The online racing simulator
School of english language
(29 posts, started )
#1 - JTbo
School of english language
I don't know if there is anyone interested about this, but I was just thinking if we would write something here and then others would guide/comment about spelling errors and if arrangement or use of words is funny, idea is to learn and improve our english skills.
You can write about anything, local news, races in lfs what ever you like.

So cheerful and postive commenting is wanted, errors are allowed here as we are trying to learn from those now. Also would be great if commenter would suggest better words which would be better if there is some funny words used.

Anyone can start, you can start for example spotting and commenting errors from this my text (There is plenty of errors in my text, specially all those little words between words are difficult), remember to always quote part of text you are commenting.
#2 - (SaM)
I'll start:

"..anyone interested about this, but.."
It's always 'interested in'.

"..thinking if we would write something.."
Would should be could.

"..and if arrangement or.."
It's either arrangements or the arrangement. In this context, the grammar would be even better.

"Also would be great.."
That should be 'It also would be great', or 'It would also be great.'

"There is plenty of errors in my text.."
Yes there are.

There are more errors, but these should get you started.
I don't know if anyone is interested in this, but I was just thinking if we could write something here, and then others would guide/comment about the spelling errors and the arrangement, or use, of funny words. The idea behind it is to learn, and to improve our English skills.
You can write about anything - local news; races in LFS; whatever you like.

So, cheerful and postive commenting is what I want. Errors are allowed here as we are trying to learn from those now. [not sure of this last sentence] Also, it would be great if the commenter could suggest better words if there are some funny words used here.

Anyone can start. You can start, for example, by spotting and commenting on errors from this, my text (there are plenty of errors in my text, 'specially all those little words between the words are difficult). Remember to always quote the part of text you are commenting on.


That's my version of what you wrote, without altering the meaning too much. It seems that most of the problems you have are between is and are, which I suppose is a tense problem (past, present, future tenses), and might be totally weird in your own language.

But, what you wrote was totally understandable (apart from one sentence, in which I don't know what you were trying to say), so don't worry too much. The little nuances aren't 'important' in English, it's still understandable, but show you aren't a native English writer. However, your English is way way better than my Finnish/German/French/Dutch/American/Chav/Romanian... so I can't critise you one little bit.
My little contribution - every mum's pet nag:

Little boy: "Can I got to the toilet?"
Nagging mother: "Yes you can but you may not."
Not sure about how a certain word is spelt? Google it! Either the G says 'you dumbass, it's spelt lesBians!' or the one with more hits is correct.
#6 - (SaM)
Quote from spankmeyer :Not sure about how a certain word is spelt? Google it! Either the G says 'you dumbass, it's spelt lesBians!' or the one with more hits is correct.

Ha, I do that. But it's not always correct. The one with the most hits is the one most people think it's spelt, doesnt always mean it's right.
Also, when I see 390.000 hits on a misspelt word, Google just told me there are at least 390.000 idiots on earth.
Ahhh but you gotta keep an eye on possible dictionary links in the top 10 hits. That's a good sign you wrote your choice of porn correctly.
#9 - JTbo
Thanks guys, got lot of information already, just takes time to get it completely in use

Tristan, that odd sentece means just that if you spot some word that really don't fit in, like (SaM) did spot the word grammar to fit better in place of "arrangement or use of words is funny" .

I do use Google quite often actually for checking words, also this firefox has spell checking, it just does not work in this forum for some reason, have had no time to check if there is way around it yet.

And please, others too, post short texts and come into world of learning, it wont be wasted effor, I will guarantee that, it will be always better what more you do know about language, easier to express your thoughts to others etc
What about this snippet:

"Imho, HC mode does not offer anything interesting in itself. It just doesn't work in practise. What works, is to give users the option to run the sim how he/she likes it, within reason of course. Looking at LFS, it should offer as realistic experience as possible with the normal settings. This normal "mode" includes false starts, clutch supports and engine damages etc.. With options we could change the start to rolling starts with or without formation laps, disable midrace join, limit camera options and limit the use of driving aids and allow people to get in the servers only with certain types of controllers. These are all just simple options for the server admins who want to set up their servers as they please.

Should one be punished because he/she is using "lesser" equipment? Should one be slower with paddles if the car has H-pattern shifter? I say yes. It is not a question about money or skill, it is a question of seriousness towards the hobby, level of dedication. People who have either bought or built their own cockpits with real alike controls are dedicated to their hobby and want to use their hardware without being punished for it. In the end, should the use of aids be penalized instead of use of certain hardware?"


EDIT: If anyone wants to learn some finnish, I may know few things
#11 - Gunn
Quote from spankmeyer :Ahhh but you gotta keep an eye on possible dictionary links in the top 10 hits. That's a good sign you wrote your choice of porn correctly.

But remember, not all dictionaries are the same. The American ones for example, are not correct. You need to be aware of the differences in the way some cultures change the English language if using online dictionaries.
Quote from Bob Smith :My little contribution - every mum's pet nag:

Little boy: "Can I got to the toilet?"
Nagging mother: "Yes you can but you may not."

:jawdrop: at last. Now I understand how use these words
Me right bad english? That's unpossible illepall
Quote from Bob Smith :My little contribution - every mum's pet nag:

Little boy: "Can I got to the toilet?"
Nagging mother: "Yes you can but you may not."

and the lfs forum version:
no you cant your bananas on fire
#15 - JTbo
Quote from Hyperactive :What about this snippet:

EDIT: If anyone wants to learn some finnish, I may know few things

I really fail to see any errors in there
#16 - JTbo
Quote from Gunn :But remember, not all dictionaries are the same. The American ones for example, are not correct. You need to be aware of the differences in the way some cultures change the English language if using online dictionaries.

It is sometimes really hard to even know if some words are American English or England English and even harder is to understand difference. For example tyre is tire, but I think tyre is not one to be used?
Quote from JTbo :I really fail to see any errors in there

Heh, I have to admit that I slightly edited the original version
Quote from JTbo :It is sometimes really hard to even know if some words are American English or England English and even harder is to understand difference. For example tyre is tire, but I think tyre is not one to be used?

Tyre is English, Tire is American.
Colour is English, Color is American.
Fount is English, Font is American.
Centre is English, Center is American.

There are many other different spellings of words where the Americans shifted letters around or dropped letters because it is easier to spell.

I found this website when I was trying to find the rule for affect/effect, it is rather helpful.
Quote from JTbo :For example tyre is tire, but I think tyre is not one to be used?

yes it is. Tyre is correct English, American's just made up their own version. Like "centre" (uk) and "center" (us), "metre" (uk) and "meter" (us) etc...
Quote from JTbo :For example tyre is tire, but I think tyre is not one to be used?

A tyre is the black rubber stuff on my rims which make up my wheels To tire is to suffer exhaustion or to become tired, if you become tired it cirtainly doesn't meen you have been tyred!
Quote from Shotglass :and the lfs forum version:
no you cant your bananas on fire

No you can't, your banana's on fire
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Glenn67 :A tyre is the black rubber stuff on my rims which make up my wheels To tire is to suffer exhaustion or to become tired, if you become tired it cirtainly doesn't meen you have been tyred!

Is that a medieval torture similar to tarring and feathering? I suppose you end up like the Michelin man
Quote from thisnameistaken :Americanised spelling of "Penalised" - go to the bottom of the class!

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the majority of native English people can't write English as correctly or effectively as you.

Nah, I wrote that stuff twice, you can check the original version here

Quote from nikimere just said it alot better

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :It would not be an exaggeration to say that the majority of native English people can't write English as correctly or effectively as you.

I didn't get the impression that he wanted to write English correctly just that he would like to come accross more natural and less laboured in his writing of English

@JTbo I find much of what you write quite easy to follow, but there is the odd sentance or two that takes a few times to read over before I get what your saying

A recent post of yours starts off well, but while I get the main gist of what you are saying you do loose me in a few places

Quote from JTbo :That should be 'gives more power to the wheel with less grip. Torsen and Quaife differentials are those what gives more power to tire that has more grip.

And yes, there is no adjustable preload in LFS currently wich is important with clutch pack diff, I think that it is not locked any time at all in LFS, but always having slip going on as much as % is set, but I'm not sure, it can be that there is predefined preload, rather difficult to test in game.

Locker diff would be rather interesting to have too, damn that thing is nasty if not used to it, that is on/off type and it really locks immediately, nice for drifting, annoying when parking.

That should be "gives more power to the wheel with less grip". Torsen and Quaife differentials on the other hand, give more power to the wheel that has more grip.

And yes, there is no adjustable preload in LFS currently. But there might be a predifined amount of preload, although this is difficult to test in game so I'm not too sure about that. I do think having adjustable preload is important for the clutch pack diff.

A locker diff would be rather interesting to have too, damn those things are nasty if your not used to them. They are the on/off type and it really locks immediately, would be nice for drifting but annoying when parking.

@tristancliffe aint English a wondeful language
Quote from deggis :

How about these... make a searchbox keyword for Firefox and it's as fast as Google would be.

I use as my searchbox. I find it's the best, as it combines "100" different encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Though, sometimes you need a dictionary to understand the answer for the word you found in the dictionary... Then I use Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, because its descriptions are very easy to understand. But it lacks new hipwords and teenagese, then it's Urban Dictionary.

I'll just attach the rest of my "wtf does that mean" bookmarks I've accumulated and not bother to describe them. There's too many and I'm :sleep1:
Attached files - 4.5 KB - 121 views

School of english language
(29 posts, started )