Quote from ZORER :Are we going to do this on practice server?

You can do it there, yes, or start your own server (when choosing multiplayer, then "start new game"), make it private and lap as many times as you want. =)
Well, 50 laps sounds fair enough. Too bad all my practice up to now was offline lol
Quote from traxxion :If possible, please put me down as backup driver for XF GTR

Could I please get a confirmation whether or not the above is accepted? I would need 25 more laps on this track in that case
My name in the entry list is missing the "sen"

This race are going to be very interesting with all those different cars on track.
Quote from traxxion :Could I please get a confirmation whether or not the above is accepted? I would need 25 more laps on this track in that case

Yeah, if 2 people are unable to make THIS race, you are in. You will be informed, if so, and in adequete time.

Quote from bo-kristiansen :My name in the entry list is missing the "sen"

This race are going to be very interesting with all those different cars on track.

Very VERY interesting, which is why I think so many people jumped on this so quickly.
Next month's race wont be as long, but the traffic will be the biggest challenge. Want to wager a guess? Hehehehe
Lots of arguments may occur after the race about lapping incidents. Faster cars should be very patient while lapping because the gt3 category is made of really loose cars which can easily lose control in a small touch of a bumper.I'm not saying this because i'm in gt3 but i can see gt1 guys yelling "-Get out of my way noob!!!"
Quote from ZORER :Lots of arguments may occur after the race about lapping incidents. Faster cars should be very patient while lapping because the gt3 category is made of really loose cars which can easily lose control in a small touch of a bumper.I'm not saying this because i'm in gt3 but i can see gt1 guys yelling "-Get out of my way noob!!!"

Well, that is why I will be spectating instead of racing. If you read my rules, you will see there will penalties for such an occasion. Plus, there are so many straightaways on AS_HIST the GT1's should not have a problem.

What I want YOU to do is, practice, and enjoy yourself come race day, alright?
#58 - Davo
There shouldn't be lapping incidents if the LRF class just stick to their line and let the faster car pass without incident or blocking. The GTRs are a good 30s a lap quicker and can easily outrun and outbrake them if given the room.

That's part of competing in the lowest class is about, making sure the faster cars can get past but also at the same time trying not to lose time to your own opponents.

With the faster class cars its having to lap other cars without losing time, and the fwd GTRs have to deal with both getting lapped and lapping
#59 - Vain
I have a question about the start:
The FWDs start incredibly slowly from the standing start. The LRFs will qualify behind them, but they will propably overtake them on the start. This will very propably cause a lot of trouble.
Should we consider a moving start?
The driver with pole in each class leads his field around the track in medium pace after the start. The admin uses rcm-messages to instruct them to drive quicker or slower. After the 'formation-lap' the different classes should have around a minute time between each other. The race starts right behind the final chicane.
The procedure is practiced once directly before the event.
We should observe starts on the practice server and decide on this. I didn't yet drive with many FWDs together.

To the other drivers: I will make extensive use of the indicators. If I indicate left that means I will stay on the left side (that's how it works on racetracks here). So watch the indicators and passing will be a lot easier for both of us. I advice other drivers to also use the indicators.

+1 for the rolling start but i don't think it's necessary to make a 1 minute gap imo.

+1 for the indicators as well.
I'd like to sign up for LX6 if that last spot is still open.
Sorry, but
-1 for indicators, can lead misinterpretations and we all have common sense,
and -1 for rolling start - just wait for next straight to pass them again.
Quote from Vain :I have a question about the start:
The FWDs start incredibly slowly from the standing start. The LRFs will qualify behind them, but they will propably overtake them on the start. This will very propably cause a lot of trouble.
Should we consider a moving start?


At this point in time I will have to pass in regards to a moving start. Let all the racers keep in mind that this is not a 5 lap dash, so keep it cautious on turn one...even if that means letting a FZ5 pass you, you can easily overtake when turn one gradually becomes a high speed curve. And an FZ5 is quicker on long straights than the XFR, as I was amazed at a few days ago. Just you wait, GT2 people, when Vain just pulls away on the "stadium straight".

This is going to be one fun race, if everyone is mindful of their cars limitations, and their mirrors!
Another thing to consider is that with the closing speed the GTRs have on the LX6s on the straights, by the time we've seen a blue flag, it's often only a second or so before a GTR comes flying by. Of course we'll try to work together to make the passes go smoothly, but we might not know of your presence in a GTR until you're right there.
There are few tough places where it is required to be a bit more cautious than usually: the first place is the last corner/chicane where you want to carry as much speed as possible on the S/F straight. The another is obviously the little Eau rouge, mostly because of different braking points and corner speeds. Also notice that the FZ50 generally needs to start braking quite early if compared to the FWDs and the LX6 can be a bit handful on corner exits. The backstraight can be quite "narrow" with the non-downforce cars, meaning that extra care is needed when you pass FZ50s or LX6s there

40 laps =~ 1,5 hours
#67 - Davo
+1 for rolling start. I'd call a 1.5+ hour race a mini enduro so I think it deserves the rollign start. Plus it'll be really messy if you're in an XFR and stuck behind an LX6 at the start.
i should be able to join, my motherboard should be back by then so i will have a running PC for LFS. i think i may enter in the UFR, i'll have to decide
Hmm so, in terms of speed, FZ5 > XFR > UFR... gonna be interesting LOL.

Maybe in future events, the worse cars, like the RAC and UFR can get bonus points or something, just to make things even more interesting. Passengers to add weight might work too.
#70 - Vain
The FZ0 already has enough weight. What it has too few is drag. And a passenger doesn't increase drag unless you mount the poor fellow on the roof.

Not drag, but weight. Makes a car slower overall (within its class).

EDIT: What I mean is that the cars which get slower lap times (not slower in straights) should get some kind of penalty to even out the class. No point in adding a passenger to the FZ5 if it is 2 seconds slower per lap than the LX6.
#72 - Vain
I just finished my first candidate-skin for the race. Numer 9 is taken.

Attached images
I'd like to be put on the XFR list for the second race, NOT this one that's coming up
nice one but can't see all of it.

i'm still working on mine, damn i should be working on the setupillepall. Any hints about AS Historic setups??
well it looks like i'm too late, but please put me on the waiting list. i'll drive an FXR (GT1 class) if a spot becomes available.
This thread is closed