(56 posts, started )

Poll : What's your BMI?

There are 2 health topics active atm, so I thought a BMI topic would fit as well. What's your BMI? Find out here. I'm 180cm (well, almost) and 58kg. My BMI is 17.9.
21.7. Is that good or bad?
21.1 for me
24.8? i hope im not classed as obese, shame i am overw8, if i grow another inch im not tho

i bet most people wouldnt have voted if it was public
I can't find a tape measure.
25.5 for me so what that means haha
24.9, just 1lb UNDER the recommended upper limit for 'normal'
HOWEVER.... these silly charts are a complete waste of space! Why? well, as anyone will tell you, muscle is denser than fat, therefore 1lb of muscle takes up a lot less space than 1lb of fat.
In other words, somebody who weighs 11 stone (154lbs) and works out, has a sixpack, nice pecs etc; will look a lot healthier than a 'lardass' who has the same weight and height, but is mostly fat!
25 on the dot. Marginally overweight apparently.

/me looks down

last time i checked it was 20.3, but that was a while ago. my weight is very stable though (based on experience, didn't check it for... a lot of time )
Quote from LFSn00b :EDIT: Wait... My lenght was wrong...

Dunno what website you're at but I didn't have to put any of those numbers in.
Mrs B says that she is the exact right weight...she is just 18 inches too short! :P
LFSn00b - :duck: <== that's my humour and you
22.4 and falling (assuming I don't turn the fat into muscle, which is denser).
24.8. 69th percetile.

I don't feel bad, because i know a crap load that i could easily lose my musle and become 135 from 150 lbs. after all, i'm 5 foot 6.
I've had to roughly guess my weight, based on a weighing from a few weeks ago, but it comes out between 19.5 - 21.2.
Cool anyway

196 cm's tall

And 70 kilo's
25 on the dot, was about 36 I think at my "worse"

I'm slightly under the average weight (13 stone) for my height (6ft 2in). But I need do need to tone myself up a bit
meh whats with KG and lbs i hate them lol, stick to stones thanks... i got 26 dead.... im 12st and im 5" 7' meh overweight...
Oh shut up!

(56 posts, started )