The online racing simulator
i had a dream tonight....
(35 posts, started )
That turn after the straight, crossing Constitution Hill looks like it would cause quite some victims.
I had a dream last night as well but its content is not really suitable for this public forum.

In time perhaps we will have some real racing venues, either comunity or official matters not to me so long as they are highly accurate and detailed.
Quote from Bob Smith :Nice, although I think the road layout might have changed a little since then. I made an overlap onto a google maps image for the curious.

That track was in MM2
Quote from ajp71 :That track was in MM2

Cool. Was it any good (I'm assuming you've driven it)?
Quote from 510N3D :here we go again, who said this should be, from now on, the task with the highest priority?

I did. That being said, I'm fully aware that everyone has their own respective opinions, I'm just not bashful about letting mine be known. I paid x amount of cash just like everyone else!

Anyways, on the topic at hand.. wouldn't South City be Monacoesque? Crazy elevation changes, bumps, no room for error, etc.
I think SO might be totally revised for S2 final, add a few more configurations. SO fulfills our Monaco obsession pretty well. I think that we just need a tight mountain road -like circuit to complete the full S2. Not the 180+ turns Nur. 70+ is already enough make a novice LFS player sweat for quite a while. Without mentionning that some of us might take it sideways.

well, we, as humans, are never satisfied, are we?
*Huge bump*

I had a dream, that Scawen came to our IRC channel and started to offer us pre-beta version of LFS with lot of new tracks, saying: "...and if you don't like some of them,tell me, i'll remove them.."

I think i'm going nuts, or i really need something new.
Quote from Fischfix :you may think i am nuts, but tonight i had a dream that lfs will have the original monaco track in it some times in the near future.

i don't think there is any copyright on a city-map / track, so why not.

and if i am right, you can rent fortune telling from me for 150€ a session


I also had a dream tonight, and it left a nasty stain on the bedsheet
Quote from breadfan :I also had a dream tonight, and it left a nasty stain on the bedsheet

You peed again?
OP: This is an assumption. I don't think it is so much the licensing that is the problem with real tracks, however the accurately mapping out of the track, and the work involved to do it. It's not just the corners and track proportions, but also each hill and every bump and surface change would have to be mapped, and that takes a lot of work.

If and once the real track is implemented into Live For Speed, people would start complaining about how "there should be a bump here or there," "the cobble stones are too slick or not slick enough," or "the crest doesn't go that high or not high enough." These requests would just pile up just like in the other sims.

However, it would be really nice to get either of the two (Nurburgring or Monaco).

i had a dream tonight....
(35 posts, started )