What do the US people use for tires?!
(67 posts, started )
#1 - Krane
What do the US people use for tires?!
http://www.ifilm.com/video/2814267/channel/viralvideo illepall

There's quite a lot of crashes and accidents here when the first snow comes, but that just crazy, looked more like figure skating

Well at least they didn't jump out of the cars like the idiots in the video few years back.
God bless cars that dont let you turn off the ABS.
Jeez.. what was that one guy doing, he slams into a car then into a tree and then reverses into another bunch of cars. Its as if he had his foot down on the accelerator....
I think it's mostly driving ability.

I'm not saying that people across the pond couln't drive, but if you can read the same stupid headlines (you know, WINTER SURPRISED -sh*t) in November HERE, where the snow and slippery has come every single year since first car arrived here (in April 2nd, 1900 btw), it's not surprising to see drivers in trouble in areas where snow really is something that surprises.

A good driver can countersteer / kill understeer, but better driver doesn't need to.
I believe that Portland was hit by an ice storm and many cars were not prepared for that weather. Most cars in Portland run all weather tires, but that still wont work well at all on the ice. Like Frokki said, it's mostly driving ability, and those people were just stupid to drive in those conditions. Hardly anyone will have studded tires on their car before the icy weather comes.

It's not "U.S. tires" :rolleyes:
Ouch, thats serious insurence money ! :P
I think it's beyond driver ability when it's that icey. It more like the people had no brains at all.

I am not sure on this but they had rain, then ice, then snow so there was a good inch or so of ice, there is nothing you can do with a vehicle on ice/snow mix like that and they should have just stayed put.
Well, it doesn't that slippery....that's what they thought but there must be nice sheet of ice under that. Snow top of ice and a downhill and wrong tires makes thing bad...I wonder what happened for that fire truck
any tires other than studded would have problems. I know some states don't allow studs, but I think Oregon does.
I can't believe how dumb some people are.
If I was sliding down the road on sheet ice, I would put the car into a barrier before any more damage was done.
And if the car stops, Leave it alone and tie it down.
#11 - JTbo
I believe that there was some kind of hill which we can't see too well, I have driven on wet ice with my summer tires (not all weather, but sport tires for summer use only) it was slippery as hell, but I could keep car under control at slow speeds.

Those drivers lost control at walking speeds, so that must have been some steep hill.
Of course exception is that first one, why he/she kept throttle floored? Brain capacity problems ?

I was hoping to see firetruck sliding without any control down that hill, but film did run out too early
Quote from Becky Rose :God bless cars that dont let you turn off the ABS.

ABS wont really help to much in snow and ice! Many of the cars there had ABS! Main problem was alot of them were RWD! Awful in snow!

Was funny
The people who powered it after they came to a stand still are total idiots, someone in a prius did it, they stopped about 1 metre from hitting someone they just powered on and bang. Fool.
Quote from jamesrowe :ABS wont really help to much in snow and ice!

I believe that was Becky's point...
If you turned it off you'd have more chance. ABS is crap in the snow or ice. Actually it's just crap.
Wasn't that BMW driving with no problems?
#16 - JTbo
ABS can double the braking distance in some circumstances.

Studless winter tires on ice, braking from speed of 80kph stopping distance wheels locked (abs off) 235 meters and with ABS on 404 meters, now summer tires have even less friction so ABS is braking even less with summer tires thus making stopping distance even longer.
There are no reaction times in these numbers included.

Test car was 2006 Volvo V50, one could think that there is no fault in their ABS at least.
Quote from pasibrzuch :Wasn't that BMW driving with no problems?

The driver truned off the road before the hill, which shows good driving as only a fool would take on a hill on ice.
yeah looks like black ice to me which is absolutely undriveable with anything else than spikes
theyre still bad and stupid drivers for even trying
Still, it's good to have a giggle at other people's misfortunes.
I wouldn't expect much better from Portland. I have a sinking feeling that the place is for people too crazy for California. I'm not sure about Portland's winter weather, but I'm not sure if they see much of the frozen stuff.

But yeah. The only sensible thing to do would be to avoid icy hills.
i believe the purpose of the firetruck was to block the road to keep any more fools from trying for a bit.
All it takes is ice and some snow on top of it. Studs or no studs, enjoy sliding

That first car certainly had 0 control on anything. I'm sure he/she just panicked and floored the throttle. It really doesn't help if you just lock the brakes and start praying lol.

One thing still bothers me. If the road was so damn slippery and people saw cars in front of them losing control, why did they had to try it for themselves anyway?
Quote from LFSn00b :Why US doesn't allow stud tires?

Studs and chains damage the road, and it's common for people not to bother removing chains/stud tires when the ice/snow starts to melt, thus ripping up the road.
Quote from LFSn00b :Why US doesn't allow stud tires?

Up here in Canada there are only certain parts of the country where studded tires are allowed. Other than that, most people here have a second set of rims and winter tires. The smarter ones do anyway. Even cheap winter tires make a huge difference.

Crazy poop

First guy had mental issues though

What do the US people use for tires?!
(67 posts, started )