The online racing simulator
Race with my friend (question)
(13 posts, started )
Race with my friend (question)
I raced today with my friend in South City Sprint Track too. I won the race, but my friend means, i drive unfair.

Here is the story:

At the Beginning my friend has a crash. So i drove a bit slower. Afte some laps he was back again behind my car. So i look out where i can get some times (zeit gut machen). in the hairpin after the highway i braked very very late. My car brakes out and i crashed in my friends car. He hit light the wall. But he was so good as before.

Then, in 12th lap my friend hit extremely fast the wall.

So here is my question. My friend says, he do not win because of my collision with him. But i think he lose the race because of his accident in 12th lap. Was it unfair?

Here is a replay so you can see if its unfair.
Attached files
fair^q.mpr - 380.3 KB - 227 views
#2 - Davo
You are dirty and unfair, sorry but i'ts true. First corner you tapped your friend causing him to spin, but yoy didn;t say sorry or let him pass. Then the incident where you locked your brakes and crashed into him sending him into the wall, again, no sorry or letting him pass. After that I could see your friend lost his concentration because he had some bad crahes himself thhat damaged his suspension.

If you drove fair and let him pass yo when you crahed into him, I doubt yuo would have won.
I didn't watch the replay, but from what you said, you made an honest mistake when you made contact with him; it was a racing deal. Now, whether or not his worse crash on lap 12 was a result of your contact earlier I don't know, but it doesn't matter.

You didn't take him out on purpose, so no foul on your part, your friend is just a sore loser :P

[EDIT] Just read Davo's post and it seems you did it multiple times. To clarify, I don't think "Fairness" comes from letting someone pass you when you take them out accidentally. Do real drivers do this? no! You keep going. After a race you might apologize, or you might get your crew to do so for you, but you don't stop and let them past. Why is this expected in sim racing? If I take someone out, I apologize, then continue on. Bottom line, it's a race, and we all want to win. There is nothing dirty or unfair about not letting someone pass when you accidentally hit them. There IS something dirty and unfair about intentionally hitting them, or repeatedly hitting them (if you hit them once accidentally, take note of why it happened to prevent it in the future, don't keep doing the same thing over and over.)
Quote from MAGGOT :To clarify, I don't think "Fairness" comes from letting someone pass you when you take them out accidentally. Do real drivers do this? no!

That's not true, though. As major contact is rather rare in real Life, I'll use a different example: Say you run accidentally straight through a chicane and thus overtake another driver. You'll be punished for taking the shortcut. Yet, you won't be punished if you let the driver you passed unfairly pass again. (Happens all the time in Monaco in this chicane. What's it called? Harbor, or something? Anyway, that thing right after the tunnel.)
That's a different situation; you gained an advantage by cutting through a chicane (unintentionally or not, it is a little different.) Also, there are rules in most series mandating that you give the position back. (Not always enforced as we saw last year in F1...but thats another topic)

When you hit someone, accidentally, you do not slow down/stop to let them pass you back.
Quote from MAGGOT :That's a different situation; you gained an advantage by cutting through a chicane (unintentionally or not, it is a little different.) Also, there are rules in most series mandating that you give the position back. (Not always enforced as we saw last year in F1...but thats another topic)

When you hit someone, accidentally, you do not slow down/stop to let them pass you back.

Well, I don't think it's that different. If you're gaining an advantage by hitting someone, you're quite in the same situation like cutting a chicane and so is the driver who's at a disadvantage. Thing is, if you did that in real life, you might face a penalty after the race (which is usually not the case in public LFS-racing). And if the contact was intentional or not, is not so much of an issue, really, it's more aquestion of whether you breached a rule.

Anyway, I personally let a driver pass if I hit him majorly and thus gained an advantage. If it was just a slight tap and I gained an advantage, I was probably faster anyway and won't give the position back, but simply appologize if it was my fault. No written rule, I guess, just courtesy.
in my opinion is tapping not a foul. Its normal racing. He was in my lap and i defend my position. (p.s.: He isnt a so good driver so for 60 percent it was his fault)

But now i see the collision was completely my fault. i said sorry to him. I wanted to brake and get through him after the hairpin. But you see, my back brakes out. I think this wasnt a "fault". It was a normal race crash.

And my times arent the best, but i am not a bad driver

p.s.: i drive with keyboard
Just for the record...

Tapping and hitting someone is NOT part of normal racing, racing is NOT a contact sport.

Sure a slight tap can happen in the heat of battle, but if you can allready call it a "collision" or a "crash" as you do, then it's way beyond what could be accepted as a "racing incident"

Just my 2 cents, Lord knows I have hit people (everyone makes mistakes) and the online skill level in race sims is way below the race drivers on the real life tracks, just say sorry, give the position back, and learn from it. (I am neither very fast nor very experienced, but always my goal is to drive clean and learn from those that are better)
#9 - bbman
Quote from DFS_MadFred :Just for the record...

Tapping and hitting someone is NOT part of normal racing, racing is NOT a contact sport.

Sure a slight tap can happen in the heat of battle, but if you can allready call it a "collision" or a "crash" as you do, then it's way beyond what could be accepted as a "racing incident"

Just my 2 cents, Lord knows I have hit people (everyone makes mistakes) and the online skill level in race sims is way below the race drivers on the real life tracks, just say sorry, give the position back, and learn from it. (I am neither very fast nor very experienced, but always my goal is to drive clean and learn from those that are better)

So true... Every rub, every nudge, every tap is one too much! Sure, it can happen, but your goal should be to make no contact AT ALL, not "hmm, I might tap him a bit, just not so much he's out of the race"...
#10 - Nard
Well yeah, we always try to avoid tapping and general contact, but when the racing is close and the guy in front constantly blocks, sometimes cars get very close together and contact isn't rare at all.

I tend to let people pass and get their position back if I screw up a pass like that and cause em to spin. It's just common sense, first you avoid getting penalties, and second, you are acting like a gentleman. I find it more rewarding on the long run to be courteous and let people pass than gain one or two spots in the span of several races but look like a bastard.
#11 - ev0
If get a victory by accidentally taking out the person I am trying to pass, it doesn't feel like a victory at all. It feels dirty.

If this was a friendly contest to see who is the better racer, then it should not count, because of the contact, and you should rerun the race (hopefully without the contact this time...).
I saw the replay... bad news for you Mieguy2

At first lap T1, while your friend had the lead you hit him and caused him to spin.
No problem for you, you just continue to race with a 10 sec gap in your pocket

In lap 9 while he was in the lead again (aftair covering all the gap by driving faster and spending 3 laps behind you, trying to overtake you without even the suspicion of unfair contact) you totally crashed on him hitting him from behind.

No problem for you again, you just continue to drive with another 10 secs gap in your pocket.

The rest of the race has no real value after those two incidents.

It's not about racing, it's common sence, racing is one sport, american football is another
I'm gonna have to agree with the above poster. That was unfair on your part.

Race with my friend (question)
(13 posts, started )