The online racing simulator
Why am I not allowed to finish a single clean race?!
How is that I'm not allowed to finish a race in a good position any))more. It's like everything that can stop will stop me. It's not fun racing anymore if you don't get to finish the race. Last (public) race i finished was January 3rd, since then I've raced on like 6 more days without a single race finished.

Unless I start at the front (or near it), I'm very likely not to survive lap 1 (70-80 % failure), doesn't help if I'm very carefull, or aggressive, some way or another I will get hit or run off road (not caused by me that often).

If I do happen to survive the lap I usually do quite well. Until something else happens, this could be backmarkers not paying attention, me forced to use bad lines in one way or another (driving defensively, or passing backmarkers etc), causing me either to spin/crash at that point or later on due to overheated tyres.

If none of the above happens I will most likely have a disconnect or make a minor mistake causing me to spin (happens sometimes) or overheat tyres which later will cause me to crash.

Most of the time it's no-ones fault, I just happen to be the one who comes out losing.

Can't someone else be a car/n00b magnet for a while? It's not funny anymore.

Sorry, I just had to write something about this...feel a little better now.

Im sure, you are the only one who has bad luck in several consecutive races sometimes.
Quote from zeugnimod :Im sure, you are the only one who has bad luck in several consecutive races sometimes.

More like every public race since January 3rd. Quite a few...
#4 - Davo
Maybe the problem lies elsewhere since it seems to be only you...

overheating tyres? spinning? If you want to finish a rae that shouldn't happen. I haven't been taken out on turn 1 in ages because I usually let everyone else take themselves out first and I cruise on through the carnage.
I've been driving on the STCC servers which are very popular with all levels of drivers, yet I'm involved in very few incidents regardless of initial grid position. I put it down to mostly these things:

1) not attempting to pass (but I do take the place if someone makes a mistake in front of me) in T1
2) giving room, even more than I really should need to
3) predicting other cars' movement

The third point is vital, look into your mirrors. If you see an aggressive driver, start braking a bit earlier but with less force. It gives time and space for the person behind you to react, and usually if there is a small tap anyway you don't plough thru the pack as a result. Stay on the side you start at in T1, changing lines or taking the full line in T1 can get costly. Never change lines during braking in T1 if you aren't last. There's bound to be someone there who has spotted the empty space and won't be able to stop in time if you move there.
to be fair, the person who bumped him off the track, wiped me out on the same server in the previous race, when i was 4th in the FXR :mad:
Get in a league then, or organized races. There are plenty to choose from.

And by the way, have you checked out the swedish lfs site, danne?
If that shit happens, just look for a different server. I also got tired of being bumped of the track in almost every race I joined (and i guess we're talking about the same server), except when I started on the first row.

After that I went to the stcc servers and had the fun of my life. Yes there are the usual dickheads offcourse, but a lot more people can handle a xrg or a uf1 better then a gtr.

So if you wanna save on asprines and heart medication, a change of scenery is the way to go
No server is safe. The entire community has collectively ganged up on you, like a modern-day-sim-racing-borg-collective. We will hunt you down and destroy your soul, forcing you to play repetitive ISI and EA games for all eternity.

Yes, I'm being sarcastic.

If you need to moan, I suggest trying the local barbers. My local was full of men bitching today - as usual. It seems to be the socially acceptable equivilent of a psychotherapy session, without booze.
If you want to experience unclean racing at it's best, wait for a rallycross track to show up on STCC 1a and get the XRG. 90% of the time a XF GTi will come and gently spin you out. I surely hope this behavior will improve as soon as I have my gold license
A full grid is the death to clean racing too, as long as it's a public server, there are way too much morons out there. Just like in real life on the streets...
#11 - col
Quote from the_angry_angel :No server is safe. The entire community has collectively ganged up on you, like a modern-day-sim-racing-borg-collective. We will hunt you down and destroy your soul, forcing you to play repetitive ISI and EA games for all eternity.

Yes, I'm being sarcastic.

If you need to moan, I suggest trying the local barbers. My local was full of men bitching today - as usual. It seems to be the socially acceptable equivilent of a psychotherapy session, without booze.

I agree, go to the barbers, and start moaning to everyone about how you are having hard luck in your virtual on-line racing simulation that you spend all your spare time playing... I guess that would be a good way to get a nice peacful haircut without the barber or anyone else attempting to start a conversation with you
Quote from NotAnIllusion :1) not attempting to pass (but I do take the place if someone makes a mistake in front of me) in T1
2) giving room, even more than I really should need to
3) predicting other cars' movement

That's the thing: I don't want to treat others like idiots like I'd do on public roads in RL... We are all supposed to impersonate racing drivers, yet there is always someone crashing into the back of others, jumping down the inside although the car in front is already turning into the corner and so on... Add lag into the equation and you get a big mess... It's not so much they're not able to control the car... They are overexcited and couldn't care less (if they crash)... THAT's the big problem, people NEED to be educated on this, better sooner than later or it will get even worse...
every winner gotta deal with backmarkers its part of racing, its one thing being in the lead pack but can you deal with the backmarkers as good as the guys your fighting for position? if you can nail those backmarkers a bit quicker than the guy infront or behind you, youll gain on em. racing has a lot of this in it. most notable is in formula 1 where you often have to watch how P1 gets passed the backmarkers.

you gotta accept that a backmarker will add time onto your laps but how much is all up to you.
Quote from col :I agree, go to the barbers, and start moaning to everyone about how you are having hard luck in your virtual on-line racing simulation that you spend all your spare time playing... I guess that would be a good way to get a nice peacful haircut without the barber or anyone else attempting to start a conversation with you

Personally I prefer to walk in state that everyone in the world is a complete **** and then sit down.
Quote from the_angry_angel :Personally I prefer to walk in state that everyone in the world is a complete **** and then sit down.

lol im best mates with my barber, hes got one of those nasty cut throat razors. i like to keep all my ears!

always tip him too!

sorry for OT.
Try to find out who caused that mess took me 3 or 4 times restarting the replay until i figured out. and then i remembered, that for rejoining the traffic, u get a 90 days ban on the stcc server (hint).

little mistake, little wrong decision, little lag ... and the cars go BANG. Give each other room, watch out for incoming cars ... all that shit, u know, it´s good for your health
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crash lap 1 T1.mpr - 1 MB - 210 views
#17 - axus
Get into a league or drive STCC Silver & Gold servers (if you can stand having to drive the FXO for two weeks before getting your gold license). Or take down some contacts on MSN (that you know are clean drivers), give them a shout when you feel like racing and if they do too, go race. I can't stand 90% of public servers either. Most of my online racing over the past few years has been on the South African server, where even the people that aren't so fast will be sure to leave space so I've developed a trust for people and taking that to public servers is a bad idea.