The online racing simulator
Long time since i posted a screenshot here

Well heres an screenshot by ATC Quicksilver(I just edited it).
Attached images
Quote from zmbi :Long time since i posted a screenshot here

Well heres an screenshot by ATC Quicksilver(I just edited it).

Well the screenshot sure is stunning! But the logo is too bright IMO. I would've made it darker and make more contrast with the picture.
Quote from (SaM) :Well the screenshot sure is stunning! But the logo is too bright IMO. I would've made it darker and make more contrast with the picture.

yeah i know but that was the best i could come up with. I'll see if i can do it better tomorrow.
Quote from SNOOP-4EPT :Maybe I play at my friend who licenced.

Maybe. What's your friend's username?
You also just show a picture of a track you cannot drive on in the demo, so that's why.
If you tell us your friend's username we can see you're not lying and everything will be fine.
Quote from SNOOP-4EPT :WTF!!!! Why're U all so angry??? Maybe I play at my friend who licenced.
I just show screen with fake smoke, so what?

If u are right, please, tell to ur friend, that next time, he must do it by himself...
People are angry because you used a crack for the game, which is against the law. Just go and buy it, its only 36€
And prepare to get banned for this - our mods are quick... so remove the pic if you dont want to get a new forum login
It isn't about getting angry because we are jealous of you not having to pay for it, it's because we support the devs and wish them to get rewarded for making the game we all love.
Ofcourse you are allowed to post screens even if you're not licensed, the problem is that you post screens of content you have no right to use.
How can we trust you're going to get a license, a few minutes ago you were lying about playing at a friend's house.

Quote from SNOOP-4EPT :
...why can't i post screens? All u ppl was unlicensed for some time.

Because there are some rules. Yea, everybody were sometimes demo, but without this posting...

Same as post before...why can we trust u...
Quote from SNOOP-4EPT :It was an example. Why can't I play it at friend's pc?
And i agree that devs must be rewarded for theyr work. I gonna get license as soon as i can.

ok, so please, dont post pictures with licenced content again..
Quote from SNOOP-4EPT :OK, sorry then.

That was bad start at forums.
U'll see me licensed soon.

OK. Thats fine...
Quote from SNOOP-4EPT :It was an example. Why can't I play it at friend's pc?
And i agree that devs must be rewarded for theyr work. I gonna get license as soon as i can.

At first you say you could be playing at a friend's house, a few minutes later you admit on cracking the game. So you why would you bring up that example?
Ofcourse someone can play at a friend's house, that's why I asked for the username in case that would be your explanation. But anyway, that's besides the point.
Noone is forcing you to get a license, the demo is free for you to play as long as you wish. But right now you have no right to use S2 content.
I would really like to have a Ferrari, that doesn't mean I can get one for free now untill I pay for it.
Quote from SNOOP-4EPT :U can take a shot of yourself in my Ferrari, and it wouldn't be a crime.

That would depend how you GOT your Ferrari, wouldn't it? It wouldn't be okay, if you'd stolen it. You don't have long to fix this. You need to buy a licence now.
Quote from SNOOP-4EPT :right. but you don't have to explain how'd u get picture of ferrari even it it not yours.

I can take a thousand pictures of a Ferrari which isn't mine, and no that's not illegal. Stealing a Ferrari and taking pictures of it is a different story.
You admitted to stealing something and making a picture of it, so why are you still looking for excuses?
It says "demo racer" under your name, and you post a picture of S2 content, that's why people start asking questions.
Compare it to a police officer asking you questions how you got the Ferrari if the car isn't registered under your name.
All you do is question the motivations of people accusing you of stealing because you could be playing at a friend's house. But you're not, so you did something wrong, end of story.
Quote from Taavi(EST) :Uh oh, i hate the angle i did for my edit, too much lasso work :P Sry if this is someones private skin, i got my copy of LFS from my friends HDD (we shared alot of stuff and my HDD died). He's a newbie, doesn't play much.

Is it me or does it look good ?!
Nice work.
Quote from SNOOP-4EPT :My crack is just a preview of full game ) I tried it - now i want to purchase it.

That's great, although there is a demo for previewing the game you know.

Send us an email when you purchase your license and we'll give your forum rights back.
Well! Back on topic:

Ok, why is the car blured? Shouldnt the background be blured, not the car? Also, is the car moving or not because the wheels dont seem to. The perspective of the car is wrong and theres no shadow.
Quote from (SaM) :If the wheels are blurred, so should the car be.

that looks like radial blur though.
stay off the blur tool pal, it's bad for your health.
don't think i posted these before.
Attached images
real front.jpg

Edited pics
(14108 posts, started )