Looking for DEMO Team that has been around a while


All in all i am a decent drifter when im bored ot anoyed i lose it sometimes... I can withold my tyres 3 laps.. sometimes 4

I'm not sure how to say if im good at drifting or not, im not a pro but im catching up on that mark. I gues im pretty fast on the track but my fastest time on BL GP REV is 1:32 i think it was thator 1:28 i think it was 32.


Im a pretty good rally driver best time is 1:13 average sometimes 1:14 - 1:15 sometimes 16 or 17 but still...


I will be honest i dont think im much of a normal racer the XRT just cant race without sliding so the turns are a nightmare for me on race but i havnt tried real racing alot i guess i should start...


So my main skill on LFS is DRIFT


Please post if you have a valid spot for me or would like to see if im Team material. Just email or pm or post here what server and when

We're not established since a long time but are one on the only two drifting teams active in demo.

Try out at : [email protected]

We are a Drifting & Racing team
what server do you race moslty?
Worx, DTP, Quebec Street Drifters... Dependly on of many peoples are connected and if there are crashers and noob.

Oups... RACE lol... Hmmm... I will have to talk my Race Division Leader
im on right now wana meet in a room say a room ill go there now
Team D1 Demo Drift number 1
Welcome in 3rd Divison dizzle! Hope you'll have fun with us (me lol). Our team skin is currently at the paint shop. I'll get new tonight or tomorrow. See ya later!
lol nice to see ya play in my server DTP! ;-) but as of now we arent really recruiting much.
He is in a team
Hello. My Team ( or now a huge community ) are having a big recruiting process. If you like to join please visit our website (www.360team.forum5.com). Thank you!