I love how these threads are always "stupid US drivers" and such. I load up the video and what do I see in the side bar? UK driver videos! Enough with the US flaming people! Here in the US, we see plenty of programming on cable TV stations that are based in the UK showing people who can't drive and all sorts of idiotic things that you guys flame us for. All this does is enforce your arrogant attitudes. It's getting really old!
I am a sim racer from the US, you are a sim racer from the UK. I'm sure we both know perfectly well how to handle a car out on the roads. They don't teach how to handle a car when you get your license, they teach you how to obey the laws. People have to learn how to handle a car all on their own and to most people, no matter what country, a car is only a tool to get from point A to point B, nothing more. What is taught is this pedal makes it go, this pedal makes it stop, and this circle thing makes it turn. These are the laws you need to concider, good luck. A tire to the mass majority is something that allows the car to move down the road, not something that grips differently depending on road conditions. All-season tires to the majority means they work in all seasons.
Please enough with the US flaming. It's getting tiring. I don't go out hunting videos all day and post saying "look at the arrogant British idiots!"