I guess I must have been born lucky, I've been driving for nearly 35 years and although I hardly ever stick to speed limits (except in my bus!) I have NEVER had a speeding fine.
I did get 'flashed' once on my bike, but when I went to court the case was thrown out because the police could not produce any legitimate evidence that I was speeding...even though they had the pictures/printouts from the van that flashed me.
How? you may ask..
Well, I proved that the speedtrap van was illegally parked at the time it took the 'evidence', and therefore the 'evidence' was inadmissable in court.
The magistrates had no option but to dismiss the case.

I did get 'flashed' once on my bike, but when I went to court the case was thrown out because the police could not produce any legitimate evidence that I was speeding...even though they had the pictures/printouts from the van that flashed me.

How? you may ask..
Well, I proved that the speedtrap van was illegally parked at the time it took the 'evidence', and therefore the 'evidence' was inadmissable in court.
The magistrates had no option but to dismiss the case.