The online racing simulator
Low Rider ?!
(21 posts, started )
Low Rider ?!
I have made a litte fun Movie in LFS... It's quite short, but i think it's fun, too. If you want, you can download it here

mfg zockmachine


If the first link doesnt work anymore use this one:

Download LowRiderVid Mirror 2
yeeeha 2 u
if it was longer, i couldnt breath because of laughing very cool matching muzic
Quote from CHR20000 :if it was longer, i couldnt breath because of laughing very cool matching muzic

Actually, i wanted to make it longer... but u see... i mostly crashed into the wall, and then i turned it off... maybe i'll make one that is longer than this. But it's great that you like the video
#4 - -wes-

lmao superb
the singing racecar. nice idea!


[hint] press shift F to hide the controls :shhh: [/hint]
Quote from JoeCool :the singing racecar. nice idea!


[hint] press shift F to hide the controls :shhh: [/hint]

very nice, thx for the tip
:ices_rofl :ices_rofl :ices_rofl :mischievo

You can also do the bouncing effect by setting the car VERY low, and stiffness at it's lowest.
dont work, re post link please
How you play this, or am i missing something ??

When i play it its just a car with some music, need to import into LFS, if yes where??
Quote from marsden1002 :How you play this, or am i missing something ??

When i play it its just a car with some music, need to import into LFS, if yes where??

It will be a codec that is missing, but I'm not sure which one?
Quote from ajp71 :It will be a codec that is missing, but I'm not sure which one?

It's DivX
Quote from waider :nice

thx :yipee:
#16 - Goop
Good chuckle
i dont get whats so funny about this
LOL, can I put it onto LFS MOVIES PIT ?
Quote from zockmachine :I have made a litte fun Movie in LFS... It's quite short, but i think it's fun, too. If you want, you can download it here
mfg zockmachine


If the first link doesnt work anymore use this one:

Download LowRiderVid Mirror 2

Love the Music!
Quote from KeMoT :LOL, can I put it onto LFS MOVIES PIT ?

roflcopter rox
thx 4 the vid...

Low Rider ?!
(21 posts, started )