let me dare to say: it's better this way (to have no packet loss)
another things to try:
- download full lfs version V and make a new installation (i know how silly looks this hint, but surprisingly many times it works (thanks microsoft!) simply because sometimes a file copy or an unzip may fail for various reasons and not telling you)
- disable w-lan from your router and any other not needed features (logging, etc.) that may slow down your router
- after you have joined to an lfs server press ctrl+T, you should see a message like "asking for tcp connection for position updates"
- check your security software that may slow down lfs with the process of transmitting and receiving packets (firewall, process guard, etc.) and eventually find alternatives or a way to circumvent the side effect
- patch your tcpip.sys for
unlimited connections (lvllord.de), i know it may not seem so, but a not patched tcpip.sys may prevent even a simple program with a single connection to work with the network