LOL farenheit 911... If you had any idea what michael moore does with editing and sound bytes to twist things, then yeah it is funny.....
TV Nation was cool
That's what so funny about you.... foreigners from the 51st state

everything you bash the mother country* for is almost exactly word for word the stuff I hear espoused by I hear on telivision by so-called policy experts that in reality have dubious credentials yet get put on TV because of their provacative views. See provocative gets attention and attention brings advertising $$$$.
Like take Iraq (please) Every day you see some sorta car bombing or mortar attack or whatever.... Yet that's almost always in Bagdad and it's metropolitan area.
there's more to Iraq than just that city. there's a whole damn country and nothing ever really gets reported on in the rest of the place... like the LACK of violence Why? Who wants to see a couple a kids kicking a ball in a playground when you can see grieving mothers and dead kids? How could justifing the opinions that these "experts" come up with be done when there ain't no shouting and gunfire? And it's the doomsday experts that bring the $$$ in.
A good example of this is Egytology.
See when an archeologist publishes a book defining egyptian life and culture based on their findings, it's usally one of the dustiest books in the library. But when an "expert" in the paranormal writes some rant about UFOs building the Pryamids, It makes the NY Times best seller list, gets a movie that's "based on true events" made and the writer hits the talk show circuit. AND the majority of the sheep eat that crap up, never even hearing of the works by the scientist.
That's what's happening to alot of y'all with Bush.
If you REALLY wanna know what's going wrong with Bush's policies in Iraq
it's he had too many civilians in charge of high level operations, instead of field commanders on the ground. Yep he seems to be dictated by his own bunch of "experts" like some a y'all.
but like I've posted before, the President of the USofA ain't OUR leader, he's yours and LOL since the political pendulum we have is now swinging back towards the left, your next president will be a Euro trash all time favorite. A Clinton!!! (geesh, I hope there's not another blue dress scandal in the works... that would be REALLY weird)
Yes prepare for two terms of policy change, more bad decisions,
and an escalation in global hostilities from established thugs wanting to try the new kid in the house.
You know something tells me, she's gonna make Margaret Thatcher and Vera Peron
look like Mother Teresa and Florence Nightengale
Ok going back to Iraq, since that's what this thread is REALLY about.
The policies are a dismal failure. that simple. A whole lot of underestimating was done based on bad intelligence. And on the same token, SOMETHING had to be done about Saddam. If you honestly don't think he was financing terrorists and trying to get WMDs, you're kidding yourself. As for the WMDs...He may not have had anything concrete, but would it have been wise to wait around and let him?
And the sectarian violence that's outta control. uh yeah... and this was bound to happen sooner or later, invasion or not. IMHO, I think it's an extension of the rivalries already in existence since probably before Saddam. I also don't think the resulting sectarian violence was takien into account. I think the Bush bunch thought they'd come in like the Lone Ranger and Tonto and all that would be needed was to roll the credits.
And will the 20 thousand additional troops to be deployed there be of any use if they are to bolster the current strategy. As serious as what this is, I think more attention should be payed to these other areas like what I described earlier in the post. See there are some elements that are clearly fully autonomous and may think that their relations in surrounding countries need to be as well.
I can see the defensive logic Iran and Syria may have concerning the region, but their overall strategies are even stupider than ours.
And one thing that REALLY gets me about our mistakes in Iraq that NEVER EVER gets mentioned is how Turkey seems to be getting the shaft on this.
Turkey is our ally. The Turks have been with us through thick and thin since the post WW II era. and I think our policies over there are basically ignoring the insights and needs of the Turks (I also like Dick Dale's guitar playing) Turkey has enough problems dealing with the EU. The Last thing they need is some spill over from a conflict mis-managed by a bunch of civilian pencil pushers and poll monitors in DC.
Ok I'm tired a typing and wanna go race now... uh that lame comment about the 51st state... sorry please don't be too offended. ever since I seen Formula 51, Meat Loaf's line has stuck in my head