The online racing simulator
LFS renders in Blender..?
(47 posts, started )
Quote from LFSn00b :Can someone fix the problem, still asking

Where exactly is your problem? By showing me the pythonscript I cannot understand your problem..
If you replace the first two lines of your script with
filePath = "C:/Documents and Settings\Test\Omat tiedostot\LFSSkinviewer\data/"
fileToLoad = "RB4 - RB4 GT"
you should get what you want.
Yes, replace the first two line of the script with these:

filePath = "C:/Documents and Settings\Test\Omattiedostot\LFSSkinviewer\data/"
fileToLoad = "RB4 - RB4 GT"

Furthermore for some reason the first line of the script is missing also. Appended the working script.
Attached files - 2.2 KB - 318 views
Need Help
hello everyone, i just down loaded blender from the site, i cant figure out how to load the car from lfs, i'm new to this so send me a message or email me at [email protected] I'm not sure how to start out. Much advice is helpful please.

Thanks- Mike
I'm have worked with 2D photoshop alot but have never touched 3D modeling in any way.
But after seeing some of the 3D renders on the site have motivated me to test new waters.
Now currently I'm stuck after 4 hrs of attempt and hope some of you guys can help me out here.

I am working with blender.
I got the cmx2obj script working (thankz for posting it up).
I got the model to rotate 180
and that is as far as i got
I am stuck at texturing/lighting/camera angle

this is what i have so far

I have never touched 3D b4
and unfamiliar with all the different windows/menus in blender
got the skin jpg on, but it is not in place and is not giving that car shine look

Can anyone help
thanks in advance
Attached images
Quote from HenWee :Hi,
I'm have worked with 2D photoshop alot but have never touched 3D modeling in any way.
But after seeing some of the 3D renders on the site have motivated me to test new waters.
Now currently I'm stuck after 4 hrs of attempt and hope some of you guys can help me out here.

I am working with blender.
I got the cmx2obj script working (thankz for posting it up).
I got the model to rotate 180
and that is as far as i got
I am stuck at texturing/lighting/camera angle

this is what i have so far

I have never touched 3D b4
and unfamiliar with all the different windows/menus in blender
got the skin jpg on, but it is not in place and is not giving that car shine look

Can anyone help
thanks in advance

If you want to know more about using Blender in general, take a look at the Noob to Pro Tutorial, it is quite complete and mostly good quality.
For the carshine and texture placement read Post #29 in this thread.
Quote from LFSn00b :You seem like a pro with these, i watched the tuts, but i can't still manage to import the .cmx Sorry, i'm a big noob, but hey, my name is LFSn00b after all!

Right words: I seem, but I ain't..
Did you read the whole thread? Exp #15? What did you archive until now? Have a .obj somewhere?
you can rotate your model by clicking on it and press "r" then move your mouse around.

you can delete the square by clicking on it (once it is selected properly only the cube edges will be highlighted in pink frame)

I recommend that you delete the cube b4 importing your model,
make thinks more clean

I went through the Noob-Pro tut actually
that is how i managed to get that far haha

i did watch the movie tut about car paint. I think the version the demostrator was using is different from the newest one i am using. I cant find half of the adjustable settings he was using on screen. With only the other half i have i can only get a decent glaze shine. Guess that will do.
But the skining of the car is still a problem for me

Thanks to everyone for all the great information in this thread. I used it to create my first ever car render:

Blender took 5 minutes 37 seconds to render this on my 3.4GHz Conroe.

Obvious things to improve:
  • The default wheel models look terrible in renders
  • Modelled front lights would look much better
  • I need to figure out how to produce a decent tire material in Blender
My first skinned render (I used a Blazedesign skin not my own), the same scene as the last one:

The skin is blended with a car paint material that has flecks and shine.

I had to mirror the UV map to get the textures the right way round, the -1 -1 trick didn't work for me.
<DISCLAIMER>I'm a Blender noob so I'm certain this isn't the most efficient way to do this</DISCLAIMER>
  1. Select your car body in the 3D viewport (right click on it)
  2. Change your 3D viewport window to "UV Face Select" mode
  3. Ensure all of the car body's faces are selected
  4. Split your 3D viewport window to create another window (or use an existing window) and set its mode to "UV/Image Editor"
  5. You should now see the car mesh in the "UV/Image Editor"
  6. Open a skin (2048x2048 or higher looks best in renders) in the "UV/Image Editor" (Image->Open)
  7. Rotate and grab the UV meshes so they are aligned over the correct part of the skin (zoom in to ensure accuracy)
    1. Use 'b' for box select then click and drag over each part of the mesh (the side panel for example), then press 'r' and use CTRL to rotate it to match the skin, then use 'g' to grab it and move it (I zoomed out and moved all of the meshes away from the skin first to make this easier)
    2. If you accidentally catch a vertex from another part of the mesh just right click to cancel then hit 'a' to deselect all, then try and box select it again with 'b'
    3. After I had finished lining up the entire mesh with the skin all of my textures were mirrored, I tried to figure out how to fix this using the -1 -1 technique that bLaCk VaMpIrE talked about but couldn't get it to work
    4. I ended up mirroring the mesh (UVs->Mirror->X Axis) and then re-rotating and re-lining up the mesh with the skin, I'm sure there is a better way to do this and I would be interested to find out how
  8. In your "Buttons" window find the "Material" tab and ensure that the "TexFace" button is selected, without this the UV mapping won't be used
  9. Hit F12 and see if your texture is being rendered
I'm at work without access to Blender and the FZR model so I've done this from memory - I apologize in advance if I've forgotten anything.

Hope this helps!
#36 - Zion
Well i tried now for hours to get the script to work, put when i choose; "Execute Script" I just get an error:

If i check to console i got double "\" between the folders like this:


And i got the answer:

"No such file or directory."

Where does the second "\" come from?its not in my pythonscript:


Thats excactly what it says in the script.

Is there anyone who can help me?
i think it helps to replace the \s with /s in your python script.

how do i import a python script into blender
i cant find out how, and google didnt help me either
this is what i get when loading it:
in BPY_call_importloader: then the place where blender is on my hdd, whats it the problem?
i get this with every script i load
script is loaded i think, how do i load a car?
My true first work
Here's my first render work with blender. It already looks good

However it needs some tweaks, the shadow is noisy, window and body are not enough glossy and I must find a better background to better reveal reflects. I'm a noob anyway

Many people seem to be lost, I'm hesitating to start to write a tutorial. Blender+Yayfray are great but I think too much people prefer to spend $$$ in 3dsmax.

Thanks to Tomdemuer for his very useful script
Nice render, however i dont think that all the people that use 3ds max have spent money for it...
Quote from Mumakil :filePath = "C:\Documents and Settings\#####\My Documents\My Games\LFS_S2_ALPHA_T\data\cmx\"
fileToLoad = "FZR - FZ50 GTR"

Blender keeps highlighting this part of the script as where the error is occurring: f = open(filePath+"cmx/"+fileToLoad+".cmx","rb")

'/' or '\' aside, trim one of the cmx from either filepath or the open... currently it's trying to open .../data/cmx/cmx/FZR...
help im having problems with this it shows a syntax error does any one know where i can get the python program or whatver so i can just load the script into it
Quote from Bogey Jammer :Here's my first render work with blender. It already looks good

However it needs some tweaks, the shadow is noisy, window and body are not enough glossy and I must find a better background to better reveal reflects. I'm a noob anyway

I'm probably about to ask a really daft question, but how did you get the wheel (incl rims) and tyres to render correctly?

In all my renders i've taken the tyres off as I cant seperate from the rims

I'm also rendering with Indigo on a laptop - hence the long rendering times
Quote from lippy :I'm probably about to ask a really daft question, but how did you get the wheel (incl rims) and tyres to render correctly?

In all my renders i've taken the tyres off as I cant seperate from the rims

I'm also rendering with Indigo on a laptop - hence the long rendering times

Wow 20 hours? Thats rediculous. Id suggest not doing it on a laptop because of limited capabilities.

What do you mean about "seperating the rims"? Explain.
Quote from [Velocity] :What do you mean about "seperating the rims"? Explain.

Hopefully this attached image explains how my wheels are broken down.
Attached images
You know what? I'll write a tutorial

I repeat with large font to be visible by everyone:

Me, B.Jammer will write a tutorial to render a LFS car model within BLENDER

But I don't have so much free time, don't expect it to be finished before 3 or 4 weeks

my tutorial is ready


LFS renders in Blender..?
(47 posts, started )