The online racing simulator
G25 rFactor settings
(31 posts, started )
#1 - Jakg
G25 rFactor settings
Firstly, i have some questions on something that turned up last night

Right, it had a CD with rTractor... i mean rFactor written on it, is it the full game or a demo? i tried installing it but it just crashes, and the rF forum is about as helpful as a small blue pig.

Do i need to install the software? i have version 5 which i used with my Momo, it all works fine, but is the one on the CD any different?

I have only just worked out how to get it into sequential mode, whenever i want to switch to H-Gate i have to re-assign gears 1 and 2 as they are currently being used by controls on the sequential (up = Flash, down = Handbrake) - is this something i could change in LFS, or do i have to do it via Scripts?

Could i make a script that makes the d-pad be used to change stuff in the F11 menu? at the same time, i want it to do the indicators, but then do the controls for the left and right stuff ONLY when the F11 menu is up, is it possible? I like having a button overload (albeit if i have to take my hands of the wheel to hit the TS key!), and reaching the keyboard is a real pain in the "something"


Teh G25 n00b!

EDIT - And to all you people who thing a DFP or Momo with some decent pedals and a shifter is as good as a G25, sorry to burst your bubble, apart from the flailing bats of death... i mean paddle shifters it rocks
rfactor demo man
#3 - Bean0

Those scripts will let you cycle through F9-F12 menus with one button (I use the lower of the 4 above the D-pad) and use the D-pad to change values.

You will need to have the 'PressF9' script bound to a button.

I used some of the scripts available here to make that lot, so not entirely my own work.
I have a few scripts that allow switching ingame between paddles, sequential or h-gate mode. These automatically get assigned depending on the used car, but you're able to override them via a shortcut.

If you select "paddles"
- right paddle shifts up
- left paddle shifts down
- shifter should be in sequential mode
- shifter forward is horn
- shifter backward is handbrake

If you select "sequential"
- shifter should be in sequential mode
- shifter forward shifts up
- shifter backward shifts down
- right paddle is handbrake
- left paddle is horn

If you select "h-gate"
- shifter should be in h-gate mode
- right paddle is handbrake
- left paddle is horn

Additionally I set up my Logitech profiler to make the D-Pad report as arrow buttons, so you can use it to navigate and modify the F11/F12 values. In my setup the lowest left button on the shifter unit toggles through F9 to F12 and "off".

I can post the scripts here, but you'll have to wait till I'm home from work (~4 hours)
Hi, u can bind the arrow keys to D-Pad without the profiler, just bind /press up (etc) to an ALT+ or CTRL+ slot

EDIT: This are my sripts


shifter shifter
autoclutch 0
gccut 0
gcblip 0
button 0 ctrl_f9
button 1 ctrl_f10
button 2 ctrl_f11
button 3 ctrl_f12
/ctrlf 9 /press f9
/ctrlf 10 /press f10
/ctrlf 11 /press f11
/ctrlf 12 /press f12
button 4 handbrake
button 5 flash
button 6 right_view
button 7 left_view
button 8 gear_1
button 9 gear_2
button 10 gear_3
button 11 gear_4
button 12 gear_5
button 13 gear_6
button 14 reverse
button 15 horn
button 16 pit_speed
button 17 tc_disable
button 18 reset
button 32 ctrl_f1
button 33 ctrl_f2
button 34 ctrl_f3
button 35 ctrl_f4
/ctrlf 1 /press up
/ctrlf 2 /press right
/ctrlf 3 /press down
/ctrlf 4 /press left


shifter sequential
autoclutch 1
gccut 0
gcblip 0
button 0 ctrl_f9
button 1 ctrl_f10
button 2 ctrl_f11
button 3 ctrl_f12
/ctrlf 9 /press f9
/ctrlf 10 /press f10
/ctrlf 11 /press f11
/ctrlf 12 /press f12
button 4 shift_up
button 5 shift_down
button 6 right_view
button 7 left_view
button 15 horn
button 16 pit_speed
button 17 tc_disable
button 18 reset
button 32 ctrl_f1
button 33 ctrl_f2
button 34 ctrl_f3
button 35 ctrl_f4
/ctrlf 1 /press up
/ctrlf 2 /press right
/ctrlf 3 /press down
/ctrlf 4 /press left


shifter sequential
autoclutch 1
gccut 0
gcblip 0
button 0 ctrl_f9
button 1 ctrl_f10
button 2 ctrl_f11
button 3 ctrl_f12
/ctrlf 9 /press f9
/ctrlf 10 /press f10
/ctrlf 11 /press f11
/ctrlf 12 /press f12
button 4 handbrake
button 5 flash
button 6 right_view
button 7 left_view
button 8 shift_up
button 9 shift_down
button 15 horn
button 16 pit_speed
button 17 tc_disable
button 18 reset
button 32 ctrl_f1
button 33 ctrl_f2
button 34 ctrl_f3
button 35 ctrl_f4
/ctrlf 1 /press up
/ctrlf 2 /press right
/ctrlf 3 /press down
/ctrlf 4 /press left
^ Yes, but I didn't want to waste LFS shortcut slots for a task that can be easily done in the profiler
#7 - Jakg
Quote from Bean0 :

Those scripts will let you cycle through F9-F12 menus with one button (I use the lower of the 4 above the D-pad) and use the D-pad to change values.

You will need to have the 'PressF9' script bound to a button.

I used some of the scripts available here to make that lot, so not entirely my own work.

i could probably do that as well, but i want the indicators for the d-pad EXCEPT when i press F11, i was thinking of re-assigning my F11 key to make it press F11 AND run the d-pad re-assigner, and then when i press the F9 or F10 keys making it re-assign the buttons - would this work? i use buttons on my G25 to get these menu's up, ya see!
Quote from AndroidXP :I can post the scripts here, but you'll have to wait till I'm home from work (~4 hours)

that would be ACE, thanks!

Hey, i get in at 5:05 in your time anyway, i can wait
#8 - Jakg
Sorry for the double post, but could someone upload a text file of a script, or a walkthrough or something? can't download zip's ere at school and i want to get cracking, can't seem to find anything on the Wiki about it, and i cant seem to find Scawen explaining it!
LFS\docs\Commands.txt ?
#10 - Jakg
would anyone fancy uploading that? can't actually open up LFS from school and cant bring up the LFS main site (the simplest way to stop people making new accounts and spamming here, as thats my job!)
#11 - Jakg
Quote from lancergsr :rfactor demo man

ah i wont bother then - their blaming the fact my PC is overclocked (even though its perfectly stable and running nice and cool), and seeing as i plan on getting an Opty 165, which will be a lot slower than my current CPU (although will overclock MUCH more and suppass my current one), running that at stock wouldn't be great - neiher would having to reboot!
Quote from Jakg :Sorry for the double post, but could someone upload a text file of a script, or a walkthrough or something? can't download zip's ere at school and i want to get cracking, can't seem to find anything on the Wiki about it, and i cant seem to find Scawen explaining it!

Can you get on MSN ?

Here's the scripts as .txt files.
What you are on about will certainly work.
Attached files
bindBLANK.txt - 48 B - 172 views
bindF9.txt - 43 B - 208 views
bindF10.txt - 44 B - 155 views
bindF11.txt - 44 B - 147 views
bindF12.txt - 44 B - 192 views
pressF9.txt - 23 B - 175 views
pressF10.txt - 24 B - 163 views
pressF11.txt - 191 B - 194 views
pressF12.txt - 193 B - 162 views
pressNOTHING.txt - 23 B - 199 views
#13 - Jakg
nope, i cant get on MSN, thanks for the files tho, ill be leafing through them!
What you need to do is get an account with set up, then leave your home PC on and remote to it for anything you can't do at school
#15 - Jakg
i will try that, what software would need to be on the school PC though? Java? if so, no go, flash *might* work, ill try it soon
Quote from Jakg :i will try that, what software would need to be on the school PC though? Java? if so, no go, flash *might* work, ill try it soon

Just looked on the site, you need a Java enabled browser

What about VNC, you'll need an open port though.
#17 - Jakg
nope, ill try Java on monday though, no chance of ports tho
I'll try to get a working script package now, will take a few minutes...
#19 - Jakg
ok, what script do i edit for "ordinary" manual gears? ive edited paddle.lfs, but it doesnt seem to work

// This script may be useful for assigning controller buttons and
// other settings when you select a car with a paddle shifter

button 8 handbrake
button 9 flash

Thats the script, cant see anything wrong with it

EDIT - D'oh, was using the wrong buttons, fixed!
Quote from Jakg :ok, what script do i edit for "ordinary" manual gears? ive edited paddle.lfs, but it doesnt seem to work

Thats the script, cant see anything wrong with it

You need slashes before each line.

// This script may be useful for assigning controller buttons and
// other settings when you select a car with a paddle shifter

/button 8 handbrake
/button 9 flash

#21 - Jakg
working fine here without em, not sure why (check my edit )
Okay, here it is. If you already use any custom scripts, make a complete backup of your LFS/data/script folder prior to installing these. To install, simply dump the contents of the attached zip into the aforementioned folder.

The main file you'll want to edit/customise is the "mainConfig.lfs". It sets up the complete system and allows reassigning of most functions. If you want to assign a toggle function to a different button, you'll also have to edit the associated files ("indicate*.lfs", "view*.lfs").

Shiftmode assignments have to be edited in "road.lfs", "sequential.lfs" and "paddle.lfs".

Shifter, black buttons
- Top: Horn **obsolete**
- Left: Indicate left
- Right: Indicate right
- Bottom: Shift+R (restart)

Shifter, D-Pad (needs to be activated in mainConfig.lfs - see comments)
- Like arrow keys, to navigate in menus F11 and F12

Shifter, red button row, from left to right
- "F9 / F10 / F11 / F12 / Off" Toggle
- Traction Control
- Speed Limiter
- Handbrake **obsolete**

Wheel, red buttons
- Left: Look left
- Right: Look right

Manual shiftmode overrides
- Alt+F5: Shiftmode Paddles
- Alt+F6: Shiftmode Sequential
- Alt+F7: Shiftmode H-Gate

Shiftmodes work as described in my post above. Assignments marked as **obsolete** are... duh... obsolete and can be safely reassigned to something else. I didn't find any use for them yet. The D-Pad currently doesn't get assigned for the arrow keys, as I use the Logitech Profiler for that. You can, however, uncomment the lines in mainConfig.lfs to activate the LFS D-Pad assignment.
Attached files - 3.1 KB - 228 views
#23 - Jakg
Ok, now i have this, but whenever i run it, it complains about the last few lines.

It MUST be done via scripting to make my F11 idea work...

// This script is to make the D-Pad on a G25 be able to scroll through the F11 menu

press F11
/button 32 press up
/button 34 press down
/button 35 press left
/button 33 press right

It doesn't work like this. It should be:

/ctrlf 9 /press up
/button 32 ctrl_f9
#25 - Jakg
And how can i make it run a certain scipt when i select gear mode (ie sequential and shifter) via Shift+G?

G25 rFactor settings
(31 posts, started )