The online racing simulator
Acclerating on 2 Wheels
(11 posts, started )
Acclerating on 2 Wheels
i have absolutely no idea where to go with this one.
im sorry (move me if u know it better )
i havent had internet for the past 3 weeks so i was playing offline.
i always enjoyed driving on 2 wheels but its pretty easy already (few mins are np) so i tested to acclerate while driving on 2 wheels.
the best ive got was a starting speed of about 40 kmh (25 mph) and succesfully acclerated up to about 170 kmh (105 mph).
driven car was the XFR
2 reasons why i post this ^^
first id like to know / see if anyone can do better.
and id appreciate if someone could capture my run and put some music behind it, my pc aint really that fast and i have no practice in doing movies / clips.
attached the spr

*EDIT* btw, the best run starts at 3:00 minutes
Attached files
2 wheel accleration ^c).spr - 92.5 KB - 426 views
#2 - richy
hahaha quality stuff. you should get a stunt team together. now all you need is some bikes that you can hang off and do some stoppies!!!

looks quite realistic you know. i guess the speeds might be a bit extreme but from when ive seen cars doing that 2 wheel thing, looks quite similar. maybe a bit too stable? possibly because its a computer game.
Quote from richy :hahaha quality stuff. you should get a stunt team together. now all you need is some bikes that you can hang off and do some stoppies!!!

LFS + Bikes = Sweet Ass

Q1*and that prompted me to ask is that bike physics thingy that was about a few years ago ever realsease?
I recall the devs saying that the ultimate goal of LFS is simulating anything on wheels, so we could have a SBK class:

4 cylinders to 750
3 cylinders 900cc
2 cylinders, up to 1000cc for the Fogarty fans

Dreaming is free isnt it?
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :i have absolutely no idea where to go with this one.
im sorry (move me if u know it better )
i havent had internet for the past 3 weeks so i was playing offline.
i always enjoyed driving on 2 wheels but its pretty easy already (few mins are np) so i tested to acclerate while driving on 2 wheels.
the best ive got was a starting speed of about 40 kmh (25 mph) and succesfully acclerated up to about 170 kmh (105 mph).
driven car was the XFR
2 reasons why i post this ^^
first id like to know / see if anyone can do better.
and id appreciate if someone could capture my run and put some music behind it, my pc aint really that fast and i have no practice in doing movies / clips.
attached the spr

*EDIT* btw, the best run starts at 3:00 minutes

would you bother to post the setup you used please?
its nothing special, just good enough to get it on 2 wheels
u need alot of practice especially with the XFR.
my favorite car for 2 wheel driving is still the XRR (easiest handling) but the wings make the acclerating almost impossible so i had to grab the XFR.
anyway, ill attach both sets, the one for the XFR and the one for XRR.
test it (always remember, its alot harder than it looks )
Attached files
XF GTR_2 wheels.set - 132 B - 285 views
XR GTR_2 wheels.set - 132 B - 288 views
thanx mate!
well done boosted
#9 - Davo
l33t Skillz.
Can you land it? Would be much cooler than crashing from 170km/h
I prefer XRT. Not faster, but more bouncy fun
Fast forward to around 2:20.
Attached files
2_wheels_xrt_acc.spr - 44 KB - 251 views

Acclerating on 2 Wheels
(11 posts, started )