, me and "the dog" go way back. It actually isn't that hard to get a hold of right now, but it did suddenly disappear off the shelves for a couple of months this summer. Sad times indeed.
Quote from Jonas8431 :I usually play with this one (left), sometimes one of those (right)

Can you please elaborate on the 6 racing seat, 8 screens 6 momo wheel setup there? in advance
Quote from Hurts2bStock :Can you please elaborate on the 6 racing seat, 8 screens 6 momo wheel setup there? in advance

I know doesn't it look wonderfull! Jonas, when are we all invited round for some racing?
Quote from moeFinley :I know doesn't it look wonderfull! Jonas, when are we all invited round for some racing?

lol, everybody are invited, when you want, those are from Cuernavaca, Morelos México.
Quote from Jonas8431 :lol, everybody are invited, when you want, those are from Cuernavaca, Morelos México.

It looks like a fun setup for a team, thats for sure
Too bad Jonas' 6-setup uses momos,and not G25's,or atleast DFP's.....

momo driving force (black)sucks ass when compared to DFP/G25,and when it comes to realism.fact.
Quote from Jakg :with my ghetto rigged up pedals (accelerator on my Momo spikes, rest of the pedals off my ACT Labs ones are broken so i use the clutch as the accelerator), and yes, i know there in the wrong places but my desk doesnt help

hopefully ill have a G25 soon

Bahh Jack your "Ghetto" pedals are weak" Check mine out! Nothing beats the good old Wingman and wooden-pedal rig. Except the DFP thats's coming.
Attached images
ghetto pedal 1.jpg
Ghetto pedal 2.jpg
Quote from Thunderhead :Too bad Jonas' 6-setup uses momos,and not G25's,or atleast DFP's.....

momo driving force (black)sucks ass when compared to DFP/G25,and when it comes to realism.fact.

I know I know :weeping: :weeping:
what is that, it has handbrake O.o ?... i have a DFP... i have to look for my camera then i post the photos
This is where i live
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meh uberworkplace.
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#67 - Jakg
shouldn't that be "mein überarbeitsplatz"?
#68 - Jakg
i cba to get the extended characters out
cant be a**ed
Quote from LFSn00b :O/T: Jack on PCF/PCA?

Yeah, I'm "Recaro" on PCF. Now known as JackM. Your name on there?
Alright, first post(or I haven't posted in so long I don't remember). So i'll celebrate me buying an S2 License by posting my wheel.

Using a Logitech Driving Force Pro I bought in 2001... to use for Gran Turismo 3 lol.
Keep it old school(pic)
(cmckowen) DELETED by cmckowen
My stuff

#73 - mr_x
here's mine... 5 day old G25

Just excuse the wires everywhere
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Here's mine with my 13 hour old DFP. And yes my monitor set up is weird but I move it when I race so i can see better.
Attached images

Post your wheel!
(158 posts, started )