What I do is my car (XR Turbo), I normally have a low set up, but not too lo with hard suspension, but not too hard so there is room for movement. The tyre pressures are abou 3/4 of the way up and the back and a little less at the front. Front suspension settings should be a little less hard and more grippy so that the front can guide your car around the corner.
Gearing as said above, should me more acceleracting on the first 3 gears but 4th and 5th should be abit more speed so you can go fast on straights. The diff is really up to you, when u want to lock it. I use locked diff when i jst want to turn in and drift.
The technique to drifting is up to you really. I use the feint technique. I acccelerate hard into the corner, just before i trn either side creating a sliding motion.The, just before i hit the corner during thr fient i lift off the throttle and dab the brakes a little IF needed. When i am going round the corner i accelerate full(digital controller
)and only steer slowly, not quickly as that will upset the ballance of the car.
You can use the handbrake if you want, BUT it creats anasty looking drift
. I only se the handbrake if the car is going to xit the drift before the corner finshes. So i put the handbrake on, center the steering and it slides more then i re-gain the drift
Hope this helps you