I'm glad you guys posted some valid arguments.
Still, I'd like to share this...I had a chat with a friend of mine who has absolutely nothing, and i mean nothing to do cars. For him, cars get you from a to b have four wheels a round thing and three funny pedals. Bikes only have two, why would you need three
illepall ?!. I just told him this is not an arcade, but a simulator, his instant reply was something like this:
- the community of a game is still made mostly out of 'gamers' so when given the chance they will make a lot of crap, not even close to anything real -
Well this applies to any simulator, a plane simulator, a submarine simulator, a spinning circle on a stick simulator even!
Later I tried imagining what -I- would actually do if I'd have an editor. Hummmmm
. Well, I for one would like more 4wd cars. Good. I also love the Wrx-STI. Good. So 3dstudio max, WRX-Sti 3d-model done. Adobe Photoshop (or search skin_x) and i've also got a skin. Awesome. How about the engine/handling? Suppose i just write that in a text file and the game knows what to do with it. Well now...
. Here's the problem. Suppose i'd have a lot of technical specs and so on...I've never driven an STi, how would i know if it 'feels' like one?
I know there are a lot of people here that did (or maybe still do) get a chance to know what that's supposed to feel like, but unless they get together and suggest something directly, the rest are stuck with (eventually) a new 3d model and maybe a new skin but with let's say FXR's specs.
In the case of tracks , it's very complicated to -create- something entertaining but not consuming and simply re-creating real tracks becomes a copyright issue.
And managing the mods is a dev nightmare, i never tried looking at this from that point of view.
So definetly no cars, maybe, just -maybe- submitting 3d-models.
Definetly no tracks, but again mabye, just -maybe- submitting ideas, designs.
So what's left?
Game physics and mechanics - definetly a nono, no 'maybe' here.
Textures - check out the sand / snow tracks
Sounds - there's something on this too,though i think it's outdated due to the last patch.
...was that all? Pretty much yes.
Not actually, LFS DOES have an autocross editor. I wouldn't a call it a track editor. Well, i've noticed cones, walls, tires, even a ramp. Awesome. And i DO mean -awesome-.
Therefore the only suggestion i still have is to improve the autocross editor
I've used it and this is what i'd really love to see there:
-more checkpoints, not just three.
-less important, but still interesting, would be the ability to set two different paths for the same start/finish (think at a final stage of some rally: two cars compete for two laps at the same time on the same track but on different routes, the second lap's path of each car being the first lap's path of the other car)