The online racing simulator
F1 Ps3
(47 posts, started )
That game apears from the videos I've watched to have the same gameplay as the ps2 F1 titles (horrible) but with alot of special effects. The road surface and tires are just wrong, but some other stuff is very impressive.

I was so excited for the PS3, and it still may come out on top as the PS1 was lame when it first hit the market too. My gf's brother is video game journalist of sorts, and has all 3 consoles, and 99% of the games for all of them and none of the PS3 games make you say wow, or give you any real reason to get excited.
Quote from ajp71 :Hate to say it but even my computer could produce those visuals without a silly motion blur effect. PS3 games would look crap if you plugged them to a PC. Having said that anyone plugged LFS into their TV? Alot of graphics cards seem to offer this now what's better for playing sims TVs or monitors?

I play on my 42" plasma, but there are much better setups that that. I could have bought 2 decent projectors and made a curved screen, that would be my choice in, although 2 more plasma's on a tripple head would be nice too.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :OT... Wouldn't you have to feck with the signal to get it to project without distorting onto a curved surface?

I would assume the fisheye look you get from 120 degree field of view would look fine on a slightly curved screen, somone on here (name escapes me) plays on a curved screen, but with one projector.
Quote from ajp71 :The highest res ones are 1290 x 780, the absolute minimum requirement for Sony to stamp HD on the box. I play LFS in HD (and higher res than that ) on a 3 year old crap computer on an 8 year old monitor and it looks better than that, I'm not saying the PS3s res/graphics isn't much worse than the current crop of computers but it's not at all futrewise, it'll soon be blown away by pretty ordinary equipment, same with the PS2 really I don't see why people said they were anything out of the ordinary Halo on the original Xbox did look pretty cool though.

EDIT - Having looked at the volumetric lighting thingy it does look pretty cool I'd love to see a Le Mans sim with that kind of dawn sombody needs to go break the news to Sony that F1 cars don't so night races

by PC standards thats a low resolution, I can play half life 1 at 1920X1080 dosent mean it gonna look better than 800X600. that game seems to have more going on graphically so i can imagine there somewhere at the limits of their fillrate budget
Quote from lalathegreat :by PC standards thats a low resolution, I can play half life 1 at 1920X1080 dosent mean it gonna look better than 800X600. that game seems to have more going on graphically so i can imagine there somewhere at the limits of their fillrate budget

Still doesn't get away from the fact that it still doesn't look any good just TRD2 motion blur + BF2 lighting in a low res environment
#30 - MR_B
Quote from al heeley :Oh come on Kringle, that has to be the lamest criticism I ever came across for a racing game! Is that really the only thing worth commenting on?

Yes because I did not get to play it.

I did attach a vid but i had to shrink it down so much it's become more of a proof of witnessing instead of anything helpful.
Attached files - 1.8 MB - 157 views
Watched it on my PC and all I can say is I hope the fps was due to the recording and oh dear it looks crap and has no physics, it's not even funny.
Quote from ajp71 :Watched it on my PC and all I can say is I hope the fps was due to the recording and oh dear it looks crap and has no physics, it's not even funny.

I get perfect framerate here...

Try windows media player, quicktime, well I have nothing good to say about quicktime so I wont say anything at all. lol
Although I wouln't go near a console racing 'sim', I hate it how people write off consoles just for the sake of it. I have a 360 32 inch LCD and 5.1 setup,and although it's a fairly standard setup, it ilooks and sounds fan-bloody-tastic.

Please don't crap on about resolution etc. It's apples and oranges.
I had a few mates over the other night, a few beers and playing Fight Night 3 for a couple of hours. Awesome fun in anyone's language. And noone said 'yeh but teh resolution suxors compared to the PC'. It's not an experience you can get on a PC.
Quote from ajp71 :Was it meant to be at 2fps? Maybe something to do with the fact Quicktime doesn't like being made to play wmvs larger than the screen res

It's a HD vid... it's heavy on the processor. I have problems with my AXP2200+ and 1 gig ram with HD resolution vids but luckily VLC player that uses it's own overlay codecs plays it smoothly.
I heard roumors that PS3 will not have a support for Force Feedback??
Anyone know if this is true?
How ridicolous would that be?
^^ Well obviously it will have force feedback in the form of crappy rumble effects at the very least and I guess some support for conventional FF wheels, ie. DFP. If it supports the DFP output I can't imagine there is any hardware limitation preventing full physics based FF LFS style (just need a physics engine first ).
#42 - DeKo
Quote from ajp71 :^^ Well obviously it will have force feedback in the form of crappy rumble effects at the very least and I guess some support for conventional FF wheels, ie. DFP. If it supports the DFP output I can't imagine there is any hardware limitation preventing full physics based FF LFS style (just need a physics engine first ).

it doesnt, they completely removed rumble in favour of the tilt thing.
They omitted it for legal reasons. Microsoft (and maybe Ninendo) are forking out cash to be able to keep it.
it dosent have force feed back in the traditional rumble in the main controller. for legal reasons as mentioned. But FF wheels seem to work i hurd that games like carbon have force feed back
Afaik this legal hullaballoo only applies to games made/published by Sony (?!)

It's Sony's own fault, if they had nicely payed the patent bills or whatever instead of going into court, there would be no problem. I'm already eagerly waiting how they gonna pull off GT5 without FFB.
honeslly i stand by sony on their decision. I hate the concept of having to pay for something so simple as a "computer controled motor". its not like the pantent was some big revolutionary concept.
for those who don't know there is a company, imersion that owns patents for force feed back. so if you have any hardware that has force feed back you have to pay them royalties.

orginally the patents were in the hands of another company but imersion bought that company. the day after the patents where placed in their name they filed class actions suits against microsoft and sony. M$ settled but sony deicded to fight and lost. they had to pay 90 million dollars to imersion for royalties for ps2. soon after sony annouced that that ps3's controller would not feature under the pretence that it would not work with their tilt feature. imersion then responded by plublishing a survey to gamers about how they would feel if rumble was removed from gaming.

imersion is just money sapping pigs if u ask me. am not even sure they even create any force feed back devices worth looking at. Why should a company like logitec who creates there own devices, have to turn around and pay imersion for something as simple as force feed back.
And the fun part is microsoft also bought all the Imersion tech stock it could get it's hands on.

F1 Ps3
(47 posts, started )