Hate to say it, but the fact that GTL GTR GTR2 WTCC etc etc ad infintitum seem to have great licenses is cos they have paid megabucks for them, and this cost has to be borne by somebody. Do we have any budding Einsteins who would like to be the first to guess WHO is gonna pay for them??
OK, so the ISI engine is a bit more realistic than NFS, but, (and its a BIG but), they (Simbin) seem to be going down the EA route of put it in a shiny box, call it a new game, and rip off as many people as possible!
I have _PLAYED_ (term used expressly!) on GTR2 a bit, and for me, the most noticeable thing was the Force Feedback....mainly cos the wheel wouldnt stop juddering!! (realistic road feel?) OK, I may not have driven many ultra-high performance sports cars in my time, but I'm damn sure that if I bought a Ferrari and it shook like that it would go straight back to the shop!
As for cornering, there is no 'feel' at all, it is almost as if the wheel input was exactly the same as a compensated keyboard.
Bottom line is, that if WTCC is anything like GTR2, then I wont waste my time downloading the demo, let alone waste my cash in lining Simbins pockets!
Final Word:
[tip] Wait for the rTractor mod to come out and play that instead...bet you wont notice any difference...except the price maybe!
