The online racing simulator
What a women can do
(30 posts, started )
#1 - _rod_
What a women can do
Funny, but I agree it must've been set up.
Well, what makes you believe it was set-up? The lady forgot where the wheels were pointing at and as the car was about to stall, just floored it
#4 - Don
Quote from Blackout :Well, what makes you believe it was set-up? The lady forgot where the wheels were pointing at and as the car was about to stall, just floored it

I'm no physics expert, but it didn't look to me like the gate was slanted enough to make the car flip like that, meaning there was something else added to cause it.

As for the argument of women not being able to drive - my mum (the one who loves driving in snow) has over 20 years no claims on her insurance. She's never had an accident that was her fault. So I can't really abuse the women-folk too much
#6 - (SaM)
I also disagree with the idea that women can't drive. Yes I have a girlfriend but that has nothing to do with it. :þ

The average woman is just as decent as the average male driver. It's just that I noticed women seem to make the stupidest mistakes.
Quote from Don :lately there is somehow too many movies with "woman cant drive"

I thought the first one was a guy at first. But I can't believe the driver would just piss off after wrecking the front of someone's car.

As for the second one, I know a woman like that, a house a few down form us has changed hands a lot recently, the last lady was from London, and she could park her car in a 1" gap, bloody amazing driving. The new lady however, she can't park for shit, if she can't drive in forwards she doesn't use the space, usually the gap from the back of our car to the car behind us is so big you could park a double decker bus there, and she has one of those big little cars so many people over here drive (the smaller the car the more road they need to drive it), and has to park on the other side of the street because it is usually empty so she can just drive in forwards.

I think it's because women multi task why they suck so much at driving, men are block headed, anything we do is simple, we want sex we say we want sex, we want food we say we want food, we hate a guy we club him round the head, simple, block headed thinking. Women want sex they act all weird, they want food they hint at it, they hate a women they just say to all their friends "we're not talking to that girl today". Complex, confusing, crap for driving thinking.
Quote from _rod_ :I seen some stuff that i couldnt believe, but this, wins it all. That must be a set up

Hmm that vid looks very real to me... the flip could have been caused by a bank or stone off the camera. Infact after the car flips, these is something laying next to the gate post which looks like a huge stone...

Quote from don : lately there is somehow too many movies with "woman cant drive"

lol at the first one! Some people just can't reverse...cant believe she actually smacks the parked car 3 times? once ok, twice Z0MG, three times illepall and she drove of.

some people! how do they get thier license.

Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I think it's because women multi task why they suck so much at driving, men are block headed, anything we do is simple, we want sex we say we want sex, we want food we say we want food, we hate a guy we club him round the head, simple, block headed thinking. Women want sex they act all weird, they want food they hint at it, they hate a women they just say to all their friends "we're not talking to that girl today". Complex, confusing, crap for driving thinking.

ROFL! hahaha! how so true!

#9 - TiJay
Quote : some people! how do they get thier license

Don't get me started. I know someone who passed with 15 minors (one more and it'd be a fail) after screwing up her left reverse TWICE (ended up very wide then kerbed it) before getting it right finally and the examiner let her pass because he liked her. About a month after getting a licence, she reversed her mum's hatchback into another car when reversing out of a carpark space.

Contrast that to a guy who failed for NOT indicating off a mini-roundabout!

= WTF? illepall /rant
Men crash because they're irresponsible or trust themselves too much. Woman do it out of ignorace, lack of caring for cars too I guess, and apparantly a short fuse.
LFS crash physics are correct after all.
Funny clips

Maybe not so funny you notice the long scratch on the side of your car.
What is that "wide u" shaped bar connected to rear wheels?? is it just a bar or an adjustable thing?
Won't be adjustable - it's a chelsea tractor. Just part of the rear subframe/suspension arrangment.
Quote from ZORER :What is that "wide u" shaped bar connected to rear wheels?? is it just a bar or an adjustable thing?

a torsion beam suspension
Quote from (SaM) :I also disagree with the idea that women can't drive. Yes I have a girlfriend but that has nothing to do with it. :þ

The average woman is just as decent as the average male driver. It's just that I noticed women seem to make the stupidest mistakes.

I agree with you, however, there is one main difference between male drivers and female drivers. Male drivers are better at judging distances, gaps, etc.; female drivers are better at peripheral vision and such like. This is why men *generally* make better pressure drivers, but women have less crashes
back to the first video...

no that lady just plain can't drive, i dont think that was set up

first time she appears, shes moving somewhat fast, floors the brakes and stops fast
when she moves again, she floors the gas and floors the brakes twice..
then the third time she floors the gas she goes into it, i doubt it was set up
Quote from XCNuse :back to the first video...

no that lady just plain can't drive, i dont think that was set up

first time she appears, shes moving somewhat fast, floors the brakes and stops fast
when she moves again, she floors the gas and floors the brakes twice..
then the third time she floors the gas she goes into it, i doubt it was set up

Unless I'm mistaken she had dropped the clutch so the "humping" movement was the engine turning over at 2 rpm lol.
I think we can agree on this:

Men get into accidents because they are risk takers.

Women get into accidents because they are indecisive.
Very generally speaking, that is
Quote from JamesF1 :This is why men *generally* make better pressure drivers, but women have less crashes

Women have less crashes? That depends how you interpret the figures.

From what I've read, women have a shorter average distance between crashes but the crashes are usually low speed and therefore somewhat inexpensive, whereas men crash on the motorway and total cars - much more expensive for the insurance company. Hence mens higher insurance costs.

Of course men probably drive more miles annually, on average, than women, so perhaps the number of crashes per year figures are closer. Also due to motorway driving more usual for men you could also argue the higher distance between crashes won't necessarily correspond to a longer period of driving time between crashes.
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I think it's because women multi task why they suck so much at driving, men are block headed, anything we do is simple, we want sex we say we want sex, we want food we say we want food, we hate a guy we club him round the head, simple, block headed thinking. Women want sex they act all weird, they want food they hint at it, they hate a women they just say to all their friends "we're not talking to that girl today". Complex, confusing, crap for driving thinking.

Yep, women are much better multi-taskers which is why they perform better in the classroom and in things like executive positions, not to mention child rearing.
Men can focus on single tasks much better. Things like driving and masturbating.
#23 - axus
Worst car crash, ever.
My dad e-mailed this clip to me earlier... it's just... unbelievable.
Attached files
Woman - 525.6 KB - 188 views
im too lazy to download, is it the one where the woman tries to enter a parkinglot, hit the gate and flips?
LOL yeah, funny =)

What a women can do
(30 posts, started )