The online racing simulator
Guys as a work around for now, if you really want to find out the direction, roll your car out of the pit shed and then press 'car reset'.

Your car will be reset pointing slightly in one direction - whichever direction that is.. is the right way
Quote from KeiichiRX7 :The layouts are saved separately for each configuration, so you's have to lay all your marshals or cones separately for each configuration of a course.

And the rant.... Well, it bothers me when people complain for someone else to do what they could do themselves. That doesnt mean you shouldnt get help with things you simply don't understand, but the AutoX editor was staring everyone in the face.

totally not meant to be a moan ... just an area i thought could be improved thats all. i mean loading a layout is going to cost resources and frame rate and then i thought about the repetitive graphics going down the pits...

the tyre marks thing was just an "alternative" cos i was trying to think of what could be done i mean its just a discussion no way mean to be a negative one at all

i didnt think of the auto x layout i dunno if others did but yes that is a very good point indeed. just the white arrows on a layout might not hog resources and will do the job just fine!!

sorry if it annoyed you!
Seems we've already found some solutions to the problem.
I think chalk arrows are the simplest and best idea, no framerate drops,
at least not for me.

Here's my solution for BL1 and BL1R (20 objects each).
Also included downsized screenshots (also saved at 50% but you'll see what you need to see).
Only thing left would be now would be to convince server admins to use such layouts as a default layout, until a better solution arises at least.

And while i was at it, i made a fullhelp layout. Unfortunately it's useless, being for BL1 only, but i think this would help for any other track.
I thought using normal chalk lines to define slow-down areas would come in handy (just like it does in RL ) and also added some arrows to announce the next turn. I'm not sure if it's perfect, give it a try, but remember you already know the track so you'll find those either offset or useless or even worse - hindering.Anyway,i've included a screenshot for this too.

edit: removed pithelp layout
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BL1_fullhelp.lyt - 980 B - 142 views
different layout
I must admit i like the first layout a lot more, but if you by any chance use Rb4 with a high suspension (rally set for example) you won't see the arrows.
So here's a remake, using the 'arrow2' this time...
Also screenshots from pit1 and pit2 with rb4 rallyx setup, and one from a fzr.

I've tried placing the arrows further from the pits but they become too hard to see. Screenshot with this included.

I've tried keeping the object count very low, but if you put more arrows sideways of each pit exit then it will be even easier to notice it (did this, goes around 40 objects, now there's just one arrow for each pit), while at the same time adding a lot of arrows to the pit area, which i've tried to avoid.

edit: removed layout, working on it.
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If youre gonna use an arrow, toss it out in the middle of the lane so its easy to see from any vehicle. No use in making different layouts for each car just so you can see
Quote from KeiichiRX7 : No use in making different layouts for each car just so you can see

i noticed that from inside a rb4 with high setup you cannot see the arrows from layout1. so i suggested layout2 for every car. how come you understood it's just for rb4 , i have no idea .

if it were up to me, i'd use layout1. if you select rb4 then just hit 'v' to get the wheels only view so you can see the arrows, and then while driving out of the pits hit 'v' a couple more times to get to your normal view-point. the rb4 is the only car from which you cannot see the arrows from layout 1, as it has quite a tall intake vent on the hood (or whatever it's called).

Quote from KeiichiRX7 :
If youre gonna use an arrow, toss it out in the middle of the lane so its easy to see from any vehicle.

Quote from apo3d :
I've tried placing the arrows further from the pits but they become too hard to see. Screenshot with this included.

Quote from apo3d :
i noticed that from inside a rb4 with high setup you cannot see the arrows from layout1. so i suggested layout2 for every car. how come you understood it's just for rb4 , i have no idea .

I never understood anything of the sort. However i do take offense to words put in my mouth. I tried a placement like your 'layout1" when i made my own screenshot thanks very much. I however elected to place it further out where it would be more visible, and used a curved arrow to reduce the possibility of mistaking the direction. A brain does tick inside this skull of mine.

Quote from apo3d :if it were up to me, i'd use layout1. if you select rb4 then just hit 'v' to get the wheels only view so you can see the arrows, and then while driving out of the pits hit 'v' a couple more times to get to your normal view-point. the rb4 is the only car from which you cannot see the arrows from layout 1, as it has quite a tall intake vent on the hood (or whatever it's called).

I abhor the wheels only view. And you shouldnt have to change your view for a measure like this to work, its an inconvenience. I appreciate your effort though

Quote from KeiichiRX7 :If youre gonna use an arrow, toss it out in the middle of the lane so its easy to see from any vehicle. No use in making different layouts for each car just so you can see

Well, excuse me then, but seems my english skills seem not to be as good as i thought they were.

Quote from KeiichiRX7 :I however elected to place it further out where it would be more visible, and used a curved arrow to reduce the possibility of mistaking the direction.

I've tried all three curved arrows at different distances, but to me it seemed that the straight arrow would be the best.
Your screenshot: width=1214 height=744, you put the arrow further away.
I'm using 1024x768, i put it closer.

Anyway...switching your view just to see which way to go isn't an option. Also, i've tried all the cars, and from inside a: rb4 lx6 fxr or xrr you still have problems seeing chalk lines.

I'd go with some kind of signs...see screenshot.

Quote from KeiichiRX7 : A brain does tick inside this skull of mine.

I'm very sorry to hear that , i don't know how a continuously ticking sound like that doesn't drive you mad.

I appreciate your comment though.

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Why not just have arrows on the rails/walls across from the pit boxes?
they could be changed depending on the direction of the track, the whole rail/wall across from the pits could have arrows painted on it. instead of adding a new object, you can just have the texture do it.