The online racing simulator
21st January - AS Nat XFR+UFR
Welcome back all.. long time no see.

Hope everybody had a nice christmas and new year. Now its time to get some nice 60 lap fun going again.

Server(s) hosted by

Please sign up via the links provided in the post if you want to race. Please let me know if you sign up and then find out you cannot make it.

Full Race Details Below:


Date: Sunday 21st January.
Time: Server Opens: 18:30 GMT
Open Qual: 18:55 GMT (25 minutes)
Race Start: 19:30 GMT
LFS Version: S2 (latest patch to date)

Server: ATC 60 Lap GP
Track: Aston National



We use some CRC Rules as guidelines. THESE ARE ONLY GUIDELINES but please try to follow them:

1. Incidents: If you hit another driver and gain a position advantage it is good sportsmanship to allow that driver to retake his position. We do not expect you to stop racing. Use your head, give some courtosy.

2. Defensive driving: Blocking is all part of a great race. You are allowed to block other drivers from passing you as long as:

(1) No deliberate contact is made

(2) the other driver is NOT beside you. If the driver is already beside you DO NOT force that driver off of the track.

3. Exiting pits: When exiting pits make sure that it is clear before you enter onto the racing line. Use of the track map and the look left & right keys/buttons is recommended. If cars are approaching, do NOT leave the pit lane unless you are fighting for position - Please do NOT cross the pit exit line when leaving the pits unless there is an obstruction that makes it impossible not to do so.

4. Re-entering track: If you go off the track in a race DO NOT reset the car or drive back onto the track. You could possibly ruin another race in progress. Again, you should use your map and look controls to see if anyone is coming. If you do re-enter the track safely but are too slow and drivers are getting closer behind you... drive off the racing line, or if necessary, pull off to the side of the track to give room.

5. Car Damage / Fuel: If your car gets severely damaged in an incident and you want to try and make it back to the pit lane, then, drive off the racing line to let faster cars past. If you run out of fuel get off the racing line as soon as possible or pit right away. We recommend that you turn your hazard lights on to let other players know you are a caution on the track (press 9 on your keyboard. 0 to turn them off).

6. Contact: Rubbing and tapping are all parts or everyday racing, so, this is allowed as long as it doesn't harm anyone's race or gain you an advantage. Due to occasional lag, small taps may cause a major crash, so be careful!

7. Race Rules: If you are being lapped by leaders please let them pass you, when it is safe do to so ( i.e. not in the middle of a chicane ), and as quickly as possible. You should be told by an on screen message if you are being lapped, the words “Blue Flag� will be displayed.

8. Pitting: Pitting can become dangerous if you do not pay attention. It is required that you drive in the 'pit lane' used to enter and exit the pits. Don't drive straight across every pit box, instead go to the furthest available pitbox. - This will allow more drivers to pit safely on the same lap(s)

9. Deliberate Corner Cutting: Deliberate Corner cutting is not liked. Please dont do it.

**NOTE: As this is not a CRC Event some of the above rules are flexible and are meant as guidelines only. We DO expect all participents to follow these guidelines as if the way you drove had consequences in real life.

If a driver who has entered the race is unable to attend on the day it is upto THAT DRIVER to find a replacement to drive for him and to let ATC Franky500 know about the change as soon as it is known. (e-mail: [email protected]). If the driver is unable to find a replacement then a reserve driver will be given the space.

All results and replays will be posted on the LFS Forum within 72 hours of the race. Please feel free to post your own race reports in a thread which will be provided on the day.

To enter the event please fill in the form HERE

Confirmed Drivers: !!!!!!23 Drivers Entered. Reserve list will now be active!!!!!!!

ATC Franky500
ATC DrDink


[DBP] Stoney
[DBP] Serpentine
[DBP] Skinny

[noobs] Kajojek
[DB] Luis Barbosa
[DB] P.Nunes

EGT Sonyk21
EGT Woodbine

R4R Kringle
R4R Flip
R4R 180sx
R4R Gentlefoot


Reserves List:
1 - ATC gAg
2 - [noobs] th84
3 - [DBP] Leprekaun
4 - [DB]spyshagg-pt
5 - [DBP] Sly_guy
6 - [RF]BenjiMC
7 - sccc|popeye
8 - Frank Reuschling

"RESERVES: PLEASE ADD: [email protected] to your MSN. If spaces appear on the race day this is how you will recieve a password to join the server!!!"
#2 - th84
These are great fun to do... but when (if ever :razz are you guy's gonna do one that's not xfr? Please dont take that as complaining, im just wondering.

Count me in anyway, they are always fun no matter the car.

Maybe i can get some other noobs to join me too. NOOB INVASION!!!
Quote from th84 :These are great fun to do... but when (if ever :razz are you guy's gonna do one that's not xfr? Please dont take that as complaining, im just wondering.

Count me in anyway, they are always fun no matter the car.

Maybe i can get some other noobs to join me too. NOOB INVASION!!!

i was thinking of going for the FXO.. but then thought.. Nah. this time round stick with whats always worked. Next time round. who knows
#4 - th84
Sounds like a winner to me!

I hope to see all the usual suspects there.

Now to get to work on that pb!
#5 - need
Got the LFS:GT event that afternoon, but stick me down anyway
Quote from th84 :These are great fun to do... but when (if ever :razz are you guy's gonna do one that's not xfr? Please dont take that as complaining, im just wondering.

Count me in anyway, they are always fun no matter the car.

Maybe i can get some other noobs to join me too. NOOB INVASION!!!

NOOBS PWNAGE!!! Count me in too
#7 - dadge
we (ATC) are currently (but slowly) organising a 30-45 lap race with the xfg+xrg @ south city long reverse. but i have been driving the f08 @ ky gp for the past few days and it is a very nice combo (roughly 2 mins a lap). the bf1 there is also good crack but it's a tyre eater .
due to my isp messing about with my connection speeds (i am on a 10mbps line with only 2% connectivity) i am not sure if i will be able to make this one. but i will do my best to keep testing the line and if i get at least 50% connectivity then i will sign up
woohoo!! Aston National at last. I'm in.

Edit; No I'm not. Same day as the lfs gt
Quote from Cropsy :woohoo!! Aston National at last. I'm in.

Edit; No I'm not. Same day as the lfs gt

and to think i set the date at the 21st because the Calendar showed only one other race on that day and none of the normal were entered in it.

#10 - th84
Quote from Cropsy :woohoo!! Aston National at last. I'm in.

Edit; No I'm not. Same day as the lfs gt

Just checked timings.. if race was moved 30 mins later. think some of u LFS GT'ers could make it?
This looks like two hours of fun, so count me in!
I sent filed form.but i know if he'll ride my teampartner.I complete later in this forum ok? i cant speak english:-)

edit: Hello racers and afficials,

I would like to ask you if there is going to be used some system to count laps in case if somebody drop out the server? If yes:

Which system is it, If it works in win, and if is possible to borrow (present it to us)
I would like to renew czech (endurance) of race. Thanks
Quote from franky500 :Just checked timings.. if race was moved 30 mins later. think some of u LFS GT'ers could make it?

I'll do my best to be there. Probably won't get any practice in though, and might miss the quali, I'm usually knackered after the LFS GT races.

edit - Have you already signed me up as sccc|n00b or is that Zeug?
Quote from Cropsy :I'll do my best to be there. Probably won't get any practice in though, and might miss the quali, I'm usually knackered after the LFS GT races.

edit - Have you already signed me up as sccc|n00b or is that Zeug?

Quote from Cropsy :edit - Have you already signed me up as sccc|n00b or is that Zeug?

Im not racing in this one.
So there wont be a sccc|noob2.

#19 - need
4th to reply to the thread but you've missed me off the list Anyone would think you didn't want me in the race :CRY:
#20 - Davo
Did you use the sign up form?
#21 - need
Yep, but just went and re-did it anyway.
Im in too
Me too
Yes Sccc will take care of the podium