Will i lose my license? [when formatting]
Hello there i'd like to ask somebody who knows LFS better than me something. So my computer is a bit littered with stuff that is downloaded by my younger sister and all that non needed stuff, and because of that i would like to format my disc and here is my question if i format the disc will i loose my LFS license and how to buy another one? Or i will just download the LFS and unlock the game again? Thanks for any help!
download and unlock!
#3 - axus
No, you will not. You get an extra unlock every month if you have less than 2. They build up to a maximum of 2 unlocks. You will be able to unlock LFS again after you reinstall your operating system.
I will loose your license for not reading the FAQ

Quote :Answer to: How often can I unlock?:
Initially you will be granted 3 unlocks. In addition, you get an additional unlock available every first day of the month, provided you do not already have 2 unlocks available. So unless you are having severe problems with your computer, you should be fine and always able to unlock LFS again after a reinstallation of Windows for example, or when you buy new computer parts or a whole new computer.


... in addition to that, you can always ask an extra unlock from the devs if you ran out of unlocks and can't wait for the next month.
Oops sorry for another non needed topic, but anyway thx for quick help!
Quote from squidhead :and ask politely

So you mean don't say:

FFS sned m3h unloooks n00b!111!!!oh!!


Crap, when did I pass 500 posts? Youch.]
Remember to write down your passwords before doing the formatting!