The online racing simulator
Why are the LX's not driven?
(41 posts, started )
#1 - axus
Why are the LX's not driven?
LFS has really started taking off in South Africa. We have been practicing all week for a race we have this weekend in the LX4 at Fern Bay Gold Reversed. I wasnt looking forward to it initially but after 20 laps in that car I was amazed. LFS S2 has put a totally different spin on the way those cars can be driven. It is one of the most satisfying cars to drive well now in S2. It has incredible feedback and you can steer the car with the throttle so nicely. My question is this - looking at the LFS World stats on the LX4, it is the least driven car after the XR GT (which has lost its charm in S2, I will admit - it is almost boring to drive). Just give it a try - with a good setup it can be one of the best drives you will experience in LFS and don't go and drive it on the oval - there it isn't ever gonna be as good fun.
LX4 was my favourite car in S1.

Unfortunately i just dont like it anymore

Im wondering if it still needs updating at all? Graphically and suspension configuration?

Im just wondering if its likely to improve?

I want to like it, its just a chore to drive.
#3 - axus
Duuno - it just does it for me with the new physics. Saying that, my driving has improved loads since S2 because the physics have allowed me to feel what I do wrong and what I should be doing. My throttle control is much better and I can practically enjoy all cars out there. I feel like I'm doing the driving with the LX's - not the car like I feel with the FXO GTR.
#4 - Tomi
I still love them and race them, but I think all S1 cars should have access to the racing tires. They are simply not competitive anymore.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#5 - Fetzo
with the lx6 being so easy to drive in s2, the lx4 is just boring,imho.

instead of the lx4 i would like to have a lx with more grunt. it does not have to be a monster like the lx8, but 220-240 HP would be nice.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Driving on road tyres is a totally different experience and a fun challenge, and if slicks were available across the board we'd never see the road tyres again, which would be a shame.

If there was a server-side option to configure which types or tyres are available then maybe it would be a nice idea to have free selection of tyres offline, since then people would need to practice driving with road tyres if they wanted to compete in a road-tyres-only event.
#7 - ajp71
Reducing the range on your wheel is esential to get anywhere with any of the road cars, I use about 60% which feels a lot better but I can't catch all the slides.
#8 - axus
Quote from Tomi :I still love them and race them, but I think all S1 cars should have access to the racing tires. They are simply not competitive anymore.

Maybe semi-slicks but not slicks, no. That would ruin their appeal for some. I feel that despite the fact that the FZ50 GTR is amazingly fast and amazingly powerful, taking it to the ragged edge doesn't require as much focus and skill as getting the standard FZ50 on the edge. Last week Sunday we drove the FZ50 and the RA at South City Classic - amazing combination. I love road cars on road tyres without downforce going around a track. You have to slide them just a bit to get the best out of them and if you slide the racers like that it isn't as fun or as rewarding. I would definately like to see a car on semi-slicks tho. Maybe an LX with more grunt and semi-slicks ? And a 400-450hp road car in the same class... Ahhhhh - perfection.
Quote from Fetzo :instead of the lx4 i would like to have a lx with more grunt. it does not have to be a monster like the lx8, but 220-240 HP would be nice.

What I've been wanting actually!

Basically a 'track day' version of the LX4. All it would be is a LX4 with a slight bit more power, rollcage, tiny driver windscreen, slightly larger slick tires, and of course lightened a bit. A superlight version kinda . I was really looking forward to the LX8, and not having a race version of an LX is sad for any racing game
I think it is a fun little car, and given the right track with the right people, it is still a hoot to race. I think that Fern Bay offers the best tracks for this car. Unfortunately, I also think that Fern Bay also has the slickest pavement.

Honestly, still the best racing I have had in S2 have been in the LRF cars and the GTi and GT, still. The GTR's are awesome and fun, but I just don't quite feel right in them yet. The FOX can be a blast, try it on Aston Cadet, you'll break a sweat

OLFSL started it's current season on Blackwood with the GT and GTi. Unfortunately, the GT now seems to be outclassed by the GTi by almost a second on BL1. Still, I am very comfortable in both cars and lap pretty well in them. It was a heck of a good race.

I was looking at the Caterham web site. Why the heck are those cars so bloody expensive? Even the kit built ones are over $22,000 US for the basic model.
#11 - axus
Quote from ajp71 :Reducing the range on your wheel is esential to get anywhere with any of the road cars, I use about 60% which feels a lot better but I can't catch all the slides.

Not necessarily - I did this with 900deg rotation
(watch the attached movie)

Don't flame me for being a drifter - I'm not - I didn't have an internet connection at the time and we getting bored.
Attached files
CRC^vAxus.SA_SO3_FZ5_9.spr - 12 KB - 256 views
#12 - axus
Quote from xaotik :If there was a server-side option to configure which types or tyres are available then maybe it would be a nice idea to have free selection of tyres offline, since then people would need to practice driving with road tyres if they wanted to compete in a road-tyres-only event.

There is an idea - I think that would literally almost double the number of potential racing combinations without much effort. Maybe track-spec versions of the road cars? Nothing fancy - just Semi-Slick or Slick tyres and a slightly lower weight - 100kg or so (assuming you ripped out carpets, spare wheel, rear seats etc).

EDIT: Instead of adding new cars to the cars screen just have it as an option for the cars in the Info section of the setup screen like the open roof thing. But this option should be restrictable by the server.
Try these sets of mine. I've spent a lot of time on them, and they can beat very challenging world records by at least 1 sec or higher I just haven't hotlapped or felt like it.

The key is to have FULL lock for the steering, very low tire pressure, low rear anti-roll and medium to high camber settings. The car may be twitchy and you WILL be doing small corrections everytime, so have your steering wheel compensation setting on very high... it is necessary for this car. It is a handful! But that is the only way to be fast in the car... because if you have a car that has ultra grip, it will have to be a sluggish car.

The LX4 isn't driven much, but it is fun to drive since it is so easy. But the LX6 is where it's at
Attached files
LX6_TWEAK-KY2-RACE1.set - 132 B - 985 views
LX6_TOWN TEST 5.set - 132 B - 1103 views
LX6_FE2-TWK-3.set - 132 B - 953 views
#14 - axus
Thanks Tweak, I will put one in for the LX4 @ Fern Bay Gold Reversed. It can do a 1:34 - I have the splints for it. My PB with it is 1:35.27. World Record was smashed to bits yesterday by Eza from 1:35.93 (by me - I had it for a few minutes after I took it from Raiku who's time is 1:36.03) to 1:34.72 IIRC. I have compared my set to Eza's and it is totally different...
Attached files
LX4_FE3REV_Dev.set - 132 B - 1112 views
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#15 - OPK
Quote from thisnameistaken :Assuming they're all imported, I suppose that would have something to do with it. It's not that expensive anyway is it? Compare it to the cars that it will completely wipe the floor with on-track, and it's a total bargain.

No, the price was off their website at about 13,000 Pounds. I just did a guestimate conversion to $.
#17 - JTbo
I often drive LX4, also LX6 too, but LX6 is bit heavy nose so I drive it mostly at low revs so I can enjoy engine's music
Quote from Hallen :No, the price was off their website at about 13,000 Pounds. I just did a guestimate conversion to $.

LOL with the exception of this game and that funky pistol that's a revolver that breaks open to reload, most everything that I've seen either being sold in or being imported from the UK is expensive.
(kicks self for not getting pistol when I had the $$$)

Uhhh getting back on topic
The main reason I got into LFS to begin with was because of the LXs
Mostly I was limited to using the LX-4 on rally servers. I dunno why no one
uses the LX-4 in S-2.
I do know that the LX-6 is alot of fun and it's easier to use now than what
the LX-4 was in S-1.
Personally, I prefer the LRF class above all the other ones.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
could be that i'm a alien rwd fool, but I love the lx6! Not many of us out there, but I have met a few online
Quote from Racer Y :most everything that I've seen either being sold in or being imported from the UK is expensive.

Yeah, well you can blame your ecomony for that. USD is weaker than a school disco shandy at the moment. Used to be that you got 1.4 USD to the pound, now its about 1.8-1.9.
Quote from colcob :Yeah, well you can blame your ecomony for that. USD is weaker than a school disco shandy at the moment. Used to be that you got 1.4 USD to the pound, now its about 1.8-1.9.

Really? I can?
Gee whiz, as far as I can remember it was always roughly 2dollars for a pound.
LOL kinda like buying meat or produce... But I thought that was because the
UK had to overinflate things to help pay off it's BIG Gov't social programs...
Gee I didn't know that pererpetual over pricing was due to the good
'Ol US of A.... Man, we're such a bad country.... Shame on us.......
Quote from Racer Y :Really? I can?
Gee whiz, as far as I can remember it was always roughly 2dollars for a pound.
LOL kinda like buying meat or produce... But I thought that was because the
UK had to overinflate things to help pay off it's BIG Gov't social programs...
Gee I didn't know that pererpetual over pricing was due to the good
'Ol US of A.... Man, we're such a bad country.... Shame on us.......

Bull. The last time it was "roughly 2dollars for a pound" was 1993.
Quote from Racer Y :Really? I can?
Gee whiz, as far as I can remember it was always roughly 2dollars for a pound.
LOL kinda like buying meat or produce... But I thought that was because the
UK had to overinflate things to help pay off it's BIG Gov't social programs...
Gee I didn't know that pererpetual over pricing was due to the good
'Ol US of A.... Man, we're such a bad country.... Shame on us.......

Coo touchy. I just meant that the exchange rate currently means that imports generally are expensive for americans, wasnt trying to make a political point (nor would I bother because I suspect our politics are light years apart).

If its any consolation, american goods over here, particularly computer and entertainment products, just get the dollar symbol swapped for a pound sign and the numbers left the same.

I think any developed country tends to only export its higher value goods, or its Unique Selling Points.
Quote from Racer Y :Really? I can?
Gee whiz, as far as I can remember it was always roughly 2dollars for a pound.
LOL kinda like buying meat or produce... But I thought that was because the
UK had to overinflate things to help pay off it's BIG Gov't social programs...
Gee I didn't know that pererpetual over pricing was due to the good
'Ol US of A.... Man, we're such a bad country.... Shame on us.......

Note to everyone. In case you didn't know, we 'muricans are not all this clueless. Thank you, that is all.
I like to drive the LX cars. They are tricky to be fast.

Unfortunately I'm very bad on setting up a car, so I didn't find yet a good balance for the lx cars for S2, but they are way easier than in S1....

A lot of people prefer to drive the downforce cars on LFS. I actually prefer to drive the non-downforce cars while the aerodinamics are so limited ( the cars loose grip way too much on slipstream, slipstream is exagerated, and the undertray bug on long straight tracks).

Why are the LX's not driven?
(41 posts, started )