Personally I think it's tasteless and rude - an unmitigated attack on someone for no real reason. But I guess it's up to you, her or the mods as to whether it's allowed on here.
Mitigated attacks on someone (e.g. for showing unnatural stupidity) I'm all for however!
It is only a bit of fun. There are loads of things on the forum which are alot more offensive. Duke is taking this on the chin and finds it just as funny as we do. If he keeps telling us his mic is broken, if he will believe it.
At the moment, no one appears to be getting upset, and as soon as they do, it will be removed by us. Simply because we dont want to upset anyone or cause offence.
Like I said, we are taking the piss out of Duke for having a broken mic/girly voice. We are not taking the piss out of Becky.
But, untill then...Do You Really Think I Sound Like Becky Rose?
Its the fact that she is a female, easily the most popular female in LFS, closley followed by Tiny. The fact that we are all LFS players, we all know who Becky is and then we realised, he does sound like Becky Rose.
We wouldnt post it here if he sounded like Jessica Simpson would we.
Like, I said...we are not taking the piss out of Becky, we are taking the piss out of Duke.
**EDIT** That makes no sence...but you get the idea.