Quote from Scawen :I don't really know about that, they do seem to run out of memory and just start drawing white textures - they don't seem to start swapping from system memory. I don't really know why that would be or how it should be.

The 40 MB you are referring to displayed in LFS is only texture memory. The card memory is also used for the screen (1024x768x32 bit is another 3 MB) and the backbuffer (same as the screen) and the Z-buffer (at 24 bit that's approaching another 3 MB). And as far as I know, the use of full screen anti-aliasing is another massive increase. Someone may correct me but as far as I understand 4xAA uses 4 pixels for every pixel, so you'd be using 12 MB for the backbuffer instead of 3. Or come to think of it maybe that's an EXTRA 12 MB in addition to the normal backbuffer. Also there is memory used for the 3D objects (the HVS objects). And the vertex shaders and some other things though I don't think they take up much space. A 3D card / D3D expert could tell you more than I can but all i can say is there is a lot more card memory used, not just texture memory.

You are pretty much right. With a bunch of texture packs I got my LFS to use 210MB's of Vram with 16xQ AA and 16x AF @ 1680x1050..

Here is a pic.

LFS turned into veery odd
I was testing some scripts (those in data/scripts-folder) and I made this kinda script:
(named road.txt)
// This script may be useful for assigning controller buttons and
// other settings when you select a car with a standard gear stick

/shifter shifter
/button 9 gear_2
/button 8 gear_1
/autoclutch 0
/gccut 0
/gcblip 0
/echo ^11^22^33^44^55^66^77^88^00

I choosed FXO as my car and start playing. Firstly LFS ran that script correctly, then about 1 second after that, LFS turned very odd. Fonts were squares, almost all rextures were missing, even some parts of 3D-models were missing. Same bug appearred in LFS patch Q as well. I took few screenshots and rebooted my computer. Problem disappearred.
Attached images
IIRC, it is an already-known bug.
Yep, threads merged. Hiwer - this was only 4 threads from the top when you made the new thread! :doh:
Sorry for that, it was like half past 12 when I made that message...
CMX viewer f***ed.
I was making a skin and this happend to the viewer, any one know how to fix it? If this is in the wrong place then can one of the mods move it please.
Attached images
CMX Viewer fucked.JPG
Tried closing it then re-opening it?
I got this problem In-game
I got 8 FPS while filming it XD (vid coming soon (processing)
LineR32 - merged your thread into this existing one on the subject. Curious though, not heard of this happening to the CMX viewer as well.
Wierd, I'm running on a (slow) Radeon 9550SE on 1280*1024 32 bit no AA or AF 40fps (average) and this hasn't happened to me before and running on patch X. Even installing the newest drivers didn't make it work.
You bumped a thread based mostly on patch U and V content...
but does it matter that I tell people it's happening to Patch X?
This is happening to me lots of times with X10..

But this problem only started to appear since i installed ati drivers I always played without them and it was perfect (never freezed or anything). Now that i've installed them, all sorts of problems are starting to happen
Attached images
I have a sort of relevent issue. I was viewing an XRT skin in the CMX viewer and then I tried to swich car models. to RB4 I think. anyway, the program didn't respond and I tryed to force quit it. then suddenly the skin faded and the wireframe of the car appeared. i clicked on the car to see what would happen and then all that showed was the wireframe. my computer also sounded a very loud and long alarm sound. scared the out of me and I couldn't turn off the computer. I had to unplug it. I haven't been able to reproduce the bug and now I'm scared to open the CMX viewer . and I'm not making this up.
i have the same problem with Radeon9800 PRO
Happened to me a few times, also sometimes get a crash with d3d8.dll whilst trying to "clear" the problem.

I think it's an ATI thang.
I had the same problem in the Viewer. I've just changed the resolution and the problem was solved
I run mine at 1900 by something. highest it will go 32 bit. same setting with LFS. i've never had a problem with LFS though.