February's Avatars - place your suggestions
(62 posts, started )
February is coming...

How about "band logos / album cover art"?
Album covers. Excellent.
Album covers, nice. Might go for Spinal Tap's Smell The Glove :S
My vote for album covers. Great idea!
Yeah, album covers/band logos sound good.... +1 :up:
ok ive got my album cover

(my brothers old band)
Wee, I have mine ready for next month, with it being a week away and all I figured best not change it yet.

Smexy, eh?
#9 - Jakg
Metallica's S&M for me, although i don't think the School filter will let me seach for it
i claim nwh for my ava ... hopefully i can find some kind of album art
#12 - Vain
I was hoping for cat-pictures avatar month. MONORAIL CAT!

Quote from Vain :I was hoping for cat-pictures avatar month. MONORAIL CAT!

cat ava month would seem like were mourning a certain recently banned member
Hmm, album covers. Not too bad I suppose. Means research for me, I've never seen most of the album covers for the music I play.

I think having Dr. Phil everywhere could get a bit much.

Moved posts to a new thread.
what about film villans?
Album covers FTW. Got mine already :

edit : 1111th post
Panto Characters! (Then I can put me on in a silly pose/hat)
#19 - aoun
This will b minee =)
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No one suggested metallica - black album

Although i like my current one of my local rock club (well was local one until it got burnt down )
First time Im gonna play this game...though not on purpose, had mine for months

Deftones - Saturday night wrist
album covers ok for me but how's androidxp going to modify his avatar for that???
Quote from ZORER :album covers ok for me but how's androidxp going to modify his avatar for that???

Maybe he puts it on the skin.

I take Toxicity from SOAD.
How bout paint avatars?
I missed cartoons, but... this one for me in february
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February's Avatars - place your suggestions
(62 posts, started )