Yes you can. You just need the correct setup for the AI cars to use. I dont have it at my disposal at the moment - I am sorry. Just I see peole saying they havent seen it before.
It did not require 300BHP cars. Just the standard XRT with hybrid/super tyres that made them all slippery. Funny thing was - the first couple of laps the AI drift cars drove normally, they drive to the limit of the car's capabilty. Then as the AI driver became faster they started actually pulling some nice drifts. Even scoring 2000-3000 pnts per lap on the InSim LFSLapper - Drift scorer. Quite funny. A friend and I were once having some fun making these AI drift cars battle each other lap for lap on a public demo server. I'll try and post the setup when I get home if no-one gets around to doing it here.
Edit: I'll do a search instead (in the SETUPS thread - search text "ai drift")