The online racing simulator
Quote from BlakjeKaas :@dano: do you have to use that weird moveable things..?

As a "guide", but I have PM'd you the soloution for it because it is pretty tricky
Wonder how far we can go together?, there are TONS of levels apprently
Level 5 was a piece of cake
Spoiler - click to revealMOVE THE PLAYLIST: user.jpg, password.mp3 and u r there!
Quote from Funnycat :Level 5 was a piece of cake
Spoiler - click to revealMOVE THE PLAYLIST: user.jpg, password.mp3 and u r there!

Yeah, ya not supposed to tell everyone straight away

I am struggling with level 8 though
Quote from AndroidXP :OK


1) What did you do to get to level 3?
2) What would logic suggest to get to level 4, if you use the same technique as you did for level 3?
3) Now mirror the damn html name

I did edit part of the url but it just flip the image. Is there anything more that I need to know to advance to LVL4, Plz
Please give hints, not the answers

Lvl 6 sucks :/
Quote from danowat :Yeah, ya not supposed to tell everyone straight away

I am struggling with level 8 though

Well I am not telling it the straight way if you have a brain youll figure out my hints

Quote from Splint :I did edit part of the url but it just flip the image. Is there anything more that I need to know to advance to LVL4, Plz

You flipped the image, and it loaded a new page, so with 3level you get level 3 flipped.............what would you need to do to get level 4...........
I know the answer to 6... I just don't know how to get to 7... if you see what I mean. The draggable things at the bottom are doing me no good at all and I'm coming up with nonsensical, incorrect things! The ASCII was obvious enough, but just a little stuck on getting the path for 7.
Quote from JamesF1 :I know the answer to 6... I just don't know how to get to 7... if you see what I mean. The draggable things at the bottom are doing me no good at all and I'm coming up with nonsensical, incorrect things!

Whatever the answer is, put it in the URL
Funnycat, stop posting those DIRECT hints. You're spoiling the fun
Quote from danowat :You flipped the image, and it loaded a new page, so with 3level you get level 3 flipped.............what would you need to do to get level 4...........

I just did it the wrong way around. illepall ass me
Quote from danowat :Whatever the answer is, put it in the URL

Yeah, I get that, but nothing I can come up with gets me a valid URL... not hypenated ASCII codes, not any of the combinations I can think of for the draggables, not the word itself, nothing.
take the word you get from the answer to the 3 clues convert it to ACSII and use the "floating" bits to make a new word
Yeah, that's what I've been doing... but I'm coming up with nothing that's really a word and getting 404s... I'm somewhat puzzled, been trying to work this bit out for the past half hour. =/
Same here, running out of ideas...
Quote from Hyperactive :Same here, running out of ideas...

Spolier, don't look unless you are STUMPED

1) water
2) fire
3) earth
4) X

4 = air

air = 97-105-114 using the "floaters", 9/H 7/O 1/L 0/D 5/A 1/L 1/L 4/S therefore holdalls.htm
Quote from Funnycat :Level 5 was a piece of cake
Spoiler - click to revealMOVE THE PLAYLIST: user.jpg, password.mp3 and u r there!

i must be retarted cos that didnt help at all
Ahh, yes, I had the right answer, it appears as though I typo'd *smacks forehead*

Spoiler - click to revealI ended up with holdalls.html not .htm
I know what do at 7, but I can't seem to record it lol.. (trying for about 30 min now)
Lol I simply took the a for a d... Lost 10 mins for this...
8 has me totally stumped
Quote from danowat :8 has me totally stumped

Oh, and by the way, you can do 7 EASILY without a microphone.

Spoiler - click to revealSound options... use "What U Hear" as recording device.

Clever LFS'ers wanted.........
(380 posts, started )