Quote from Kid222 :Thanks for accepting me and for great welcome rave party , looking forward to meet you at track. Ahh you know it! Expences spared! Money no cost, HUGE party
A few more valuable places are left in MG, still recruiting for some good members of the right caliber
MG would like to welcome its latest member: [MG] Blaeza Use to be in cP but decided to move on, im sure we will be able to make a success of him
WOW! Well Done B. I'm shocked that an ex-member of BlitZ is going places. I cant wish you and MG enough luck!
Quote from Blaeza :Cheers General Lee! I see you are in O2 now, well done! Yeesh man... Get with the times, I have been in o² nearly 2 months I'm a team captain now Nice friendly group...They just really need a kick up the arse sometimes.