I'm a Mac guy, only way I play LFS is to restart my MacPro in WinXP. So IGA hasn't really hit Mac games yet.
I play BF2142 also, now they started using IGA and it has really taken away from the game a lot. Since before you would see billboards of propoganda for what ever side you were playing "Join the cause fight!" kind of thing.
Now when you play every flat billboard is filled with Intel Core Duo 2
adds. Which really takes away from a feature conflict game when you look at it, thinking "Wow 135 years from now Intel is still pushing Core Duo, or are even around in a post apoctolypic world!?"
For LFS if it is done right, where track billboards have stuff. Not in our cockpits. Or if you had a designer tool for your decals for companies you want on your car. So lets we open up the 3D car viewer app, in it we have the company logos to choose from on one side. We can drag the logo the logo on to the spot of the car we awant it on, the it automatically sticks to the car and we adjust the scale. These logs could automatically update if the company changes there look.
The down side is you would have to connect online to get the info. One major draw back in BF2142 is even the offline game you have to connect online. I've had my high speed internet go out a few times and couldn't even start the game because it checks online first, no other option around it. They did make a slight fix, that if it doesn't find anything it will go to offline mode. But any unlocks you have are unusable.
I'm not for in-game adds. But if they have to happen they should ONLY be for related products to that game. Ads that would actually be there. Not racing around a track with "Play super ultra FPS shooter now!" or ever billboard is some game websites logo and URL.