I am trying to upload 4 images at once. First time trying this script or anything like it. Anyone let me know where i'm going wrong. it will only upload the 1st file. It 'dies' when trying the 2nd.
Prob something obvious but i'm a PHP n00b! 
Can anyone help?
copy ($_FILES['imagefile']['tmp_name'], "files/".$_FILES['imagefile']['name']) or die ("Could not copy file 1");
copy ($_FILES['imagefile1']['tmp_name1'], "files/".$_FILES['imagefile1']['name']) or die ("Could not copy file 2");
copy ($_FILES['imagefile2']['tmp_name2'], "files/".$_FILES['imagefile2']['name']) or die ("Could not copy file 3");
copy ($_FILES['imagefile3']['tmp_name3'], "files/".$_FILES['imagefile3']['name']) or die ("Could not copy file 4")

Can anyone help?