Anyone got anything they're promising to do/stop doing this year? I generally don't make resolutions myself, because I have no idea what circumstances I'll end up that may force me to break them. For example, what if I resolved not to smack anyone upside the head in 2007 and then I met James Allen? He'd make a liar out of me!
TBH though, I have reached a decision not to post so much this year. I was thinking about all the crap I posted in '06 and decided that very little of it had any merit or other redeeming features. Also, I had a long, chilled-out break over Chrisbo without much internet, TV (except for cricket) or PC gaming time and really didn't miss it at all - which made me smile! Those of you who may have read some of my essays/rants may well be breathing a sigh of relief, and those of you who don't know me from a bar of yellow soap (the majority, I'll assume) won't notice and won't give half a shit.
Thing is, I got back from my Christmas break and, when I'd normally fire up my PC straight away and spend a couple of hours catching up with news and events both in the real and gaming world and spamming a few forums I visit, I didn't turn it on for a couple of days and only then for ten minutes, to check my email and bank accounts. I looked at a few forums and thought "Wow, I really don't care about 99% of what's being said here. Why the hell do I spend so much time reading & contributing these damn things?". I unclamped my Momo and put it to one side and said "I'll race again when I feel like it". I've not played a single game of any sort since being back from my vacation and really haven't cared to at all. Feels good! I used to almost feel chained to my PC - almost scared that I'd lose all my mad gaming skills if I didn't play anything, or miss a patch or update for a game or something else similarly unimportant (in the grand scheme of things) and now I'm indifferent

Sure doesn't bother me though. Lots of other things to keep me occupied - band (gigs imminent, finally!), new bike, dog, among other things. Anyone else experience this attitude-shift lately?
Anyway, if you've got some NY resolutions or thoughts on the subject, share 'em. If you noticed or formed a new dislike for forums/the net in general (except for obvious, tiny pockets of useful sanity that you frequent) or a general apathy toward gaming/your PC in general over the past few weeks/months, share those thoughts too!
BTW I'm at work, hence the big fat post. It sort of had to be big to provide context

If I was at home you wouldn't hear a peep outa me.