The online racing simulator
Anyone have connection problems last night?
I tried to go online with LFS last night, and pretty much the first time I couldn't.

My internet connection was working fine, no problems, no firewall installed, nothing else running, I clicked multiplayer, then connecting to master server, then waiting for list of games, the it sits there for a while and comes up no answer from master server

Any ideas?
Master server seemed OK to me between 2200-0100. Didnt have/notice any problems at all.
#3 - Jakg

Running smooth as a peach was a bit earlier, about 8pm GMT, can't figure it out, unless Tiscali (yeah, I know yuck, yuck, yuck, but I have no choice until I move at the end of this month) have started restricting the use of online games.

Would it be possible for that to happen?
Quote from danowat :....... restricting the use of online games.

Would it be possible for that to happen?

That is a definate absolute YES!
One of our members had major problems with an ISP that was throttling port usage between certain times of day, to such an extent that LFS was unplayable online before midnight!
Cant remember which ISP it was without looking back in the posts, but I do recall that the ISP in question had a sort of 'blanket' policy restricting a whole range of ports.

[edit] found the it is: HTH
Rollocks, looks like I could be LFS-less for the next 4 weeks then

I guess there is no way to change the port or anything like that?, anyway to "fool" this restriction?
#8 - Davo
The server has to run on a different port, locally you use any port that's free to connect to it.
Dan I do get this prob very occaisionally and only for very short periods and its not my ISP. To fix it normally I just reboot all the PC,s and ofcourse reboot the router. Worth a try

Hmm.......I'll have another try tonight, fingers crossed.
Good Luck !