The online racing simulator

Poll : Would you pay for real cars in LFS

No I'd rather not
Depends on the price
Yes you would pay
Would you pay for real cars in LFS?
I've been thinking about this for a while. If your fimiliar with the new Gran Turismo HD well you have to pay Cash for certain Tracks, well Why dont we try this. Send an email to everyone explaning to them a national vote will start on a certain day at a certain hour and the polls will be open for a period of time, Now there will be a list of cars that we can all vote on and your allowed one vote per account, pending on number of cars that were entered into the vote will determine how many will be in the actual game. For example. if there were 15 cars enterd and only 5 cars have a high number of votes then thoes 5 will be in the game. now here's the problem getting enough money for devs to obtain the liscenes of copyright for the cars that won the votes, If Devs gets a price for the copy right and we now take a final vote on the prices. If the vote passes then tranactions will be taken how ever the Devs wishes.
uh, no.
I don't like it. I rather have my games "complete", without having to pay for extra tracks/cars. Also, I think LfS doesn't sell well enough to offer licensed content for a reasonable amount of money.
There are already some real cars (RA,MRT,BF1).

Then off course you probably mean some others too like Ferrari, Porsche, Subaru WRC etc.

Apart from the looks, I don't think real cars will add anything extra to the gameplay of LFS. I don't mind if someone adds them but they just don't excite me to REALLY want them in LFS.

Real tracks would be fun though. (Spa, Monza, Indianapolis, etc)
i don´t need original brands and cars to have fun.
il go with the flow. (because the flow is right) and say that yes it would be nice to have real cars but its not the most important thing in the world, because id rather drive an xrzfg watever and it feel real than drive a maclaren f1 and it feel like a wardrobe from MFI. my opinion anyway. and i think its nice that lfs has its own cars, although i think it mite be nicer if we had actuall names for cars rather than wat (from a distance) looks like a serial number. lol

and we have a dbr9 <---------
which fantasy-names these cars have doesn´t really matter imo...

but to call the fxo "civic"...
I tried to think about cars I'd like to see in LFS and ended up with the thought that paying for a car is not likely. No matter if it was a prototype or Skyline/Ferrari/Porsche/Lambo etc..

There just isn't a car that is so special that I could see myself paying for it to get it into LFS. Maybe 5€ tops for a new car class with 3 or more cars but... not really :/

But I'd defenately pay 20-40€ for Nürburgring, Mosport, Mexico (the same track from GPL), Laguna Seca or Bathurst. Defenately
I'm wondering, if The Devs demanded payment for implementing a branded cars into LFS, instead of paying them.

I think the BMW would rather give us M3 then F1.06, even if Devs wanted to pay for a car. F1 means comsic money in every detail. If they gave us a bolid for free (I think), why wouldn't other companies do the same?
Quote from KMSpeed :There are already some real cars (RA,MRT,BF1). probably mean some others too like Ferrari, Porsche, Subaru WRC etc.

Apart from the looks, I don't think real cars will add anything extra to the gameplay of LFS. I don't mind if someone adds them but they just don't excite me to REALLY want them in LFS.

Real tracks would be fun though. (Spa, Monza, Indianapolis, etc)

I couldn't say it any better.
I voted 'no'. I have no problems with the fantasy cars in LFS. But I would like to see more cars. A RWD V8 coupe would be great, but if it doesn't look like a Mustang or a Camaro I don't mind. An AWD rally car would be fun, but it doesn't need to look like a Peugeot to be good.

The type of car, the power, the drive layout, etc. Those are the things that are important - not the badge on the hood or the shape of the headlights.
Doesn't "Depends on the price" mean the same thing as "Yes you would pay"? Or would the people who click on that option just hand over their credit card as soon as Scawen asked?
Similarly, the people who chose "No I'd rather not" would surely have a price which was low enough for them to change their minds. 10p for 10 new, real cars? Errrmmmm "no I'd rather not" Don't think so.

Make the poll better. Ask people what they would be prepared to pay, because the price is only factor for you to base your decision to buy on.
depends on the price, but i prefer new tracks a lot more than new cars, and waay better than that would be a balanced TBO and GTR class
My first post ever!
I am going to have to agree with the general direction this trhead is going. Seeing licensed cars in the game would be nice, but it really is not all that important. At least not enough to have to pay for them. Tracks however, I would pay for. I would like to see real tracks in the game.
Depends on the price. My idea: S2 Final is released; addon packs are released by the devs for a price. Instead of paying per-car, you would pay $5 or so for something like a "nurburgring 24h" addon. It would include real cars and the ring. Then, they could release other addons for a price. This way, S2 is already completed, and you dont have people making their own crappy tracks. All the tracks and cars would come from the devs.
I would pay for extra special one offs, but if pay cars/tracks became the norm they wouldn't get a penny from me.
Quote from LFSn00b :I'd like to suggest some names to them.
UF1: ScaViEr Mini 1000
XFG: ScaViEr Gti Hatch
XRG: ScaViEr Gt sport
LX4: ScaViEr 4
RB4: ScaViEr AWD Turbo
XRT: ScaViEr Gt Sport Turbo
FXO: ScaViEr Civic() Turbo
LX6: ScaViEr 6
RAC: RaceAbout
FZ5: ScaViEr Speedster
UFR: ScaViEr Mini GTR
XFR: ScaViEr Hatch GTR
FOX: ScaViEr Formula 3
FO8: ScaViEr F1
BF1: BMW Sauber F1
FXR: ScaViEr Civic() GTR
XRR: ScaViEr GtSport GTR
FZR: ScaViEr Speedster GTR

Some nice ideas in there but:
"6" and "4" aren't really descriptive if you're going to go down the one car brand for all fictional cars (which I wouldn't)

The FOX is a Formula 2000, not a Formula 3
The FO8 is a Formula 3000, not a Formula 1
In either case, those names would be copyrighted so I wouldn't rename those cars.

In general I agree though, it would be nice to ditch the acronym names most of the cars are currently blessed with.
Quote from tristancliffe :I would pay for extra special one offs, but if pay cars/tracks became the norm they wouldn't get a penny from me.

You don't need me to explain it to you, but isn't that basically what we have done for S1 and S2? 24 cars and environments/areas (if you go by the website which seperates Autox, dragstrip and skidpad for some reason) which you don't get with the free demo, all for a convenient (for my point ) price of £24!
You still get unlimited use, the vast majority of LFS features, use of the online part of the game and more importantly physics for free, with the demo. All we pay for is the content of extra cars and tracks (and a few bonuses to sweeten the deal).

Hmmm, if they'd seperated it all would you still have bought everything by now? I'm thinking I probably, nay, definitely still would have.

If they decided to release S3 in drips, I'd still buy.
heck no! that'd ruin the game, then LFS would become the "advertisement" of the whole car and company, that would ruin... all of LFS

the only real cars LFS should have are like the ones that it has right now; ones you can't buy..
I'm with XCNuse. Adding a real car - one from a mainstream manufacturer anyway - may well have to come with some strings attached, such as the ones attached to Gran Turismo. We've already seen that real cars can be added to LFS with no extra cost to the user (except for the one-off purchase of the license): the MRT, RAC & BF1. We've also seen that a "fantasy" car can be created which looks and behaves like the RL counterpart: UF1, XFG, FZ, FOX, XRT.

I can't think of a situation where I'd happily pay for a new car except if it was a special one-off as cristan tliffe described above (e.g. the '07 Murcielago Roadster, oh baby). Certainly, if paying for new cars/tracks became normal I wouldn't be happy about it. Having said that, I really don't think Scavier would do that to us!
Quote from Bob Smith :
The FOX is a Formula 2000, not a Formula 3

To be awkward it's really a Formula Renault 2.0 litre. AFAIK Formula 2000 is not a RL formula but most likely to get interpreted as being Formula Ford 2000, still run in the states but altogether cruder cars than the Renaults (outdated engine (Zetec), tube frame, 4 speed 'box vs. 6 speed sequential, carbon tub, 190bhp)
Well thanks for the comments...But me one the other hand I'm looking for realistic cars, and as far as physics goes I'm up on the realism aspect. I can honestly say that LFS needs some major improvements, I havent played the game in a month or so and it's not that i'm bored with it I've done just about everything possible, I'm starting to dislike the cars and the few physics chage, I want something like Forza 2. I want to cram a RB26DETT motor into a 350Z. I've heard all the negative comments about this idea and honestly I'm not happy with it. I'd love it if we can mod certain things, such as cams,tire size and profile, Boost, Connecting Rods and Pistons, Suspension needs improved more, and possibly motors. To me all of this is a key in racing and yes some people will dispute this but it's my opinion, why work on the stock settings like they are now like the car setup, I hate wasting time trying to make a good setup and find out it's not what i thought it was going to be, because you have to constently pit to change and test it out and then pit again to make tweaks and test again until it's right. To me thats lame but to others thats OK, I like to think of it like this. You give a bone stock car to 2 people and tell them all they can do is change gearing, DIFFS, Tire pressure and camber, Suspension and brakes, Then were going to see who will have the faster car on a circuit. First of all the car can only produce some much power so now your limited to how much gear you can give. Well by adding more boost or boost controller your able to give more top end gear with lets say 12lbs of boost on the XRT this meaning more top speed and shorter gears. But again this is my opinion and my thoughts, I'm not going to say much more because people think different.

Thanks for the votes so far and hopefully the Devs see this and hopefully this can be some sort of insperation with S3, Who knows and i guess we'll have to wait and see. PS didn't mean any harm towards anyone.
In my opinion LFS tweak is a good idea to simulate real cars if programmers work more on it, then every body can find favorite car information and simulate that with lfs tweak, but we need a complete tweak program for it that can simulate as real as possible.
i like to drive real cars on lfs too, but i think its better if we have a program to simulating our favorite cars on lfs, like lfs tweak but more powerfull then last tweak and easy to use for all.
but i think these cars in lfs are very good and i can feel real driving with them more than other simulators.
Okay Sinbad, to an extent I agree, and I see what you're saying. So, allow me to requote myself with an adjustment

Quote from tristancliffe :I would pay for extra special one offs, but if pay cars/tracks became the norm, over and above the known LFS stages, they wouldn't get a penny from me.

Quote from Hyperactive :
But I'd defenately pay 20-40€ for Nürburgring, Mosport, Mexico (the same track from GPL), Laguna Seca or Bathurst. Defenately

Yep, me too. And another 20€ for improved gravel physics with short full gravel tracks.