could someone please post the blank skin for the RB4 please. i'm stuck in work bored and wanted to do a skin now for when i get home after. cheers.
Ehm where is it?:P I'm looking for it too. How are we supposed to make skins without blanks? Are they somewhere to download? and sorry for bumping old topics, but making extra topics makes ppl even more mad, for some reason.
Just get the cmx viewer from the main site direct DL and unpack that in a seperate folder. All default skins are in there. Or got to master skinnerz and download the kits that include a helpful wireframe PS. check this section for more info and help
Hi, LFSn00b's edit the post and probably removed the image. You can get all the skin templates if you download the CMX viewer. Its meant as a skinning tool. Download it from: Kudos for searching and posting rather than making a new thread
yep, or download the pro-kit which is far better; ... ts_by_msz/RB4Template.psd