The online racing simulator
one way to kill an engine...
(85 posts, started )
Quote from ajp71 :Not trying to call you a ricer, if that's what you do with your engines then suit yourself.

No, that's what I did with one worthless engine that was comming out of the car in a matter of hours anyway.

Let's do this. I'll ask you what you would have done with the motor instead? This will be multiple choice to make it easier on you. Ready? Ok:

If you had an obsolete, low powered, high milage motor that you could sell for $200 and that was comming out of the car in a matter of hours, would you:

A. Pull the motor, stash it in the corner of your crowded garage, pay for local advertisements in the paper for six months until you eventualy find a local buyer who would actualy want a high milage, obsolete, poor running motor for $200.

B. Advertise it on the internet, sell it for $200 minus transportation costs to ship it 1000 miles, all the while spend a few hours packing it in a crate and then hoping that the high milage, obsolete, poor running motor doesn't blow up in a few weeks so that that the new owner doesn't feel like you ripped him off and try to recoupe the money through legal recourse and/or ruin your Ebay rating.

C. Spend hours salvaging parts off the motor that have seen better days while trying to find space in your crowded garage to store them for that as yet incomprehensable day when you may possibly need that obsolete, over used crank (or insert your favorite over used, obsolete part) to fix a motor that would be better dealt with by sending it to the scrap yard and replacing it with something newer and better, or at the very least buying a remanufactured (like new) part.

D. Take it down to the scrap yard and get $50 dollars for it.

E. Spend $2 in gas, $6 in beer, sit back and watch it blow up, then take it down to the scrap yard and collect your $50.

Answere me that, Ace.
I actually understand the car guys part, but mostly, i find it amazing how
long the damn rotors lasted. I never would have thought it would stay up there
for soooooooooo long. I bet you felt a bit dumb seeing the rear on fire though,
but that's ok, the freaking amazing flames were almost worth it. There's a bit
of jacka$$ in there alos i guess...
I'd not read that the engine was of no use, having skimmed over the thread I thought it was an old, high mileage, but perfectly good RX7 engine that was still in working order. There's nothing wrong with blowing it up if there's no use for it, otherwise I would definatley have thought about implanting it into something or giving it away to someone that wants to.
Quote from ajp71 :I'd not read that the engine was of no use, having skimmed over the thread I thought it was an old, high mileage, but perfectly good RX7 engine that was still in working order. There's nothing wrong with blowing it up if there's no use for it, otherwise I would definatley have thought about implanting it into something or giving it away to someone that wants to.

I have no idea whether their engine was running properly or not. I was refering to the one I blew up for shits and giggles. My point is, even if it was a perfectly good running motor, which it sounds like in the video, it's still not of much value. No one wants a high milage, obsolete motor, even if it is running good. With that in mind, it's pretty ****ing cool to watch an internal combustion engine blow up in spectacular fashion. Yeah, it's not as fun as riding the badest roller coaster on the planet. But it sure beats the shit out of talking politics with your little sister.

That's all I'm saying.
Hurts my heart to watch a 13B go down in such a manner. I owned one of those FC RX-7s before, and they should be treated with more respect than what idiotic americans are doing illepall

Go ahead, blow up a damn 7 litre pushrod plodders of yours, but don't rape the legendary japanese rotaries.

That video reminds me of another bunch of oh-so-smart americans, they went to a bike shop, bought a brand new '02 Honda CBR 900 RR fireblade, started the engine and revved it up at the limiter untill it blew up. I wouldn't mind seeing that kind of people being hung up from their balls.

My 2c, sorry if I was a bit harsh.
Quote from Matrixi :Hurts my heart to watch a 13B go down in such a manner. I owned one of those FC RX-7s before, and they should be treated with more respect than what idiotic americans are doing illepall

Go ahead, blow up a damn 7 litre pushrod plodders of yours, but don't rape the legendary japanese rotaries.

That video reminds me of another bunch of oh-so-smart americans, they went to a bike shop, bought a brand new '02 Honda CBR 900 RR fireblade, started the engine and revved it up at the limiter untill it blew up. I wouldn't mind seeing that kind of people being hung up from their balls.

My 2c, sorry if I was a bit harsh.

So what else was he going to do with that "legendary" 13B? Take it to a taxidermist, have it stuffed and put in a 'lifelike' pose, then take up three cubic feet of his livingroom space displaying it to all who pass through his house? Just because it's legendary? Like, maybe it's the only ****ing 13b left on the face of the Earth? Is that it?

Let me repeat again. It's essentialy worthless. It doesn't matter what kind of motor it is. If it's worthless, then there is no monetary value and, by deffinition, no collectable value either. Might as well get some entertainment value out of it.

Have you taken my multiple choice quiz yet? If not, how bout doing so right now?

I mean, it's unreal that you are villifying Americans for popping a motor that's not only worthless but will provide more worth by going to go to a salvage yard to get turned into Bic razor blades. Your eletist sanctimony is stinking up this thread.
You know what? If you come back at me with more America bashing sanctimony about blowing up a moter on purpose, I'll just have to talk to a few Scandinavian freinds to see what they think about the whole issue. I can virtualy garuntee you that they see things my way. And yes, they live in Finland. So, instead of putting an anti-American spin on this, why don't you go ahead and tac away form that portion of the argument, because you simply don't have the firepower or, apperently, brain power to win.

How about that?

Finland has car guys too.
hehe i guessed correctly. thx for confirming my assumptions operator
Quote from Matrixi :Hurts my heart to watch a 13B go down in such a manner. I owned one of those FC RX-7s before, and they should be treated with more respect than what idiotic americans are doing illepall

Go ahead, blow up a damn 7 litre pushrod plodders of yours, but don't rape the legendary japanese rotaries.

That video reminds me of another bunch of oh-so-smart americans, they went to a bike shop, bought a brand new '02 Honda CBR 900 RR fireblade, started the engine and revved it up at the limiter untill it blew up. I wouldn't mind seeing that kind of people being hung up from their balls.

My 2c, sorry if I was a bit harsh.

LOL most ppl I know that had RX-7s took that goofy motor out, put in new mounts and put 350s in them... LOL that made those little cars the fastest thing between gas stations... yeah they replaced the tranny and made new drive shafts too.
please don't go off about performance stats... I could care less. I just know from experience that those cars couldn't handle the heat and traffic conditions here in Houston. Also, If i'm not mistaken, isn't the front end pretty crappy on those cars too? You know like really easy to bend the A arms or

And to any "mericans reading this...
Y'all ever notice how people will Down our whole country on the actions of a few morons and that's to be accepted, yet if we was to do that to them
and one of their nations.................
Quote from Racer Y :
And to any "mericans reading this...
Y'all ever notice how people will Down our whole country on the actions of a few morons and that's to be accepted, yet if we was to do that to them
and one of their nations.................

That's a point, but not the best one, by far.

The thing is, he acts like no Finish person would ever try to do something like that. Like, that's only an American thing. I mean, you've got to be kidding me. You know what? That's the biggest load of sacrimonious crap I think I've ever read on the web and if he'd of thought about it for a few seconds he would have realized it.

I emailed one of my Finish freinds. We'll see if he feels like wadding through the bullshit in here.
He, guys, calm down. I assume he referred to those particular people in the videos he mentioned as stupid americans, and not to ALL of you guys over there . At least I doubt he meant you in person.
They obviously are, no doubt in that, and being rich and bored doesn't make such a stupid act more intelligent.
Also, it is hardly his fault that 90% (all figures made up by the author) of videos of people doing stupid things originate from america. I guess there is the same amount of stupid people all around the world, but in "Old Europe" they just have not discovered the joy of letting the whole world take part in their stupidity by recording it and distributing it over the internet. So no need to get offended/offensive over that matter. (As it will certainly result in a dispute about america where one side will bash the USA, disregarding the good things this nation achieved, while the other side will defend it, neglecting any mistake the government made... so no point in it really)

Now let me finish my plea for fraternity and tolerance of stupidity wih two of my favourite sayings describing the mental state of mankind:

"Drei Drittel Trottel" (Three thirds are dumbasses) and "90% der Leute sind zu 100% deppert" (90% of the people are 100% stupid)

Thank you for your attention.
I've always wanted to see what happens when you do that. I'm gonna get a car (any car, I don't mind) and put a brick on the throttle, and wait.

If it's a reciprocating engine, I hope to see the conrods/pistons arc gracefully through the sky....

And if it's a 'legendary'* rotary engine then that's just boring - nothing will fly

*rotary engines are NOT legendary. Their initial unreliability, thirstiness (oil and petrol), lack of torque, and general weirdness is legendary. The engine itself is not. Hell, only the Japs would carry on throwing money at an engine only 6 people really want.
Quote from operator0 :So what else was he going to do with that "legendary" 13B? Take it to a taxidermist, have it stuffed and put in a 'lifelike' pose, then take up three cubic feet of his livingroom space displaying it to all who pass through his house? Just because it's legendary? Like, maybe it's the only ****ing 13b left on the face of the Earth? Is that it?

Let me repeat again. It's essentialy worthless. It doesn't matter what kind of motor it is. If it's worthless, then there is no monetary value and, by deffinition, no collectable value either. Might as well get some entertainment value out of it.

Have you taken my multiple choice quiz yet? If not, how bout doing so right now?

I mean, it's unreal that you are villifying Americans for popping a motor that's not only worthless but will provide more worth by going to go to a salvage yard to get turned into Bic razor blades. Your eletist sanctimony is stinking up this thread.

Wow. I didn't even expect someone to heat up like this. If my post seemed like I was bashing every single american that lives on the planet I apologize. I think americans are mostly great and friendly people. I wrote that post at like 5AM being really tired and pissed off :chair:

My point was on these inviduals who are screwed in the head to go blow up a engine without even doing anything. I can't see any fun on sitting a car and waiting the engine blow. I don't know about you, but that engine could have well been speant in learning to drift or atleast do burnouts with it If it was really "worthless", as you say it was, it couldn't have been able to take that much punishment for as long as they did in the video.

Best yet, take the engine out and fix it, tune it. Do something crying out loud. You can even push over 300hp from a N/A 13B with slight porting. I don't know how much the 13B costs for you people over in the states, but here it's atleast 2000 euros (~$2400) without transmission or peripherals. That may give you a bit perspective. As you people get everything so cheap and have no problems buying anything, it may not seem such a waste for you.

Oh, and about your second posting operator, was that a threat against me? I thought that's illegal in these forums. I guess I gotta check that up..

And yes, Finland does have car guys. Some are just as equal to the smartness as in the video.
So I want to know what actually "lets go" in a rotary when you do that. It's not exactly like it can throw a rod or drop a valve. It looked to me like it just boiled dry, and started grating the rotor tips against the sides of the chambers, losing all compression, that'd explain the flames from the exhaust too, as fuel is getting by the rotor tip into the exhaust port and catching fire.

It hurt to watch the video, but not as much when I found out the engine was basically worthless, it'd be more fun to watch a piston engine go, but there would be much more chance of damaging the actual car. (A flying con rod can do wonders to a windshield.)

As for them doing this in general, the 13B rotary isn't exactly a holy object, at least not here in the states. Now had they done this to a Ferrari Colombo V12, or a 1.5 Litre Matra V16, they would need to be shot.
Quote from ColeusRattus :
"Drei Drittel Trottel" (Three thirds are dumbasses) and "90% der Leute sind zu 100% deppert" (90% of the people are 100% stupid)

ROFL... I think you hit the nail on the head. And if you wanna know the truth, there really is a lot of Stupid Americans. But I also think that camcorders
have a secret ray in them that drops the IQ of whoever is being filmed by about 20 points.
Quote from 96 GTS :So I want to know what actually "lets go" in a rotary when you do that. It's not exactly like it can throw a rod or drop a valve. It looked to me like it just boiled dry, and started grating the rotor tips against the sides of the chambers, losing all compression, that'd explain the flames from the exhaust too, as fuel is getting by the rotor tip into the exhaust port and catching fire.

It hurt to watch the video, but not as much when I found out the engine was basically worthless, it'd be more fun to watch a piston engine go, but there would be much more chance of damaging the actual car. (A flying con rod can do wonders to a windshield.)

As for them doing this in general, the 13B rotary isn't exactly a holy object, at least not here in the states. Now had they done this to a Ferrari Colombo V12, or a 1.5 Litre Matra V16, they would need to be shot.

Most likely the apex seals fried up because of the overheating. True, it ain't as painful as the engine was "basically worthless". However, new apex seals aren't more than hundred bucks max, and I'm guessing those were the only things busted in the engine as the actual block of rotary engines hardly can get damaged. I doubt it would have been a big deal to fix that engine to pristine condition. But I guess that's what do you do when you are bored and have too much money in your hands..

13B is far from being a holy object, so is 13BT. But imo, they aren't something to blow up for "shits and giggles" Atleast over here where those engines are given some respect.
Quote :
Isn't it worth $100 to do something fun like this?

The point is in the question why you would consider this fun.

And, no, in my opinion, this is not a "car guys thing".
I consider myself a car guy, and blowing an engine up just because it has maybe 200,000 or more km on it is nothing I would consider doing.
I wouldn't do it because I AM a car guy. My relationship towards my cars is emotional.
You asked why you should sell it for almost no gain instead of blowing it up for fun?
Well. My point of view is that if an engine has served me well from the day I bought the car with 150,000km on it to the day I want to replace it 50,000km later because it is losing compression and I have something better at hand, I will rather give it for free to someone who can make use of it than blow it up.
Isn't it always better to give things to people who will still use them instead of just throwing them away?

Moreover, blowing the engine up is more than just throwing it away. It is abuse, it is neglecting the value of which it has once been to you.
"Torturing" it to death would just not be my way of saying "Thanks for the good time."

Maybe you're right if you think now that I take this too seriously. But I just do.
Quote from ColeusRattus :At least I doubt he meant you in person.
They obviously are, no doubt in that, and being rich and bored doesn't make such a stupid act more intelligent.

And we've come full circle. I believe I've asked this question no less than three times on this very thread. Let me ask it once more.

If you had a worthless motor that was comming out of a car in a matter of hours, what would you do with it?

Quote from Matrixi :Best yet, take the engine out and fix it, tune it. Do something crying out loud. You can even push over 300hp from a N/A 13B with slight porting. I don't know how much the 13B costs for you people over in the states, but here it's atleast 2000 euros (~$2400) without transmission or peripherals. That may give you a bit perspective. As you people get everything so cheap and have no problems buying anything, it may not seem such a waste for you.

The fact that the motor is worth that kind of money in Finland does nothing to help these guys who live 4,000 miles away. It certainly doesn't increase the value of the motor in America. So forget all that, because it has no bearing on this situation.

I'm sure that Finland has access to motors that are worth nothing over there, but are worth quite a bit to Americans. If they had blown one of those motors up, you wouldn't bat an eye, but many Americans would be calling them stupid. The difference is that our argument would actualy be relavent, BECAUSE THEY LIVE IN AMERICA...not Finland. If we reverse the situation and put a couple of Fins in those American's spots you would hear no shock or calls of stupidity from me, because I understand how markets work. A worthless motor in Finland, is still worthless, No matter if the motor is worth $2400 to Americans or not. Now, if the motor is worth a few thousand more than that to Americans, then it starts to become a different ballgame. There is a threshold at which it becomes prudent to start looking for over seas buyers. But only after transportation costs and customs costs and time spent shipping it are all paid for and there's still a significant amount left. That's not the case here.

Quote :Oh, and about your second posting operator, was that a threat against me? I thought that's illegal in these forums. I guess I gotta check that up..

No, no. Sorry if the post was a little ambiguous. I certainly don't think this argument is worth physical threats. I would never do that. What I meant was that I would get a few of my Finish freinds to post in this thread and support my argument that one of the most worthwhile things you can do with a worthless motor that's comming out of the car is to blow it up for fun. Hope that clears it up.

Now back to our regularly schedualed argument.

Quote : I can't see any fun on sitting a car and waiting the engine blow.

I think that statement is stupid. Do you like my opinion?

Quote :I don't know about you, but that engine could have well been speant in learning to drift or atleast do burnouts with it

It's funny how I was called a ricer earlier in the post when so far, the only evidence of anyone being a ricer is a guy on the other side of the argument. You go ahead and have mAd TiZzItE fun drifting.

Quote :If it was really "worthless", as you say it was, it couldn't have been able to take that much punishment for as long as they did in the video.

What? You think the only thing that constitutes a worthwhile engine is it's apperent durability? You've got things all mixed up. Let me spell it out. You can buy a remanufactured (that means the motor is rebuilt) B13 for 625 Euros here in America. Let me repeat, a virtualy new B13 in America costs ~600 Euros. There is no market for that motor in America, especialy for one with a lot of miles on it. It makes no difference how durable it is, if no one wants it, it doesn't have any value. The turbo motors are a different story.

The cost for those guys to rebuild the motor would far exceed the worth of the finished product. In other words, they would lose money trying to rebuild it. Now, that's stupid.

Let me sum up:

Any motor is fun to blow up when you have nothing better to do with it. These two had nothing better to do with the motor. Again, if you disagree, then tell me what they could have done with it?
Quote from Don Merino :The point is in the question why you would consider this fun.

Yes. Finaly someone on the other side of the argument who seems smart enough to grasp some of the concepts I'm throwing out. You are correct sir. That is one of my arguments.

Quote :And, no, in my opinion, this is not a "car guys thing".

At least you prefaced it by telling us it's your opinion. I can respect that, although I disagree.

Quote :I consider myself a car guy, and blowing an engine up just because it has maybe 200,000 or more km on it is nothing I would consider doing.
I wouldn't do it because I AM a car guy. My relationship towards my cars is emotional.

Uhh Houston, we have a problem. I'll tell you this, anyone who has an emotional attachment to a machine is way more messed up in the head than the two in the video. You need professional help.

Quote :You asked why you should sell it for almost no gain instead of blowing it up for fun?
Well. My point of view is that if an engine has served me well from the day I bought the car with 150,000km on it to the day I want to replace it 50,000km later because it is losing compression and I have something better at hand, I will rather give it for free to someone who can make use of it than blow it up.

Bravo. You have answered my question with a very well thought out reply. It even makes sense. Pay attention kids, this is how it's done.

Quote :Isn't it always better to give things to people who will still use them instead of just throwing them away?

I'll admit that it would be a better use of the motor, but you would need a freind who could actualy use the motor first.

Quote :Moreover, blowing the engine up is more than just throwing it away. It is abuse, it is neglecting the value of which it has once been to you.
"Torturing" it to death would just not be my way of saying "Thanks for the good time."

Again, stop with the emotional stuff, you're making me cry.

Quote :Maybe you're right if you think now that I take this too seriously. But I just do.

I like you. You even pointed out that you perhaps take it to another level. Anyone who can admit their less than desirable qualities is A-OK in my book.

That post so far is the best one yet to represent the other side of the argument. A little dramatic, a lot of emotion, but at least he gives me a few answers.
I dunno... the more I think about it, they should have just blown up the whole damn car. And I bet if those guys were to stumble across this thread, they'd
probably think WE were stupid carrying on about it.
Without trying to turn this into a political debate it seems to me to be a sad reflection on American attitudes towards wasting anything they can. I really can't understand why your still going on about this (maybe an American we can't be beaten mentality). If you race stock cars and want to blow up Chevy small blocks for a hobby that's up to you, I'd rather race them myself. Deliberately trying to push a rod through the block whilst peering over it is about as ****ing stupid as you can get anyway because flying debris kills.
Quote from operator0 :And we've come full circle. I believe I've asked this question no less than three times on this very thread. Let me ask it once more.

If you had a worthless motor that was comming out of a car in a matter of hours, what would you do with it?

Well, to be honest I would take it out to scrap yard or maybe part it out and sell it away. Giving away is one option, so is taking the motor to one of those shops that pay you hard cash for raw materials (aluminum and iron in this case).

Quote from operator0 :The fact that the motor is worth that kind of money in Finland does nothing to help these guys who live 4,000 miles away. It certainly doesn't increase the value of the motor in America. So forget all that, because it has no bearing on this situation.

I'm sure that Finland has access to motors that are worth nothing over there, but are worth quite a bit to Americans. If they had blown one of those motors up, you wouldn't bat an eye, but many Americans would be calling them stupid. The difference is that our argument would actualy be relavent, BECAUSE THEY LIVE IN AMERICA...not Finland. If we reverse the situation and put a couple of Fins in those American's spots you would hear no shock or calls of stupidity from me, because I understand how markets work. A worthless motor in Finland, is still worthless, No matter if the motor is worth $2400 to Americans or not. Now, if the motor is worth a few thousand more than that to Americans, then it starts to become a different ballgame. There is a threshold at which it becomes prudent to start looking for over seas buyers. But only after transportation costs and customs costs and time spent shipping it are all paid for and there's still a significant amount left. That's not the case here.

You do have a good point there. But, there are people willing to buy a complete engine from another country. I am one of them. When I had my FC I bought a shitload of parts to its engine from the US. They were a lot, and I do mean a lot cheaper to order from the states and pay to tolls and taxes rather than get it from Mazda directly from Finland. Same would go to a complete engine. I'm not too sure about what you said about fins having engines worth alot to people in the US, unless you give great value to old Lada and Skoda engines. But I do see your point.

Quote from operator0 :It's funny how I was called a ricer earlier in the post when so far, the only evidence of anyone being a ricer is a guy on the other side of the argument. You go ahead and have mAd TiZzItE fun drifting.

If you are trying to stamp me as being a ricer of somewhat, you are oh-so-wrong. I don't know if drifting is equal to ricer tuning etc in the states, but it ain't here. It's motorsport, just like racing is. And in my world, it sure as hell is a lot more appealing than killing an engine for nothing.

Quote from operator0 :What? You think the only thing that constitutes a worthwhile engine is it's apperent durability? You've got things all mixed up. Let me spell it out. You can buy a remanufactured (that means the motor is rebuilt) B13 for 625 Euros here in America. Let me repeat, a virtualy new B13 in America costs ~600 Euros. There is no market for that motor in America, especialy for one with a lot of miles on it. It makes no difference how durable it is, if no one wants it, it doesn't have any value. The turbo motors are a different story.

The cost for those guys to rebuild the motor would far exceed the worth of the finished product. In other words, they would lose money trying to rebuild it. Now, that's stupid.

Read my second reply to your quote. There are people abroad willing to buy a engine from the states or anywhere in the world for that matter, rebuilt or not.

Quote from operator0 :Any motor is fun to blow up when you have nothing better to do with it. These two had nothing better to do with the motor. Again, if you disagree, then tell me what they could have done with it?

Quote from operator0 :I think that statement is stupid. Do you like my opinion?

Those two quotes sum it up for me. Blowing up a engine seems to be a cool and awesome thing for you. It isn't for me. No matter how much you talk about the engine being worthless and piece of crap, I still think it shouldn't be blown up. I don't achieve any joy in such matter, I guess it's an american treat that I don't have, now or never in the future.

I posted my opinion, you posted yours. That's the way these forums should be. I don't like your opinion, and you certainly don't seem to like my opinion, so we should rest it at that and not go for personal issues
Quote from operator0 :
If you had a worthless motor that was comming out of a car in a matter of hours, what would you do with it?

As an American, I gotta admit, I wouldn't do something that wasteful to it either.
Nah, I'd sell it to someone who didn't know any probably to some
dude in Finland
Quote from operator0 :
Let me repeat, a virtualy new B13 in America costs ~600 Euros.

As an Amercian, you should know that there are people who have to work on three jobs to get that much a month. And even if the engine in question would be worth 50 € I'd say it is a waste. So, the fronts are cleared on that: I wouldn't do something like that, you would. No problem for me.
But why are you getting so defensive about it? It's not like you yourself blew that engine and you'd have to justify for it...
I say blow more engines up!!!!!

Then let the weird people in the forum who care about random people they've never met who enjoy blowing up crappy engines not fit for sale and then STILL take it to the scrapyard and get £30 for it.

Okay - this weeks challenge:

First person to get 30 wins a Twix (or the equivalent in your country)*

* you have to buy your own Twix (or equivalent).

one way to kill an engine...
(85 posts, started )