No Licences in Germany anymore, What can he do?
I hope this is not here before. My friend an me comes from Germany. I could buy S2 in England because i have a Credit Card. But my friend has no Credit Card, there is no money on his Paypal and in Germany are no more Licences. Is there another way to buy it. For example in other countries but how it works and cost it more?
#2 - Bosse
If you know him irl, can't you buy it for him from England like you did? Maybe I didn't get it right, if so, sorry.
we only know us over net and my mother doesnt trust him
My friend will not believe that it will work like you say. (two S2 upgrades) Can you post here (wenn geht in deutsch) how it works?
#6 - herki
It works - believe be - I have gone through it.
two S1 (or S1->S2 upgrade) licenses work as one single license.

edit: not exactly the problem, but somewhat related:

Hmm yeah that's a bug in the payment system.
I've sent you another voucher code manually now, assigned to your account
(meaning it used the 12 pounds you had left). Your friend can use this
voucher code in addition to the one he already used, after which his account
will be ugpraded to S2.


Victor van Vlaardingen


So when you use voucher codes, it automatically upgrades the one you have, there's no difference between S1 or upgrade codes, S2 ones just work like 2 of them
#7 - joen
Quote from Mieguy2 :My friend will not believe that it will work like you say. (two S2 upgrades) Can you post here (wenn geht in deutsch) how it works?

It will work that way. It makes no difference if you pay 2*12 pounds or 1*24 pounds, each installment of LFS costs 12 pounds, so when the devs receive 2*12 pounds you will get an S1 license and an S2 license.

edit: 4 minutes too late!
Ideally the vouchers would be renamed 12 pound voucher and 24 pound voucher to avoid that confusion.
#9 - herki
oh and btw: Does GP4Flo not sell licenses anymore?
If that's the case, I just could buy the voucher if he transfers the money on my bank account. PM me if you're interested.
#10 - VoiD
Quote from Mieguy2 :...(wenn geht in deutsch)

Ist eigentlich ganz einfach:

Jede Stage kostet 18€. Rein technisch gesehen kann man zwei Upgrades für "S1 auf S2" für jeweils 18€ käuflich erwerben. Man erhält dann via e-Mail zwei sog. Voucher-Codes (einen pro Stage) mit denen man sich dann registriert, bzw. den S2-Inhalt freischaltet.

Ich selbst habe erst gestern für einen Freund S2+Cover "gekauft". Einmal für 18€ das "Update S1 auf S2" (1. Stage) und dann direkt danach das "Uddate S1 auf S2 mit CD/Cover/Handbuch usw." für 24€ (2. Stage). Funktionierte einwandfrei. Die zwei Voucher-Codes kamen nach 20 Minuten via e-Mail.

Lief alles über ... er&world=lfs&sid= (Bankeinzug vom Girokonto)
Quote from duke_toaster :Ideally the vouchers would be renamed 12 pound voucher and 24 pound voucher to avoid that confusion.

hence a £12 voucher starts with the number 12 and a £24 voucher starts with the nuimber 24


About Germany being sold out :
4players will have S2 licenses again tomorrow.