The online racing simulator
The reason Ive made a post on the matter is purely down to MaxH's attitude towards the whole situation. Yes it is his server and yes he can do as he wishes but the guy is 30 odd years old? Id be ok with it if he were younger but honestly at this age you'd think you've learnt abit in your life to know how to deal with situations?

Ok that will do.
Thanks CLC/CC I have now found the problem with my PC. My PC used to reboot itself after a few hours of LFS. I used to not care. But in CC you cant afford to be so complacent. A reboot might cost you +15,000 E. So after loosing about 4 FZ5's and a being to0 scared to drive expensive cars (BTW: which is just like in real life - who cruises their $350,000 Ferarri with no stress - this mod is so funny) I decided to look around a bit and try improve my system stabililty. Low and behold - I found my Zone Alarm firewall is crashing my PC, Tru Vector rubbish - LOL

Thanks CLC/CC - for helping me. ASTON: CLiS 2
:Highway Roads FE:
New Track Textures for FE - CLC Caribbean Cruise Highway Roads with centrelines, standard resoloution, 1024x1024

Random Sky/Reflection Generator

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Quote from JasonJ :Thanks CLC/CC I have now found the problem with my PC. My PC used to reboot itself after a few hours of LFS. I used to not care. But in CC you cant afford to be so complacent. A reboot might cost you +15,000 E. So after loosing about 4 FZ5's and a being to0 scared to drive expensive cars (BTW: which is just like in real life - who cruises their $350,000 Ferarri with no stress - this mod is so funny) I decided to look around a bit and try improve my system stabililty. Low and behold - I found my Zone Alarm firewall is crashing my PC, Tru Vector rubbish - LOL

Thanks CLC/CC - for helping me.

Haha thanks! It's like with "God helps you if you help yourself"

I especially liked your small letters there, you just hit my main idea behind whole this circus mate. Cool
Quote from Rooble :The story is as follows (in short)

A user by the name of Tiger something or another wanted money from a fellow team mate of mine, i disagreed (right or wrong I'm not sure) and told him not to pay him. The user by the name of Tiger then started hurling insults at me along the lines of 'f-ing bitch' and 'stfu its not my concern'. So I told him not to speak to me like that because its unacceptable.

Soon to follow MaxH pointed out that I shouldn't tell everyone how to run 'our' server (Whatever that meant?) And that If I didn't 'stfu' id see a ban coming my way shortly.

I only questioned the fact that he refused to deal with Tiger and solely focused on me with the intention of banning me. Very biased might I add, but o well I'm not at loss.

I feel ashamed that Ive even posted this to be completly honest, I now feel petty but very annoyed at the same time o well like i said not my loss

omg, dude are u out of ur mind? now really...when in the world i calld u "bitch"? in fact i didnt use that word for a loong time. i only told u why i wanted ur teammate to pay me and to stay out of it because u didnt know what happend and u jumpd all over and asking who am i to request money. i was talking u or mate not with u so i dont know how it is my fault. i flew 20 seconds(really) because of ur teammate, he bumpd mewhile i was payng the toolboth cauzing me to block the booth, then unpacient he started pushing until lfs went nuts and throw me 999m in the air then bound back at 800m then 500 and so on until i stopd in a was verry funny really i lmao...but it was unexceptable. i askd him 3 times to pay me a respectable answers...onyl u were angry with me.after that i sad last time pay that money or ill report this...because i got 2 witnesses who also claimnd him to pay me... then u started the atitude with max witch wasent in a good mood...u WERE haveing an atitude.

just to make things straight i dont know ehre u camed up with me insulting u in anyway the telling u to shut up because it doesent concern u, its not ur case. maybe u read thru lines or something.i was rather calm at that time so...i didnt have a reason to insult u. but if u still want to belive i calld u "Bitch" go ahead.

btw after u got banned ur teammate was a good, responsible guy and payd me that annoubt of money.

i'm glad u got over it now lets end this discusion, insted hope that i or others come up with solutions soon.
Quote from Alex_Tiger :omg, dude are u out of ur mind? now really...when in the world i calld u "bitch"? in fact i didnt use that word for a loong time. i only told u why i wanted ur teammate to pay me and to stay out of it because u didnt know what happend and u jumpd all over and asking who am i to request money. i was talking u or mate not with u so i dont know how it is my fault. i flew 20 seconds(really) because of ur teammate, he bumpd mewhile i was payng the toolboth cauzing me to block the booth, then unpacient he started pushing until lfs went nuts and throw me 999m in the air then bound back at 800m then 500 and so on until i stopd in a was verry funny really i lmao...but it was unexceptable. i askd him 3 times to pay me a respectable answers...onyl u were angry with me.after that i sad last time pay that money or ill report this...because i got 2 witnesses who also claimnd him to pay me... then u started the atitude with max witch wasent in a good mood...u WERE haveing an atitude.

just to make things straight i dont know ehre u camed up with me insulting u in anyway the telling u to shut up because it doesent concern u, its not ur case. maybe u read thru lines or something.i was rather calm at that time so...i didnt have a reason to insult u. but if u still want to belive i calld u "Bitch" go ahead.

btw after u got banned ur teammate was a good, responsible guy and payd me that annoubt of money.

i'm glad u got over it now lets end this discusion, insted hope that i or others come up with solutions soon.

Yes sure fine ok great, Im lying yes and you are the innocent victim in all of this. Although i was told you were banned?
Well, this should be discussed on our own forum. (

I didn't witness this misfortune, but I can say for sure that being calm does help. We all realise there's a huge lack of respect towards people who are new. Especially when they are involved in an accident. I'm not picking sides, but I would like to point out that it's best to just forget about it sooner rather than later, because - like you said - admins can get involved and you'd inevitabely start digging your own grave.

So please - both of you - remain tolerant towards each other and ask/report to an admin if you disagree with someone. In doing so it can be resolved calmly without other people seeing it. That's where a lot of negativity comes from... just seeing someone argue.

As a CLC member I obviously praise ourselves a bit, but the server really can be good when everyone gets along just fine.
it should.. but it can't, the website has been down for a few hours now
These servers are fun. However I don't like that admins are pardon my language a55holes and don't give a refund if say people time out and lose a ridiculous amount of cash. I just worked hard for the past few hours only to time out for some reason and I know for a fact it's not my connection, it's the server's issue, and I lost about 7000+ money since my FXO was sold. This is pretty harsh and because of this I won't be playing on this server anymore, it's just too annoying to lose all that work if some noob crashes really hard into me and it's like "player didn't finish" and teleports me to pits or I time out somehow or so on.

I have no problem with being fined if you crash by yourself and such. However when it's blatantly obvious that you timed out and it's really not my fault now is it I was just cruising along and there's an admin on the server (in my case sccc|cropsy), and they refuse to do anything about it, that just pisses me off and I'm sure it pisses off other people too that they can't get a refund for the money lost. I read a few pages back that the server has no way of differentiating between people quitting or whatnot. I think it would be obvious if someone was trying to cheat by say quitting during a cop chase. But when it's obvious and it says "Player timed out" or whatever and they weren't in any incident (I wasn't anyway..), shouldn't somebody who admins or moderates the server give a refund for all that lost money?
Quote from MustangSVT :These servers are fun. However I don't like that admins are pardon my language a55holes and don't give a refund if say people time out and lose a ridiculous amount of cash. I just worked hard for the past few hours only to time out for some reason and I know for a fact it's not my connection, it's the server's issue, and I lost about 7000+ money since my FXO was sold. This is pretty harsh and because of this I won't be playing on this server anymore, it's just too annoying to lose all that work if some noob crashes really hard into me and it's like "player didn't finish" and teleports me to pits or I time out somehow or so on.

I have no problem with being fined if you crash by yourself and such. However when it's blatantly obvious that you timed out and it's really not my fault now is it I was just cruising along and there's an admin on the server (in my case sccc|cropsy), and they refuse to do anything about it, that just pisses me off and I'm sure it pisses off other people too that they can't get a refund for the money lost. I read a few pages back that the server has no way of differentiating between people quitting or whatnot. I think it would be obvious if someone was trying to cheat by say quitting during a cop chase. But when it's obvious and it says "Player timed out" or whatever and they weren't in any incident (I wasn't anyway..), shouldn't somebody who admins or moderates the server give a refund for all that lost money?

Admins can't refund since they are playing by the very same rules and don't have any extra cash. Also, what about players who gets unfairly fined when there is no admin around? Ah you obviously don't care about anybody else but you, sure. Try to care less about your ego. Also saying that you know in fact you lost your connection because of the server problem and not your connection says something about you. Servers are hosted at 500servers and you would have a hard time finding more reliable hosting for the LFS server, plus I bet you were the only one who disconnected while other players continued playing just well. Really amazing twisted view...
In the other hand, disconnection penalty is something I am not happy with at all, and so called refunds (lol hillarious term for virtual crap but ok) of "your" lost cars which you have "worked hard to buy", by admins, is not really the perfect solution. This is the top priority issue for a next major version of CLIS.

A55hole Ray

CityLife project director and creator
Caribbean Cruise website designer
CLC admin
Excellent fun indeed.. though I'm getting a bit bored just driving the UF1
Batterypark, once you get into a rythm, it doesn't take too long to make some cash to upgrade. Now that I haven't been jumping on during afternoons my time, I don't timeout and loose my cars. I did wack a barrier messing around and launch into a restricted area a few nights ago. But I have a garage now consisting of the UF1 and an XRT (my 5th or so). And I'm quite close to owning an FZ5, can't wait for that.

Work it up to where you can upgrade the car while keeping the UF1. If you see the server a little laggy, stick with the UF1. The cash does start to build pretty quick once you join in with someone else and do some cruising together.
Quote :Admins can't refund since they are playing by the very same rules and don't have any extra cash. Also, what about players who gets unfairly fined when there is no admin around? Ah you obviously don't care about anybody else but you, sure. Try to care less about your ego. Also saying that you know in fact you lost your connection because of the server problem and not your connection says something about you. Servers are hosted at 500servers and you would have a hard time finding more reliable hosting for the LFS server, plus I bet you were the only one who disconnected while other players continued playing just well. Really amazing twisted view...

Yes I thought about when nobody is around, that would be a problem so you need the game system to take care of this situation. And about my connection, let's be serious here, it can happen to anyone. I could time out even if I was using 500servers' connection. Fact of the matter is, it's not my own fault I got disconnected. I understand you want to make the game so that you fear to drive an expensive car and such. However, in real life, your car doesn't just disappear suddenly when driving on the road and if someone crashes into you in real life, you have insurance (relating to if say some noob crashes into you into a barrier and you lose your car for example, lotta money lost there).

Anyway, I didn't know admins can't do anything about it. I naturally assumed they can access extra money from the bank with a command like !pay username xxxx but I guess I was wrong.

Anyway, it is good to know that at least you're trying to fix this with the next CLC.
can somebody tell me what exactly you are supposed to do when leaving the server?

i was told to enter a pit box, then i went to pits to change some settings, i lost my car, i was then told to actually park in a garage with the roof over the car and go to the pits, i did this and lost a car again ??

i just can not see the point?
Is there a specific way to earn?
Quote from Sticky-Micky :can somebody tell me what exactly you are supposed to do when leaving the server?

i was told to enter a pit box, then i went to pits to change some settings, i lost my car, i was then told to actually park in a garage with the roof over the car and go to the pits, i did this and lost a car again ??

i just can not see the point?

Enter the pits. Go into a guarage wait 5 secconds then press ESC then hit spectate then leave the server.
I would like to offer our own CLC forum for further Caribbean Cruise related talk, improvement suggestions, bugs or problems reports, players reports *ahem* and help requests people.

I don't like spamming official LFS forums over some extend. I hope you will find yourself comfortable at our forums which looks a bit different but after some time you sure can get used to it just well.

Official CLC Forum link:
I saw the server, this morning, and thought it was about cruising.

I came in and tried to launch the fz5 - Alland44 tries to steal the fz5 a message then showed me, and I was back in the pits. Then some helpfull soul showed me the !help - That helped a lot. I took the uf1000 out for a drive and some other guy did that too. I came to the end of the pits and twoo arrows were present. 1 pointing up and rigth, the other left !

The other uf1000 took the rigth lane, so I chose the left one. Suddenly the Message "wrong direction" showed up, and I hit the brake, trying to turn the car. Then I got hit by a fast car, and in the same second, he wrote "retard" (He must use that word a lot, since it`s on his assigned keys)

Then i joined the spectators and soon left. I`m not comming back, for sure

As a total noob on that track, you don`t know what to do, and most of all - What is expected of you
well... yes its not to great to start off with, you have to know whats going on, and the rules and how it all works aren't really told to you unless you go to the website (which few people do i may add) and then you get this big hatred opinion, when.. its actually a fun server, you just have to know how to play
Well, one of the things that i'm think is pretty lame (my opinion, i may not be entitled, it seems, to have one on the CLC servers but i'm entitled for that here on this forum) is the "English only" requirement.

I found some friends on the server and went to talk with them (i was explaining the lotto system and then guidin' them to ther other pit to collect their money).

We're from Brazil. We speak portuguese.

1min after that the server got spammed by

Then followed by a warning from the owner of being kicked if i continued to speak in another language that wasn't english.

I asked why and got the answer that "since it doesn't make any sense it's flood, so stop flooding or you"ll get kicked". Alright.
He said that "we try to keep chattin' here to a minimum" too. Alright.

I left shortly after that. (not kicked)

Then i came back to the server some time after that and my friend was there still.

I proceed to talk to him and ask him what he was up to, and not two phrases after our conversation started we got again warned:


"I told you already! I"ll kick you!"

Some of the other players we're also curious about why the threat of kicking someone for just conversation and they said that someone might be "talking on the back" on another language of the mods or something so then that's why we need to stop it or get kicked. Alright.

Three reasons.
Let's get on to them:

1) Flood - Making sense

Well you see, that "making sense" bit is a lil tricky and honestly, not really "honest".

Why? Well, you can't "make sense" of most of the talk either, since you didn't start at the beggining of it or some other unknow (yet in "english") "terms" are used. "Smileys" and other "graphical" resources too.
But it's allowed, clearly (and i don't think it's a bad thing, at all), the chat.

So, what's up with that?

2) Trying to keep chattin' to a minimum

I don't see that, seriously.
Chattin' is clearly totally supported and make up for most of the fun there too. And i think it's a great thing. Or else you might be driving with bots too.

If you guys are trying to keep the "chat" (messages) to a minimum, well, that's too bad too.
From time to time you see a serious flood of "commands" (!cash, !prices, etc), a lot of them. That "flood" a lot the server. A lot more than two guys chattin up a little.

3) Talkin' on the back of the mods

Well, do you guys really care that much?
I mean, we're just chillin there and having a good time, talking when needed ("hey, wanna drive in the other way way?" etc).

If someone is talking bad of you in your server you sure are entitled to kick/ban him but you honestly think that's why people are speaking in "unknow" languages? Really?
They might as well thrash you on TS, MSN or something.

Sounds pretty silly to me, but hey, that's your server.

What i would like to know is that if you guys can't "relax" a little on that issue?

We're just having a good time, chilling, relaxing, and sometimes we need to communicate, right? LFS is a pretty "international" game and i take pride on that, do you guys want your server to be just an "english language only" server? Why?
Are we really ruining anyone's fun? Really?
I mean, the server isn't our so you guys can kick whoever you want but i thought that CLC was mainly for relaxing, having a good time driving, isn't it? That's why i got really confused.

And about the TS thingie (they said "go to TS if you don't want to speak in english"), not eveyone has a mic, not everyone can "make noise" at any time, not everyone really wants to "talk" while relaxing there (i'm one of them, i don't drive with music when racing but on CLC i turn on winamp and listen to some tunes, pretend its on my in game car's radio).

Are we really spoilin' anyone's fun?
Or being bad players because os that?

If we're being a nuisance, we won't log in anymore.
Not trying to ruin anyone's fun.
Hi Chris P. You said to send my replay on forum. I was completely in garage. Heres the replay.
Attached files
weird.mpr - 1 MB - 402 views

I've warned people about speaking English, but after reading your story I'm pretty sure this instance wasn't me. What we want you to realise is that it's already difficult enough to keep everyone satisfied and it makes it a bit more difficult if people are speaking different languages constantly. Our rule is that we would like you to speak English. If you say one or two sentences, fine, but you will be let known that we want you to speak English. I have an F-bind which is "SPEAK ENGLISH, PLEASE!". Now, this bind might seem like I'm annoyed, but I'm not. I use it to ask people also, so don't take it in the wrong way.


Thanks, will have a look at it one of these days. Bit too late now.
Quote from Chris P :Meanie:


Thanks, will have a look at it one of these days. Bit too late now.

Thanks please watch it soon thanks.
Quote from mrodgers :Batterypark, once you get into a rythm, it doesn't take too long to make some cash to upgrade.

Yeah, I know... but just today I loaned 3700€ to someone, leaving me with around 2000€. I have an XR now though... which I almost lost, due to some doritos.
Quote from Batterypark :Yeah, I know... but just today I loaned 3700€ to someone, leaving me with around 2000€. I have an XR now though... which I almost lost, due to some doritos.

hey i remember u. umm me u and Nighthawk got stuck at the sand trap together remember lol that was funny. cool u have an XR. i got UF1 RB4 XRT
Just wanted to mention...
there is a broken link on the website
the link to is corrupted and points to
If you download the package above that one you wont need it, but for the others,.
change the link to and it works.

Best Regards
