The online racing simulator
New to hosting -- help please
(2 posts, started )
New to hosting -- help please
I am new to hosting and want to get a host up and running, but I have a few questions. Any help would be great!

1. Is there a way to talk in the chat so that it's obvious I'm the host/admin and not just someone posing as the host?

2. How can I upload a welcome text file to my host?

3. How can I add objects like barriers, etc, to my track?
#2 - amp88
Quote from BlackSheep720 :I am new to hosting and want to get a host up and running, but I have a few questions. Any help would be great!

1. Is there a way to talk in the chat so that it's obvious I'm the host/admin and not just someone posing as the host?

You can use the /msg command to enter messages that will appear in chat without a name attached to them. Only admins can post using the /msg command so there's no doubt who these come from. I don't think it's possible to mark your name as being an admin for every message you enter manually though.

Quote from BlackSheep720 :
2. How can I upload a welcome text file to my host?

3. How can I add objects like barriers, etc, to my track?

I think this thread should answer both of these questions.

New to hosting -- help please
(2 posts, started )