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Anyone having trouble with flash player and Firefox?
I can't seem to install flash player for Firefox, the file downloads, I run it, it initializes the installer, but never runs. I've downloaded the file countless times, tried on 3 different computers, everything, to no avail. Is anyone else having this problem, and does anyone know how to fix it? I hate using IE, but I need to use it to look at anything flash right now :-/
If you have the extension Adblock installed on your Firefox, remove it. It has problems with blocking flash and really cannot be fixed. Really dissapointing, but this is a common problem at the moment. (Just if you have this extension downloaded and installed).
#3 - ajp71
Adblock isn't really very impressive.
Most websites that I go to that play videos in the web browser refuse to show anything. Firefox can't find the any plug-in and as far as I'm aware I've installed everything. Maybe it's also Flash problem for me, I don't know. TBH I only really go to informational sites for cars/physics/programming, where all I need is text anyway. Oh yeah, and forums.
Quote from 96 GTS :I can't seem to install flash player for Firefox, the file downloads, I run it, it initializes the installer, but never runs.

For flash to play in any mozilla browser all you need is to have NPSWF32.dll in the plugins dir of your browser installation.
Just uncheck "Obj-Tabs". Tools -> Adblock -> Preferences -> Adblock options -> uncheck "Obj-Tabs". It shouldn't block any flash videos anymore, I'm not sure about actual media player videos.
Yup, do that ^^^, if you want to keep Adblock. Quite simple really.
Quote from xaotik :Might be a good idea to have a look at this:

Intersting. I've wiped IE and MP off my system and they aren't going back on. And I'm too lazy to install ActiveX support. It doesn't matter anyway, I can do without looking at videos of other people being idiots. Thanks for the link though.
Hey, thanks a lot, that was it :up:
I'll probably just uninstall adblock, I don't really care about in page ads, I just hate popups, and firefox handles those on it's own.

Thanks for the help!
Import these filters into AdBlock, and its actually quite useful (<3 regex)
Attached files
Adblock filters.txt - 4 KB - 412 views
im having trouble with flash lately, i upgraded the flash version and since then it doesnt work
i'm having trouble with firefox in general. when i try to start it an error window pops up and says
"the program must be closed to allow a previous instalation to complete. Please restart."

i close all instances of firefox in the task manager to no avail. any ideas?
You probably didn't finish an extension install or didn't install it correctly

Go onto their support forums and ask there, they'll tell you step by step.